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originally posted in:Armored Guardians
Edited by Kraver: 9/3/2014 6:53:04 AM

Attention AG's

Hey guys Kraver(Gt Slavekraver) here leader of the 360 division.. So lets get to knoe one another. Everyone plz post your GT, age, and your console here. Also tell us what your looking forward to the most in Destiny. Are you getting the game on day one? Well you better! J/k you have some time. Personaly im looking forward to the entire game and what it has to offer. Ill be hitting pvp hard with many of you but probably not for the first 48 hrs or so. Too much exploreing to do. Thx (AG)'s! -Management

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  • Edited by King Nis: 9/26/2014 2:08:28 PM
    Morning everyone. GT: King Nis086 Console: Xbox 360 Age: 28 Class: Hunter Location: Florida Timezone: Eastern I'm looking forward to mostly everything PvE. Strikes. Raiding. You name it. PvP here and there. Looking forward to playing with everyone. Cheers.

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  • Hello I am TroKor for my gamertag, I am twenty four; and I am here to fight alongside my friend Captain.

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  • Gt: Frank Brown Age: 28 Location: Mexico Currently playing as a lvl 23 Titan-defender Wish ti join your clan and group.

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  • Edited by Grog188: 9/14/2014 2:30:18 AM
    Little late on this as I just joined but.. GT: grog188 Age: 26 System: xbox 360 Timezone: Central Location: Florida Mostly a pve kind of person so will be looking for people to do strikes with and raids along with bounties and weekly stuff. I do have a couple friends I play with a lot but they cannot always play when I am so be nice to have others to play with at times.

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  • Edited by Almeszdulah: 9/7/2014 6:40:48 AM
    GT: almeszdulah Age: 30 System: xbox one Timezone: ACST Location: Australia I'm looking forward to all of it especially playing as a blade dancer. Also looking forward to trying out raids and things. Feel free to add me.

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  • Hey guys probably late but I thought I should still participate in this GT: Cruzcible Age: 17 System: Xbone Time zone: est. Really looking forward to it guys, but not sure if I can get one day one because of stuff like school and football practice. If anyone ever needs an extra man I'd be happy to help out See you all on the 9th

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  • Greeting all GT: Shadedrarey Name: Kevin (tends to be called "Shade" online cause of the GT) System: Xbox One Age 20 Location: Europe - Sweden Class: Warlock Hi, I'll likely mostly focus on PvE content (exploration/Strikes) with some occasional pvp sprees as a pass time, perhaps even have a go at the raid if i find some people i come to team up with often. May not be the most accurate shot (but definetly not the worst either :p) in the room but if you need to come up with a tactic or strategy for something im your guy. Also i fell in love with Warlocks Vortex granates during the beta, the tactical and destructive applications are damn near limitless :D preferd playstyle is to utilize stealth and tactics, but didnt get the impression that stealth will be particularly effective in Destiny (Blade dancers aside). Plan to likely play the most from 17:30+ (about 7h diffrence from US pacific time) during most weekdays... all get no sleep at all the first weekends after release xD Will be online as soon as my Xbox One + Destiny boundle arrives (hopefuly the 9th) got some FPS experience (mostly Halo/Borderlands) and alot more 3rd person shooter and MMO experience... also have a nasty habit of often tryng to do group content solo (results changes radicaly from game to game) or in less than recommended numbers xD The line betwen a great plan and a reckless plan have always been a bit blurry^^ not to be confused with stupid plans... I dont do those

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  • Hello AG, GT: II Barrikade II ( thats an ii) Name: Just call my Barry System: Xbox1 Age: 24 Location: Ohio - EST Class: Titan/Defender Glad to meet everyone and read about them on here. looking forward to end game like most of you on here, along with some PVP. Played my fair share of FPS and MMOs, use to working with a team and holding my own in a battle. plan on taking my time the first day and exploring along with just taking in the game. I won't be with you guys at launch but I'll be on after work on Tuesday, after that I have until next Monday to grind and get as far as I can XD. Give me an invite if you want to grind out some LVLs or just hang out. See you all on the 9th. Barry

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  • Edited by Chrome: 9/1/2014 5:39:30 PM
    Hi guys im Christian GT: ChromeDragon 2 Age:13(14 in March) Console XB360 Eastern time US Most likely Warlock Voidwalker and might be A hunter Blade Dancer I may not be able to Play right away cause of school but after school ill be play almost everyday. im looking forward to raids cause I like a good challenge. so if you need a extra person in your fireteam just send me a message and I will try to reply.

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  • Edited by rei9nofchaos: 8/10/2014 7:53:40 PM
    Hey kraver ill start off here. GT is rei9nofchaos on the XBOX ONE console. I am 25 years old and i live in WA state. I am in the Pacific standard time zone, so ill be on mostly around the evening time if i am not busy. Ill be going up to the midnight release for the gamestop here in town. so i plan on playing for atleast a good 24hrs straight before i take a break haha Looking forward to meeting everyone on the Xbox One's division. I cannot wait to dig into the end game content. After hitting level 20 the game is going to get SO good. Also intrested in seeing all the planets. The moon was very fun, as was earth. What do people think the expansions will bring? im hoping a new planet, or atleast a couple new high lvl zones on each planet. As well as a level increase to the main level. its already confirmed that they will bring LOADS of new armor and weapons, as well as new missions and story. I only hope it brings more than just that. BUT only time will tell... tho not looking forward to PSN getting the expansions damn near close to a YEAR before any Xbox user. .. oh well! Can't wait to get in game and have fun with everyone. [AG][Founder]Rei9nofchaos

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    • Gamertag: babab00m Name: Nicholas(though just call me Nick it's easier) Age: 15(I'm actually really mature for people my age I won't be a problem). Console: Xbox One. What I'm really looking forward to in destiny is that the game is an experience that I can immerse myself in and the fact that it combines all my favorite game genres.

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      • A bit late, but not forgotten. Name: Avlucky (Andrew) GT: AvluckyGaming Xbox 360 Age: 15 yrs (16 in Mar) Class: most likely a Hunter (Blade Dancer) East US (CT) Please note: If you need an extra man for a fireteam or someone to help out for raids/strikes. Message me for help. I can be an assistance for you and clan mates. I may or may not have a friend to help as well. Im looking forward to the legendaries and exotics. Got to have the best gear right? I am looking forward to the PvP but most importantly the Vault of Glass. I may or may not get my limited edition midnight release. Will not be playing right away due to school. See you in Destiny

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      • Edited by Lucky Sleep: 8/23/2014 9:54:25 PM
        Hello guys I'm Thomas I'm 19 GT: WakefulMilk402 Console: xbox 360 Class: hunter-blade dancer as main - maybe a warlock later I'm from Cali witch is pacific time. Ithink. Can't wait for game to come out. Having witjdrawal effect from the beta. I'm looking forward it playing with you guys when it comes out. All I'm really looking for a group of pple that will be with me when I play. U know like a friend party that helps each other. Cuz there are were u wanna tell ur squad mates to look somewhere or certain weak points... Stuff like that and u can't. I end up doing things my self. So........... Yaaa. I think u get it. Plus make friends with similar interests.

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        • Hey guys! Just joined on the Xbox one division. I'm 15, turning 16 in January. I'm really leaning towards Sunsinger/ void walker but the blade dancer looks really interesting. GT - Crizo125

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          • I guess I haven't done one of these yet. I'm Captain Age: 22 GT: CAP74IN I play on the 360 and I'm in the Midwest which is central time. Warlock is going to be my first class. Probably void walker. Feel free to add me on live

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          • Hello Everyone, I'm Patrick Age: 19 Gamertag: Doctor Karp Class: Titan Desired Subclass: Defender Console: Xbox 360 I am a long time gamer, but I have never been in a serious clan before. So I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to find a group of like-minded people to play with :D. My focus for Destiny will be mainly PvE, so having people to do Raids/strikes with is a must. The reason for this being that I freaking love loot (I AM LOOT) and this is the way to get the best and most exotic gear. Therefore my goal I set for myself is to be one of the first people to defeat the Vault of Glass and become legend. I do also have and interest in PvP, and a fairly competent player at that. All in all i just want this freaking game to come out already so I can become a full introvert again.

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            • Well hello AG! Gamertag: GHOUL RESERVE Class: Titan Console: XBox One Hello AG! My name is Marc, I'm excited to be a part of a group so early before game launch. I'll be dedicating a lot of time slaying in crucible and grinding for gear with my partner Chris (Gamertag: KazeSw0rd, Class: Hunter). We consider ourselves to be very well rounded and reliable team players with a strong competitive drive. Being a part of; or forming a strong team for hard mode raids, strikes and crucible is what we're aiming to do, so throw both of us a friend request and let's all "become legend." :D Ps: we will be playing at midnight launch til morning. So let us know if you wanna form a 3 man cell. (We only play on hard difficulty :D.)

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              • Edited by kazeSw0rd: 8/22/2014 9:35:23 AM
                Hey, Name: Chris. System: Xbox One. GT: kazeSw0rd Age: 25 I am looking forward to collecting really awesome gear in PvE and grinding to gain top tier skill in PvP. I will mostly be running with my friend Marc (gt: Ghoul Reserve) and[b][/b] we are looking for a team to run raids with and to run some pretty competitive crucible matches as well. Being top tier players in the game is our focus, but we won't lose sight of having endless fun with the game as well! We are both in eastern standard time zone.

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              • Hey! Gt: SkaSkandal X360 Probably going to start off as Hunter or Warlock not completely positive. Seriously though I can't wait for this game. The anticipation is killing me! Some usual stuff... I'm 25 live in Michigan, Eastern Standard Time zone. I was not sure about getting Destiny at first. Then I played the beta when it went available to everyone! So glad I got to experience it, changed my mind instantly. But now I'm having withdrawals, and getting blue-balls from reading articles and seeing trailers. If no one has gotten the phone app for Destiny... Get it! But anyways, I hope this is the right clan for me. Haven't been in a clan since my MLG CoD days lol. I am looking forward to raids and looting/leveling at release. But once I get into good gear, I'll be on PvP a lot. I can't wait to meet you all. And I'm even more eager to fight next to you. Cheers!

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              • GT: Cross1001 System: 360 Age: 21 Looking Forward: the game :o, Beta tease with the moon was what made me say, i am getting this at 9-9. also, who is that hunter female both at the moon and when we got our ship?

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              • Gt: SavagexCarnage System:Xboxone Age:21 Looking forward to: The games release D: the waiting is killing me

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              • Gt: God of snyprs Age: 14 Console: 360 I feel like I have made a really good choice in joining you guys, I think the clan is well designed.

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                • GT: Desecrated Soul Age: 23 Console: 360 Hey guys, just joined today! i looked around for a clan/group for awhile and decided this one seems the best for me. I'm a big time gamer and will be on this launch day. I'm currently active duty Army stationed in fort hood, TX. Sometimes my schedule gets crazy but I will be on almost every day and all weekend. I'm on vacation right now ( well deserved lol ) so I won't be on my xbox until saturday. I would love to meet everyone saturday and chat it up. Add me and I will accept the requests once i'm home!

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                  • Edited by Stryda71: 8/10/2014 9:58:28 PM
                    Hi Stryda71 here Console is an X1 bought earlier this year mainly for Destiny and upcoming Master Chief collection Been gaming for 7 years, I'm 43 as of Yesterday, so reflexes are a little slower than the rest of you. Hence why I like sticking to support type roles of gaming. Looking forward to just fully exploring everything the 4 year wait for Destiny has to offer and figuring out how everything works. I'm in Australian time zone AEST which is UTC +10 hours so we may not always be able to meet up online but I'll do my best to hold up my end. See you all soon

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                    • Edited by THE RENAULT CC: 8/24/2014 12:45:53 PM
                      GT- THE RENAULT CC Age- 22 Console- Xbox 360 Looking forward to exploring, raids, anything destiny can throw at me Im more of an explorer, but I can hold my own in PvP aswell, I normally run a support a build on any game as healer. Im planning a bladedancer class and am currently trying to figure out how to optimise it based on beta info. Also im jealous of all warlocks....."Heart of the praxic fire" is by far the best looking item ive seen so far. Im also an experienced lead and healer, I play an Android/IOS MMO called "The Infinite Black" with an alliance of 1300-1400 people and run both Scout (Hunt Driver) and Technician (Healer/Rescue)

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