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5/5/2015 7:29:22 PM
Dont get me wrong you -blam!-ing shred in crucible. But i found your snipe shots way more interesting an exciting than the standard crucible guns, thorn, TLW, felwinters etc. That said even with those guns you handle them excellently and impressively. Plus your map awareness is clearly top knotch. Nice crucible work my man

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  • Here's a new montage man, not quite all snipe, but there is no shotgun and there are some really cool snipes. Id appreciate some feedback :)

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  • Looks great! What system do you play on? I have a few questions too lol, How come you use the tacsys scope when you have the shortgaze? Do you ever play as a titan? (if so what setup to you run subclass wise) Have you got the seventh column medal yet? But yeah that montage is great, musics great too but i enjoyed the music on the first also. Loved the NLB clips, i personally find it a really good snipe at closer ranges once you get the hang of the reload cancelling.

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  • Not really sure why I use the tacsys, I just like it and do well with it, although I am enjoying the shortgaze now. I played as a titan till I got the 5,000 kills for the grimoire then stopped cause I didn't really enjoy it much. My build was basically a defender with weapons of light so that my sniper could 1 shot body shot people. The closest I have gotten to a 7th column is at 1:30 in the original montage I posted. If the kill time between the 3rd and 4th kill had of been 0.1 seconds faster it would have been a 7th column. I'm on xbox one btw. Also if you like NLB kills check out this NLB montage I have (I reused some of the clips from it because It had like 10 views at the time I made this montage.

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  • Thanks so much man. The only reason I included some stuff other than just snipes is because (well, 2 reasons) I feel like it would be dumb too leave out some clips just because they weren't a sniper clip, and also a ton of other montages are 95% just sniper kills, and I wanted mine to be a little different. I use a sniper pretty much every single match now though, So maybe in the future you may see some awesome snipes if I do another montage!

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  • Sweet! Get on that all snipe montage. Have you seen the new perks "icarus" and "hidden hand"? Icarus gives extra accuracy in air and hidden hand gives extra aim assist, imagine the shots you could get with them! Also just a side question, how come your control KD's are all sub 2, do you mess about a lot or have you only recently started pulling those sort of feeds? (not trying to be offensive at all btw)

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  • Yeah I've seen the new perks, I'm interested in seeing how they all turn out. As for my cotrol KD, I don't really try all that hard in control (or really anything other than rumble) and I have a pretty aggressive play style, which leads to a lot of kills with a meh KD sometimes. There was also a month or so in which I just used NLB and for the first couple weeks I barely broke 1.0 some games, so my KD dived a bit then.

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