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9/4/2018 5:32:27 AM
Don't have the claymore....wanted to grind out comp for it but after the following: 1. Ddos'd in non-trials comp matches not 1 or 2 times, but if I remember correctly 8 times; 2. Matched with a 4 stack of extreme sweaties 4 times in a row (seriously? was no one else playing?) and I usually play solo or with my bud (not that kind of bud) so that dragged my k/d down further; 3. Generally long queue times to get into a comp match; I just passed on comp and just played QP for fun...which now is a sweatfest after SBMM was turned on. I am not complaining about the players, except for those cheaters, but comp needs reworking big time. Radar or no radar, I don't care. No radar was there to help the lower skilled players to get some little advantage...but if you don't take time to learn how to play PvP and get some skills, you will most likely lose. Radar, it will most likely be a curb-stomp most of the time for the skilled players dropping 40+ guardian kills/assists. I like comp even though I'm not the best, but I'm taking the time to learn skills, combo abilities and weapon usage, understand what is more effective in mods, and attributes. It isn't really that complicated. Anyways, I will try to grind for the will not be as tough to grind as it is on Glory, but is this really a ranking system to begin with? Surely, there is a better method to match players. Hate to quote a youtuber sweaty, but Cammycakes is correct...learn to use the weapons and learn your abilities, and you might be surprised how good you may become.

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