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Destiny 2

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1/16/2022 7:10:27 AM

Adding Crosshair Options

IDK why I don't see this suggested more often, especially with how many weapon types have different crosshairs, but IMO there's no reason Destiny players shouldn't at minimum be able to change crosshair settings besides color, or even better being able to make their own crosshair. Some great settings to add would be making a crosshair persistent across all weapons, turning showing bloom/inaccuracy on or off, changing crosshair size, adding some preset persistent crosshairs, and changing crosshair thickness. The current crosshair system acts as an unnecessary barrier to hip-fire reliant weapons like SMGs, Sidearms, and Tommy's Matchbook, as well as vastly reducing how much Hip-Fire Grip is viable as a perk due to many weapons having awkward crosshairs, a great example being Hip-Fire Grip Slug Shotguns, which are dead accurate but have a massive circle for a crosshair.

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