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  • Mission Statement

    We are The Last Assassins, a remnant of the great guardians that once protected the land Living by a code of honor and family, we will defend each other and what belongs to us even if it costs us our lives. Crossing us will be your biggest mistake...Anyone is free to live by our code, but know that if you do you'll become more than an assassin, you become legendary

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    11 Years as a Group
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originally posted in:The Last Assassins
Edited by BobBQ: 4/6/2014 5:33:57 AM

What is your story?

As a memeber of The Last Assassins, What is your background story? who are you as a guardian?

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  • Known only as "The Renegade", I am an Awoken who has no memory of who I was and no idea what has happened to the world around me. As I wondered the world aimlessly, I was attacked by a group of Fallen. It is then that I realized that I had the skills of a seasoned soldier as I killed a Fallen Dreg with his own knife and took his gun. However, the Fallen's numbers were too great and with my back pressed against the wall I was certain that this was my end. Just then, a lone Hunter flies in on their Shrike and helps me fend off the enemy. We kill the last of the Fallen attackers and I turn to thank the Hunter for their help, but to my horror see that the my ally has been impaled by the blade of a Fallen Captain. Enraged, I feel a strange source of energy flow through me and as I pull the trigger of my gun, an orange glowing bullet flies out and the Fallen Captain was reduced to nothing but a pile of ash. I drop my gun on the ground and turn to the Hunter who had just saved my life. The Hunter sounded like they were having trouble breathing so I took off their helmet. A female Human with blood pouring out of her mouth stared at me with dying eyes. With her last dying breath, she whispered to me "Get to the City." After that, the life had completely drained from her body and she laid there lifelessly. I stared at her, the guilt of her death felt like lead in my stomach. I noticed a patch on her armor that had a specific symbol, the symbol of The Last Assassins. I took the symbol, her cloak, and her helmet and made my way to the City. I had to honor her death and inform her group. As I made it to the City I regrettably informed The Last Assassins of the loss of their member, then I asked if I could honor her memory by taking her place within their group. Now I wear her armor to always remind myself of the sacrifice that she made, and I fight with The Last Assassins to honor her memory. I will give my life for my brotherhood, because I refuse to let another Guardian die because of me.

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  • Edited by Keben: 7/16/2013 12:12:18 AM
    My name is Kevin, Current leader of The Last Assassins. I was forged under the fire of hate and revenge as I watched my parents slaughtered in front of my eyes as a child, my Father former leader of the assassins passed down his abilities to me and with them I will avenge my Father and Mother's spirits. I am a righteous gardian in search of alliances with different clans, I stay true to my morals and my promises and will never betray someone who trusts me, I am a light that shines in the darkness, but do not cross me for I have inner demons that I cant control and thats what makes me very powerful and will be my motivation until I avenge my family, protect the last city and become legendary....

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    • My name is S0L0TR0N. Most call me solo, that is, if they are not dead by the time they say it. I am a lone wolf who reports with others and scouts areas. I am an [b]assasin.[i][/i][/b]

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    • I am Veritas. my history is my own. My guardian is: I serve by fighting, I fight to protect, I protect my brethren. It is my aim to protect the last assassins to call you all my brethren.

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    • My name is davedoodleberg I need not fight for I scare does Away non challenge me

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    • My name is Maximus, but people mostly call me [b]Mad Max[/b]. I am a cool, well tempered, and patient man who makes decisions by thought and hit feeling. In combat I use what rational thinking I still possess after the adrenalin kicks in. Only once did I turn into the monster that earned me my name amongst the people of the city. My squad was in deep shat but nothing we hadn't already handled in the past. But that's when the event happened, and no one knows what it was. But something happened to my squad and it caused me to turn into a savage beast the likes of a crazed rabid ape! I can still remember the screams from those I tore limb from limb with my bare hands. I then crawled away from the battle for two weeks before I gained the will and courage to walk. When I returned to the city the people looked in horror at how many cuts and scars I had from the ordeal along with the bones of my enemies formed into a "crown of the dambded" as they called it. From now on I only rarely speak once spoken to, and even then it's two to five word phrases and answers. Since that day I have tried to keep my murderous thoughts from making me dangerous to the innocent of the city. But I cannot and will not promise the same for my enemies. May the traveler have mercy on their souls.......

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    • My name is Tootmagoot! I mug people in city for there fruit Fruit fruit fruit!!!! :D Then I get the toots Toot toot toots I'm... TOOTMAGOOT!!!!!!!!!

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    • [quote]As a memeber of The Last Assassins, What is your background story? who are you as a guardian?[/quote]i am a lost human looking for a purpose. I find out that the city I'm living in is the only city left in earth. It is my job to find out why this has come to be by using my skills I've hidden because of no cause. Now there is a cause. Using my unique skills from the other guardians I will bring peace to this world and I can't do it alone

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    • I'm Trigger. I work in the shadows of the government. I do what I think is right, and I'm allowed to. My decisions are always careful and are never wrong. If I carry an action out in a clan, it is for a purpose.

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    • My name is Scorch, I was a happy child, living on Earth, I grew up during a time when the streets were crowed with happy go lucky passersby, until I was kidnapped, the men held me for ransom, until my father saved me, but, cause he busted in with explosives, I was torched, thus my name.... Ever since, I realized that the only way to attack was to be unseen for as long as possible, and then strike with a huge boom. So I set out to join the military, and made a vow to myself, I will be the fastest, most agile, stealthiest, and most dedicated Titan in human history, and I wont go down without a definitive fight. I also live by another rule, if you despise your target so very much, wait a little to savor the moment......

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    • On August 22nd, about three centuries ago a kid named Marko was born on planet earth. Ive been in the land of people becoming savages and taking one anothers lifes for others pity and and fortitude in order to make a pathetic living on a so called planet we must abide by. Ive always been a leader and dont follow entities that will lead to my demise, but i will obliterate all opposition that even looks at this LAST ASSASSIN the wrong way and i feel very disheartened for any other mortal beings to look at any of my brothers in such a way. I join to give you my word on protecting one another and in which case betrayal is NEVER an option. In which case i will personally take your head off and feed it to whatever eats a head of such stupidity and disgust. Therefore, im looking forward to meeting and slaying with my brothers sometime in the near future, as a brother i dont talk much as many of you will soon see, i let my actions do the talking for me................

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    • My name is Dan. As a child, I wasn't like the others who aspired to be an Assassin. I was always a person of peace and nonviolence. A lover of animals, I grew fond of my relationship with undoubtedly mother nature's finest animal creation, the Panda. One fateful night, the enemies of another land came and pillaged our land. Everything in sight was burnt down to the ground, blood was shed all over the land. We were able, for the most part, to fend off the attack. Fortunately, my family and friends were unscathed. But one thing near and dear to me was killed. My faithful panda. The most beautiful creature that was a symbol of peace and tranquility, was the victim of savageness and unnecessary violence. After that night, I never wanted to feel hopeless, or powerless ever again. I vowed to avenge that majestic animal, through my intense training, though I had many years to make up, I am a better man today through my Assassin training. To this day, I bear the symbol of the Panda to symbolize one day I wish to seek peace among the lands. The only way for peace, is through war.

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    • The name is Tora. I was adopted by a normal family who only carried peace on their shoulders, and raised me to only seek peace and equality. But as I grew, so did the war. It was only a matter of time that the war will reach my village, so my adopted parents told me the truth about my past. It didn't take me a long time to figure out that I was different from my clan, I was special. They told me that I was born from a powerful clan and while the war was still on rage my mother saved me and sent me away. My mother didn't make it, she was a human loved by a powerful man and the leader of the clan known as my father. But tragic news hit me when my parents told me that my father was a spy for the enemy. Suddenly the war reached us and I was forced to run away and watch my other village burn down. Now I Tora berry the burden of my two lost families and vow to kill my father... On my journey for vengeance, I came across a group called The Last Assassins that guided me and promise peace for all. I accepted their peace, Now all we must do is set equality.

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    • When I was 7 my parents were slaughtered in front of me. I was then raised as a warrior by my orphanage keeper. He was very abusive to me. One day I had enough, and I killed him. For the past 10 years I have lived alone. I trained and trained, night and day. Now I fight along side The Last Assassins. I have an incredible thirst to kill, but don't judge me with haste, I stay loyal to those whom I trust. I use my inability to feel emotion as a weapon of chaos. My yearn for vengeance will never stop. My name is Brayan....and This is my Story!

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    • My name is Jaime. as a young child I saw my whole village be burned in front of my eyes. From there on I had to grow up alone without anyones help. I spent years training for when I could avenge my family and friends but that day never came for the land began to crumble and I had a new mission to defend the last city so that they would not end up like my village. I came across this clan and was recruited now I vow to protect my new family and will gladly lay my life on the line for them. I am a new recruit, and I am honored to say I'm one of The Last Assassins

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    • My name is Shane, guardian and protector of the land and Co pack leader of The Last Assassins. Over the years I have watched the land crumble beneath our feet as we struggle to protect our homeland. But it wasn't always this way, for there once was a time of piece and hope. Both of my parents died in battle to protect this piece and hope and I Shane seek to avenge all those who have fallen. I come from a blood-line of skilled master assassins they are the very same legends that I look up to in the heavens above. Their DNA runs deep in my vains and I will not fail for I am one of many of The Last Assassins and this.. Is my Destiny.

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    • My name is not known... I grew up in a town no one knew about till some drunk rebels came and killed every one in the village. Once I woke up there was no one alive except me. I made a plan to get revenge and slowly and with great precession killed each rebel silently but one tried to escape because he knew he was no match for me. Once I got him I thought it was over and once I turned around there was a army with over ten thousand rebels and knew this was just the beginning. As I fled I found this group and never turned back to my home town but I knew that I would have to face the rebels one day but I knew that my brothers in the group would surely hate me for what I did so I kept quite until the terrible tale comes to hunt me.

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      • My name is Ayava, how do I join The Last Assassins?

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        • [i]Thats classified information ;)[/i]

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          • My name is Andrew new recruit to The Last Assassins. When I was 4 my father became a drunkard, he beat my mother every day I hated him with a firey passion one day that hate bubbled over. The night after my fifth birthday I killed him, thinking I was doing my mother a favor. When she found out it was I who killed him she disowned me and threw me out on the streets , why? I don't know but it didn't matter, I hated my family. By the age of 7 I knew how to snipe a bird through the head from a quarter of mile away I taught myself how to defend my self . At the age of 9 the fallen invaded where I was living in Colorado and I sought shelter in the last city I am now 11 and I have become a guardian to help those in need

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          • Please tell me more about plans for Last Assassins. I am interested, but hesitant to join.

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