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Destiny 2

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7/25/2024 7:35:05 PM

Post Raid Timers need to be fixed

Please fix the post raid/dungeon timers. Being kicked out of the raid about 45sec after completion sucks for everyone involved. The community I'm in does raid sherpas for new players, we like to take screenshots at the end to commemorate their completion but with the timer we can no longer do that. Those who still need red boarders are often times screwed over on the loot because we get kicked to orbit way to fast. And those who need collectables at the end of dungeons better know exactly where they need to go because even then there is a chance they won't make it in time. Whatever the reason it was changed, PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK. So many people have complained about it and there even game articles about it but nothing has been brought up addressing this.

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