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Edited by Okami: 6/27/2024 4:23:59 PM

Suggestions for stasis buffs/reworks

Hello, please read this somebody at bungie. Stasis needs help. The recent changes to stasis are a pathetic excuse of a buff. I’m going to list some ideas I had that would give a needed boost to stasis. If I don’t list something I probably didn’t think to change it or didn’t think it needed to be changed. [u][b]Subclass Verbs[/b][/u] Shatter- shattering an enemy or dealing shatter damage to an enemy (via nearby stasis crystal) now applies the “[b]Shattered[/b]” debuff. Enemies afflicted by the shattered debuff take more damage, stasis version of weaken. Probably something lower than weaken, maybe 10%? But stacks with other forms of debuffs. Frost Armor- Frost Armor is cool, but it needs to have a higher DR. For all of the effort you have to put into it, you get less than you do on other subclasses. Strand is the biggest offender. Strand was loaded with nearly everything- reducing enemy damage output, DR, good supers, best subclass verbs, etc. honestly you guys screwed up with strand. Anyway, frost armor needs higher DR or some other benefit to warrant the big downsides of decaying all at once and needing to be built up to 8 stacks. My suggestion would be to either increase the DR, make it decay one stack at a time, both, or something else entirely. Just something to make it more enjoyable to play. I’ve seen people suggest a stasis explosion or shatter when you lose a stack of frost armor. I’m sure you can figure something out. [b][u]Weapon Perks[/u][/b] Headstone- Headstone now creates a stasis crystal on the targets location after a certain amount of continuous headshots (in addition to headshot kills). 3 or 4 is my thought. This would be a huge buff for linears with headstone, maybe even making them viable for boss damage. The increased damage from crystal shatters plus the increased damage from “shattered” could be incredible. Even outside of damage phases this would be great for dealing with champs and other mini bosses. Headstone is also complete and utter garbage on something like a handcannon, and this would be a good buff for those weapons that don’t utilize it well currently. Chill clip- chill clip is okay. I do find it weird that it only works on the top half of the magazine- why? What’s the point? Incentivizing early reloads? Chill clip is only available on special or heavy weapons meaning the garbage headstone is the only available perk 50% of the time and doesn’t even really work with many weapon types. It needs this buff or a different one, but it needs a buff period. [b][u]Exotics[/u][/b] Renewal grasps- immediately grants max stacks of frost armor, doesn’t build up to it. What is the point in using this exotic for damage reduction when you have to stand in it for 6 seconds or however long it takes just to get the damage reduction you’re looking for? It’s pointless. Changing this from resist to frost armor was a massive nerf. It needs to be buffed to compensate. Ballidorse wrathweavers- I think these will actually be really good with the new stasis changes. Shatters in super would do way more damage to bosses, giving them the shattered debuff for even more damage with future shatters. Cadmus ridge lancecap- I think this would also be a lot better with the new “shattered” debuff. Headshot enemy, spawn lance, throw it, shatter enemy, deal increased damage, repeat. Good for a more safe ranged playstyle, when combined with a new headstone weapon it could be even better. Imagine triple tap/FTTC/rapid hit + headstone + this, tons of shatters and tons of damage. I’m sure ballidorse and Cadmus could be buffed in some way, but I don’t play enough of either to know if they need to be. The stasis titan chest probably could use a buff but I’m not sure what. [b][u]Revenant[/u][/b] Let me start by saying, I’m not sure where bungie is trying to go with these subclasses. What role they want them to fill. Hunter has a lot of supportive abilities so that’s where I’m going with revenant, leaning into that. The only other support subclass they have is nightstalker so they could use it. Silence and Squall V2- Silence and squall needs a new version (similar to marksman/deadeye Goldie). Instead of tracking enemies, this stasis storm instead tracks allies. Any allies within this storm receive max stacks of frost armor (maybe even more, maybe 10?) and reload their weapons more quickly. Slows enemies that enter the storm, but is unable to freeze them. Ideally you pop this on your team during a damage phase to grant them damage resistance. Can also be used in GMs or something to increase survivability. I’d had the idea that it could shoot out stasis fragments towards nearby enemies that damage and slow or freeze them, but that could be too strong with the new “shattered” debuff. [b][u]Shadebinder[/u][/b] I think it would be neat if during super enemies shattered spawn one or two stasis seeker(s) that track to and freeze additional enemies. Either during super or just general gameplay. [b][u]Behemoth[/u][/b] New super- summon a massive stasis lance and hurl it at the enemy, dealing increased precision damage. The stasis lance embeds in the enemy it hits, freezing nearby enemies. After a very short time, the stasis lance shatters, causing massively increased shatter damage. This would be fun for titans as another ranged one off super, similar to the new void arsenal one. They’ve been crying for one for ages now, let’s give it to them. Unfortunately I don’t play a ton of either stasis warlock or titan and don’t know what they need. These are just two ideas I had to buff them in interesting ways. Frost armor, shattered, and headstone were my main ideas for this post but all stasis subclasses do need their own buffs and I think new supers would be awesome as well. Stasis has no role to fulfill in current Destiny. Everything stasis does strand does better but even ignoring strand, stasis is outshined in every area by another subclass. It needs a niche, it needs a (viable) gameplay loop. It needs to be fun. I beg you bungie please take some of this into account and at least try it. It can be balanced but these changes would be amazing for the viability of stasis.

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