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4/30/2024 8:46:03 PM

this game is a hell for new players

ive been playin Destiny since 2014 so this obviously isnt abt me. but given the final shape and also possibly the end of D2 ive decided to get back into the game and ive gotten some friends and even my girlfriend to install and play it with me. Given the old fireteam is already well tired of the game. And all i could say is that trying to keep these guys invested is nearly impossible. it comes down to two factors. The current price to purchase every piece of content in destiny right now is just shy of $300, the majority of the free content is almost a decade old and recycled from D1, and there isnt even an actual D2 campaign anymore. The red war was intriguing and an interesting story line as well it was also a good guide for players who never played D1 and it gave players a path to follow. But when my friends completed the new light tutorials they all asked me the same things. "what the hell are we supposed to even do" and i was actually stumped. u take one stroll through the hall of champions this season and youre already at powercap, so you cant tell them to grind for powerful gear. there is no story line in destiny currently that isnt locked behind a paywall. Which i know the games free now so they have to make their money somehow but by doing that theyve completely killed the games wow factor. Every single time you see a cool mission or interesting place, Youre redirected to a $100 checkout screen. The only End game content that doesnt drain your bank account is almost a decade old and not even from the same game. and it doesnt help that onslaught just provides some of the best weaponry you can get. which u can play within 20 minutes of opening the game.

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  • I’m in the exact same predicament with my friends and gf and it’s HELL

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by Nebulrike: 5/4/2024 1:43:01 AM
      Currently having the same issue myself. I've been around since Year 1 D1, stopped playing around Forspoken after we sorta avenged Cayde, and trying it again with my girlfriend. The 'new light' content feels so bland for a returning player like myself that I often got bored playing it, and trying to figure out one thing from another campaign wise feels like completely fractured. I'm running lore videos like crazy to figure out one thing from another. I love the actual lore, I hate how poorly it feels like it translates to the actual gameplay, at least for the new content/available content pre DLCs. It comes off like a bunch of disjointed missions rather than a cohesive story. I've heard very high praises for the witch queen, if we last long enough I'll buy it on sale. My girlfriend, completely new to Destiny, has the opposite problems. Rather than feeling bland she had no idea where to start for most stuff and it feels like it's all being crammed down your throat. And apparently we start at 1600 and the cap is 1810??? That feels awful, leveling through the stuff was what I was looking forward to most. Everything that is available to you feels accessible right out of the gate, compounding the issues even more. It feels like it's designed to just keep you busy to pass time, rather than work as a cohesive product. I'm sure that changes with the DLC. We haven't been convinced to buy them, especially at full price as they are. I know they all went on sale for like 3-5$ recently. I hope that occurs soon. My girlfriend and I found ourselves fighting for our life at public events though, that was pretty cool at least.

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    • It's not even the DPC that upsets me. I snagged a couple bundles on sale from steam (Xbox main) and paid maybe $150 for everything (Lightfall, Legendary, armory, etc). What pisses me off is how players treat new lights. Nobody likes them just because they're new and have no clue what to do. Thanks everyone. We finally figured out why Destiny is going to die.

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      31 Replies
      • Please learn to separate your thoughts so it’s not just a wall of text. Makes people not want to read it.

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      • The only reason the core player base has stuck around is the time/money investment , still chasing the game Destiny could have been if its potential hadn't been so hastily squandered by corporate interference But if I had no history at all with this game, and was trying it has a new player in 2024, it would be a hard pass

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      • Edited by The2ndWave: 5/3/2024 12:57:02 AM
        Game is dead. Tell your friends they are playing a corpse. And they are squeezing that corpse until they milk you dry. Dry as a mummified corpse! 🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely nothing here but a shamble mess of shallowness!

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      • At this point I feel it's to late to fix it. Even if they brought back redwar for free newer players are still missing a huge amount of the story plus a lot of context for characters are in lore entry's. Bungie should have made destiny 3 instead of removing content as now new players and returning players are lost on what is going on and yes I'm skipping the price of entry as well just yes it's bad.

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        • watching a streamer play pantheism or whatever bs you call it. really had me laughing it's was like ok counting down 10 9 8 ect. then shoot the little ball. it was so stupid . it drove home the reason why l don't like raids.bungies idea of funk mechanics does make for a good laugh though. if new players watched his video they would be like this game stinks lol.

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        • The logic in people demanding more content for Free to Play players is astonishing. You guys never had those demo kiosks in game stores growing up? Same deal. It's not meant to be played fully. It's meant to try out and see if you like it or not before investing money in it.

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          13 Replies
          • i’ve tried to get 7 of my friends to start and only one lasted more than a week and that was in wq i tried to get 1 more during lightfall and i have to say guardian ranks are awful. I always thought they were meaningless but now im convinced cuz of how much basic stuff is gated behind it

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            • if people think the game is bad now wellll. wake up call will come after FS is out. Bungie will feed people with lies, "new" content after that will be vaulted sh.. they willl feed more lies, "new" content from the forgotten vault. Bungie have been way to predictble,after FS the only people left playing will be those that live for destiny and those streamers ofc.

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            • Paragraphs, -blam!-.

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              🤣🤣🤣 Did you not learn how to paragraph

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            • Agreed Also it's not just a game the players alienate new and returning players. This game is very anti-social it was never like this in destiny one!

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              27 Replies
              • I wouldn't reccommend the game to my worst enemy, not to mention friends lol

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                8 Replies
                • Well said. New player orientation needs work, cost of entry needs work, skill level indicators need work, build crafting testing needs work, and others. Fixing is possible but takes a coordinated effort by Bungie. That said it is a very old and well known issue.

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                • Edited by jr_0081: 5/2/2024 1:34:11 PM
                  I think content that’s way older like shadowkeep, beyond light and forsaken pack should be free for new players

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                • Edited by Fate: 5/1/2024 12:40:01 PM
                  The game is geared towards long time players and excludes new players Which is dumb because without new players destiny will eventually become a dead game Long time players probably won’t stick around forever and even if they do there’s no growth Bungie needs to add red war back in Along with other things to get them up to speed maybe a story recap cutscene They also need to bundle the expansions and stop selling them individually

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                  3 Replies
                  • That's not hell, this is hell ⬇️⬇️⬇️ [spoiler] [quote]ive been playin Destiny since 2014 so this obviously isnt abt me. but given the final shape and also possibly the end of D2 ive decided to get back into the game and ive gotten some friends and even my girlfriend to install and play it with me. Given the old fireteam is already well tired of the game. And all i could say is that trying to keep these guys invested is nearly impossible. it comes down to two factors. The current price to purchase every piece of content in destiny right now is just shy of $300, the majority of the free content is almost a decade old and recycled from D1, and there isnt even an actual D2 campaign anymore. The red war was intriguing and an interesting story line as well it was also a good guide for players who never played D1 and it gave players a path to follow. But when my friends completed the new light tutorials they all asked me the same things. "what the hell are we supposed to even do" and i was actually stumped. u take one stroll through the hall of champions this season and youre already at powercap, so you cant tell them to grind for powerful gear. there is no story line in destiny currently that isnt locked behind a paywall. Which i know the games free now so they have to make their money somehow but by doing that theyve completely killed the games wow factor. Every single time you see a cool mission or interesting place, Youre redirected to a $100 checkout screen. The only End game content that doesnt drain your bank account is almost a decade old and not even from the same game. and it doesnt help that onslaught just provides some of the best weaponry you can get. which u can play within 20 minutes of opening the game.[/quote] [/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by Ray92: 5/2/2024 2:54:34 AM
                    I wanna add to that, now that I have read it all, you are absolutely right The new player experience is so terrible because of all of that, especially since you guys are missing massive parts of lore and sunset gameplay. All which requires a literal study to catch up with. My little brother who loves gaming had the same experience as you. There is no way to fix it , he quit on the same day he installed. And it sucks but quite honestly just … treat it like a casual game if you are new. And you only really need the final shape. Thats where the big content will be at, their magnum opus. The rest is gone sadly or not even worth it because its all powercrept. This is now a graveyard for the veterans. Edit ; if you do want all content buy from a trusted keysite. On a sale you should have ALL current content for under 100 total. But then The Final Shape is like 1.5-2 months away, more like 1 month now actually and you really want to ask yourself if you’re going to play ALL that content within the next month (spoiler alert you cant, grinding out all weps alone takes longer than that). Maybe u just should enjoy Onslaught and PvP /casual pve with your friends , the free content. And then buy TFS if u yearn for more. And then, when TFS loses popularity after 1-3 months you could always decide to get all the old dlcs and play them. But thats what I would do.

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                  • All that money with a -blam!- introduction. The red war made me want to play more. New light story makes me want to quit

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                    2 Replies
                    • It’s a little overwhelming the amount of catching up new players have to do.

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                    • 2

                      Lore-meister - old

                      Not just new …

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                    • The cost versus the quality, it's just not worth it. The game is the way it is because this developer forced 2 games into one, and vaulted a lot of content that caused a lot of the issues the game has.

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                    • Without reading your solid block of unparagraphed text (Too Long, Didn’t Read), I just wanted to say its hell for long term customers too. You’re not special. The game sucks for everyone. If it didn’t have such good feeling gameplay nobody would play it. It was a beautiful rose once and then Bungie started to rip off petals instead of caring for it properly. And they know how gullible the people are. And how desperate D2 content creators are. I feel like with the eververse store, the bungie store and the whole franchise that its just one big milking machine. And we are the cows.

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                      • Edited by UltraRage101: 5/1/2024 12:40:03 PM
                        Bungie turned destiny into a E Sports game, the bad lightfall campaign, the worlds first raiders, timers on certain activities, adding accommodation, and player ranks, in my opinion the new game lfg has a player rank option to a weed out low rank players. It's looking like overwatch.

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