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originally posted in: The toxicity of lfg VoG teams
5/25/2021 1:08:48 AM
[quote][quote]Yea, I mean with all their cheats and mods, they're totally good and not compensating at all. Because Destiny doesn't have an issue with cheaters, like, at all.[/quote] You’re on Xbox😂? Don’t blame your lack of skill on other people cheating. There is little to no cheating on Xbox as compared to PC. You make it so obvious that you’re one of these guys that thinks he is special because he clears a raid or two. I can see you now....... makes LFG posts demanding to know what to do on his first run. Then the first time he clears a raid all post will say “have clears”. Then after he gets 2 clears asks “have multiple clears”. Then after 5 or so clears all your posts look like this “ have (some random number at or below his clears) KWTD, checking, be good or get kicked. Simple fact is this bud. Anyone can learn mechanics and kill adds. Not everyone can play PvP in this game or any on a high level. And I am by no means a high level PvP player but not so sour to blame my bad pvp plays on others cheating.[/quote] Wow your defently not projecting at all

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