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Edited by BannedMarshall: 6/27/2014 6:51:00 PM

Why are nice guys demonized?

What about when women use and abuse legitimately nice guys? My roommate in college was a really nice guy, to everyone really but he fancied this one girl in particular. He was nice to her, he listened to her problems, he bought her gifts, he was hopelessly in love with her. She knew he liked her and she took advantage of it, squeezed as much gifts and use out of him as she could, made him do every little thing for her and treated like trash on top of it, laughed at him behind his back with her friends. It was pathetic, it was painful. One day he caught her making fun of him to her friends, called him a pu­ssy and pathetic and shit like "I can make him do whatever I want, hes so pathetic! HAHA". He came back our to our room and you know what he did? He cried. Cried harder then I ever heard a man cry in my life, he was completely devastated. And you know what, he wasn't the kind of guy that EXPECTED anything. He didn't EXPECT shit, but she led him on so fu­cking hard. She treated him like shit but she also baited his emotions and let him feel like there was a chance. He was the kind of the guy that if she said she wasn't interested, he would still be her friend and hope for happiness. He wouldn't have hated her or talked shit about her, but she baited him so hard. But she destroyed him, broke his heart in the cruelest of ways. He cried for hours in our room, I didn't know what to say to him. He just there in his corner for the whole day, it was fuc­king crushing to see him like that. And people said to him "Oh it's your fault you got used", "It's your fault for being so pathetic", "It's your fault for thinking you had a chance", "It's your fault" "It's your fault", "It's your fault". It's always the guy's fault, it is NEVER the girl's fault for being a shitty person. The guy is a cu­nt? It's the guy's fault. The girl is a cu­nt? Still the guy's fault. I'm amazed that women get a free pass to do whatever they want because they're women.

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  • Started a new topic: Why are some people arseholes?(7 Replies))

  • and the morality of this story: dont fall in love with bitches, if youre a nice guy. I am mostly always a nice guy, but I cant handle if ppl are bitches and jerks, I can get very un-nicely. Tell your friend that he should slap this bitch in the face! btw, youre american?

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  • Welcome to humanity, the cruelest known race. Eventually a person needs to take a hint, even at friends that friend-person would be giving back.

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  • Edited by luke4dead: 6/29/2014 7:31:26 AM
    Never understood the concept of buying gifts for a girl before dating. Maybe like, picking up the bill [b]occasionally[/b], but for the most part, buying gifts in my book seems like it distracts the girl from you/your personality. But that's just me, and I'm just some asshole on the internet. Right?

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  • Edited by edableshoe: 6/28/2014 6:02:31 AM
    [quote]He came back our to our room and you know what he did? He cried. Cried harder then I ever heard a man cry in my life[/quote] [quote]Cried harder then I ever heard a man cry in my life[/quote] [quote]a man[/quote] See, this is where you are wrong. A man cries when his wife dies. A man cries when his dog passes away, or his friend is killed in a car accident. A man doesn't cry when he acts like a helpless piece of shit, and lets some woman take advantage of him. A real "man" would recognize that this woman is a waste of time and would move on. A real man doesn't let himself act like a little bitch for some chick he can't land. A real man can see when it won't work, and accept the hard truth that he has to move on. Do you know what your friend is? He's not a nice guy. He's a fukboi, a dingus, a bum. He is to blame, not her, because he let this happen. No one made him fall for her, no one forced him to keep buying things for her, and no one, but himself, made him act like the fool he is; your friend is a naive little boy who needs to realize that sometimes, you don't win the girl. Sometimes she just isn't going to be yours, and that's when you've got to buck up, nut up and shut up. You've got to notice when it just isn't worth your time and send them to the friendzone. So this is what I have to say about your question about nice guys, and how "nice guys finish last." Yea, a nice guy will always do well in life, but you can't expect your nice actions to automatically mean you have a right to something or someone. Buy her a gift? -blam!-in wonderful, but she doesn't owe you shit because she didn't ask for that gift. You did it out of the kindness of your heart, and if you think getting a gift for a lady, or doing her a favor or whatever gives you the rights to her heart, then you've got another thing coming. Guess what? She owes you jack shit. And brother, she will not waste her time giving it to you, because they have no reason to be nice to you. Do you get what I'm saying? You are not some almighty God, who can go around deciding what girl you want. You have got to fight for the right ones, and if they don't like you, you've got to recognize that she's a waste of your time. Some ladies will do you a favor and make it plain and simple fairly soon. Others might need some time to think about it, but if you won't bite the bullet and move on, there are girls out there that will use you till there's nothing left in your soul. Stop being a bitch, and grow up.

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    8 Replies
    • Edited by Armored Panda: 6/29/2014 4:13:45 AM
      I'm a nice guy and I'm no push over! (I'm a -blam!-en marine for chrissakes!) but do I ever get any respect from women fuuuuuuuuuuk no! I don't get it. but hay I don't care at this point. I stop a long time ago. I say nay nay to trying to under stand women.

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    • Don't group nice guys in with spineless ignorant people.

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    • Edited by b0t: 6/27/2014 8:19:43 PM
      Society is corrupted. Women are easily susceptible to social engineers, who manipulate and degrade the minds of the masses via TV and magazines. There's no turning this around, we're bound to be Babylon's predecessor. Supposed "men" today are so hardened. So demoralized, so detached from what integrity means, they cannot even witness how far society has fallen. In fact, they think we're progressing, while believing those who want to hold on to integrity, is holding them back. Good is evil, and evil good.

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      • I hope your friend dropped her and moved on.

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      • Edited by Turtlenomad: 6/28/2014 1:35:10 AM
        Dr. Dre's advice helps me get through my day.

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Froggert: 6/27/2014 8:18:19 PM
          [quote]My roommate[/quote]

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          2 Replies
          • "[i]I'm a nice guy[/i]"

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            7 Replies
            • I don't know what kind of upbringing you had but my mom always told me to be a man and always treat woman with respect. Was he getting her shitty gifts? A good rule of thumb is at least $300 a month if you truly like her. If you can't afford that then make them gifts from the bottom of your heart. I once drew a girl picture of us together outside her house. She said "Who are you and how do you know what my house looks like"? I said "Ever since we locked eyes at Victoria secret I knew you were the one. I got on the bus and followed you home". She was so shocked she ran away screaming. I tried to chase her but my asthma halted my progression. I asked the paramedics to drop me off at her house. Her dad answered and said "Get the -blam!- off my property fat boy". I thought to myself she was probably acting funny cause he beats her, and I was about to swing on him for her honor but then

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              • If you want to succeed in life, being nice isn't an option. Girls literally don't give a shit about anybody else's emotion but their own. Especially those who live in first world countries.

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              • Lol what a pussy, getting manipulated. Never let girls hold power over you, but by the same thread, don't hold much power over women or else you're a misogynistic sexist pig.

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              • Young people tend to sometimes be naive and kind of blinded by their emotions. But that chick is in the wrong for leading this guy on. He got used. Sucks. I bet he will not be so trusting next time. Maybe a life lesson?

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              • ITT: people who didn't read the entire OP

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              • Edited by afanoflafear: 6/29/2014 1:36:44 AM

                Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

                [quote]And people said to him "Oh it's your fault you got used", "It's your fault for being so pathetic", "It's your fault for thinking you had a chance", "It's your fault" "It's your fault", "It's your fault". It's always the guy's fault, it is NEVER the girl's fault for being a shitty person. The guy is a cu­nt? It's the guy's fault. The girl is a cu­nt? Still the guy's fault. I'm amazed that women get a free pass to do whatever they want because they're women.[/quote]Because it [b]is[/b] his fault. Guys need to realize woman don't owe us anything, we're the ones who want to be with them, not the other way around. The only difference between a gentleman and a jerk is the jerk has the courage to tell a woman how he feels about her and what he wants from her. I am a [i]nice guy[/i], most of the stereotypes that apply to nice guy have also been applied to me [b]but[/b] I don't blame a woman if she wants to be with a dude who's better looking and more confident than me, it's her choice and not being able to accept that would just make me selfish. Not sure about you floodians but there's a way out for me, I've been working out since the start of the year and the results have been noticeable, shouldn't take more than 3 more months until I'm ripped as fu­ck. I'd suggest you floodians also do the same if you're currently not working out. Woman aren't that different to men than they make themselves out to be, they will also get in bed with a guy only because of his looks.

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                4 Replies
                • Because he was a supreme gentleman

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                • Uh, he kind of deserved it. Not only is it pathetic to dote on someone that doesn't like you in hopes that they will, but it's naive to think that people won't take advantage of you if you behave that way. Even if she did end up going out with him it would have been out of pity more than anything, and those relationships never last. She's a shitty person, but he should have known better. In a perfect world the people you love will all love you back, and no one will take advantage of one another, but we don't live in a perfect world.

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                    Lessons learned for him regardless. Sometimes there are shitty people who will play you. You've got to look past your emotions and think about things purely logically sometimes.

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                  • Um you know being nice doesn't entitle you to getting any right? He obviously knows what was going on and he continued like an idiot.

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                  • Take it as a lesson. It's in my nature to distrust every single person I meet. My crappy experiences with people as a kid taught me that. It was only later that I learned not to be so outwardly cold to everybody. You treat people with respect, and help them when they need it. But you always expect the worst from them in return, and keep a sharp eye out for when people are all too clearly abusing what you give. People are, can, and will be sacks of shit, and this is no exception, even to the people you hold closest to you. It's not your friends fault, certainly. Some people are just too good at winding others up. Maybe now your friend's eyes will be opened, and in the future, he'll take more care to avoid that sort of thing. If I were you, or your friend however, I'd talk to that girl. Give her a good long earful about how much of a nice person she is. Sometimes an asshole needs a wakeup call.

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                  • Sluts gonna slut.

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                  • I don't think I've ever been taken advantage of. I mean, I tend to give a lot of stuff to my friends and whatnot, but never because I was hoping for a 'chance' or something. Honestly in most cases it takes a long time for me to get attached to anyone and can walk away without feeling bad

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                  • Tl;pr From what I read: >I like this girl that doesn't acknowledge me >Boy I better buy her gifts and solve her problems >I'll be there like the person who fulfills her needs, that way she'll be my gf >"lol anon is so pathetic" >What? I'm pathetic? >cries.jpeg >I never realized that I was being used! I thought that buying gifts and solving her problems was all my will! >IT's okay if I'm letting her use me; withouot her telling me that I'm being used, but if she tells me that I'm being used angryface.gif

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