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11/28/2020 10:24:04 PM
Hey Bungie, I have to add to the chorus. I've been playing D2 for over a year and its been very enjoyable, until now. I'm playing on a 144 Hz monitor and until BL update I was averaging 135 Fps steady and never ever did i notice any delays anywhere. Now only very very few areas of the games do I get full 144 Hz, it doesn't even stay at 144 when I'm in orbit. For the first time ever I had my frame rate drop all the way down to 4Fps. It now even get drops down to mid 30's when I try to access the character screen, and it doesn't fill right away, just shows the loading circle. The most interesting thing to me has been that somehow the new game code does not utilize the graphics card fully. I always have the hardware monitor displaying the stats for all hardware on the 3rd monitor, and since BL i find my GPU rarely ramps up to full utilization. I have an old Vega 56 under-volted and OC'd to 1662 MHz with +100 MHz VRam. For example when I zone into Tangled shore, right on landing pad I get 45 to 47 Fps. The video card utilization is only at 50% to 74% at those frame rates. The clock speed fluctuates at around 1250 MHz. While moving it gets both worse and a bit better depending on mobs and what I'm looking at. That's just an example in one zone, in Tower its 57 Fps when zoning in, and so on and so on. What upset me the most is that I paid money to lower my frame rate. So I'd really appreciate a fix, please. DXDIAG:

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