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Edited by The First Aifos: 5/23/2020 7:11:15 PM

The Days of Future Cats (RP) Prologue/Signups 2

"No, Annie, where are you going!?" Umbrella yelled. Annie couldn't bring herself to turn around and face her. She had failed. The Canopy Kingdom, Parasoul, Lab 8.. They were all gone, because she wasn't strong enough.. And now, she placed the fate of the entire world on a child's shoulders. "Umbrella, we have to leave, now!" Isaac yelled, scooping the child into his arms, and fleeing through a metal door. There was silence. The calm before the storm. But soon enough they came. Taller than skyscrapers, eyes beaming red, and each one holding a glowing sword just as massive as they were. The meowchines were coming. "Annie, we can't fight this many!" Stanely said, scrambling up the rubble to Annie's side. "Doc's got a point there.." Adam said, readying his gun. Annie closed her eyes. This was a suicide mission, right from the very start. She wasn't expecting to walk away.. She wasn't expecting anyone to walk away. But they had to buy Umbrella time. This was their last hope.. She admitted to herself that she was scared, and she was tempted to just turn and run away. But these people were looking to her.. She had to fight. She gripped her sword tightly in her hands, and became bathed in a golden aura. "Well, then!" She said confidently. "We'll just have to do our darned best to slow them down! Chaaaaaaarge!" [b][u]- The Days of Future Cats -[/u][/b] Umbrella and Isaac stepped into a laboratory, and Isaac immediately got to work, frantically typing something into a computer. "Isaac, we have to go back!" Umbrella pleaded. "Annie's still back there, we have to make sure she's okay!" The old man didn't respond. He didn't have the heart. After a few minutes, the room lit up, and a large blue portal appeared in the center. He got up from his computer, and knelt down in front of Umbrella, grabbing her shoulders. "Umbrella, I need you to listen to me. You'll find me on the other side of this portal, and once you do, I need you to give me this." Isaac pulled an envelope out of his pocket, and handed it to the girl. "This will explain everything." "But, Annie-" "You are our last hope, Umbrella. I need you to do this. Annie needs you to do this." Umbrella was silent, doing her best to hold back her tears. Taking the envelope in her hands, she ran towards the portal. Once she was gone, Isaac flipped a switch, causing the gate to vanish, and he let out a heavy sigh. [b][u]- The Days of Future Cats -[/u][/b] Annie fell forwards, barely catching herself on her knees by stabbing her sword into the ground. She was exhausted, and wounded, but looking up, there were still too many to count. She closed her eyes. "I had to have taken down at least a dozen of them.." She said through gritted teeth. "I don't think I can-" "Adam!" She heard Stanley yell. She looked over. The soldier fell to the ground, and a small pendant rolled out of his lifeless fingers, containing a picture of him, and the princesses. Stanley knelt by his side, and began to shake him. "Adam! No, you can't be-" Several of the smaller meowchines descended on the two's location. Stanley scrambled backwards, and tried to run away before- Annie closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw Leduc, and Hive, standing back to back, with several of the smaller humanoid meowchines surrounding them. "This might be it, Hive.." Leduc said. "Yeah, I think it izzzzzz.." Hive said. "But you know, Leduc.. I think.. I'm glad I'm at leazzzzt here with you.." "Hive.." Leduc clenched his fist. "Let's go out with a bang, yeah?" "I wouldn't have it anyway other way." They took eachother's hands, and they both lit up in a huge volley of lightning strikes, that lashed out and destroyed several of the meowchines around them. Several missiles, imbued with Leduc's electricity, fired out of Hive's back, and began homing in on the enemies, each one exploding in a similar electric explosion to themselves. They couldn't keep it up for long, though, and soon they both fell to the ground, still holding eachother's hands. Annie's hands tightened around her sword. If only she could stand.. If only she could- "Hyaaaaaaah!" She heard a voice yell, as Molly's mech zoomed past her, towards one of the titans. She fired off several missiles, as she ducked and dodged out of the way of the meowchine's lasers. She put up as best a fight as she could, until one of the titan's hands swatted her out of the sky. She hit the ground with an explosion. Annie gritted her teeth. No. She wasn't going to give up when all her troops were still fighting. She tried to pull herself to her feet, but quickly collapsed back onto her knees. "I'm sorry, everyone.. I can't fight anymore.. But.. I can still.." She tightened her grip around her sword again, and she began to glow in a bright golden shine, that could be seen for miles. The meowchines all stopped, and stared at the light. "Robo-Fortune!" Annie yelled. "I'm not scared of you, do you hear me!? I'm! Not! Scared!" "Increased levels of salt detected." The closest titan meowchine said. "Relieving blood pressure via cutting lasers. It is for your own good. Beep. Boop. Meow." "Umbrella.. Isaac.. I can only hope you made it.." Annie said before the beam fired, and she was incinerated on the spot. [b][u]- The Days of Future Cats -[/u][/b] Isaac had gotten back to working on the computer. "Just need to make sure nobody follows her.." He mumbled to himself, inserting a key into the machine. "Self-destruct key recognized. Warning, initiating self-destruct will destroy this facility, and everyone inside. Do you wish to continue?" Isaac's hand trembled. Maybe.. Maybe Annie had won. Maybe he didn't have to- Just then, the ceiling collapsed, and one of the titans stared down into the room. "Doctor." It said. "R-Robo-Fortune!? If you're here, then Annie must be-" "You cannot run from us, doctor." "I.. I was never trying to run.. I've already done what I needed to do! I've already accepted my fate! But If I'm going to die, then I'm taking as many of you damn cats with me as I can!" He slammed his fist down onto a button. "Self-destruct confirmed." The computer said. "Please stand by." Robo-Fortune began to reach down towards Isaac, when the facility erupted into a huge explosion, destroying both it, and all of the meowchines in the vicinity.. It wasn't long, however, until the now ruined lab was overrun with hundreds more.. [i]A world overrun with meowchines.. A world in which humanity has been purrrrrrged.. The last hope fur us all.. A child sent back to the pawst.. Soon it will be time.. For the Days of Future Cats![/i] [spoiler]So, soon I'll be making an RP called the Days of Future Cats. Due to the combat system I'll be using, in order to join you HAVE to sign up before hand. This is your chance to do that! If you'd like to sign up, just let me know, and we'll run you through the signup process. If you already signed up during the pre-prologue, you don't have to sign up again, but if you'd like to change anything on your character sheet, now's the time to do it! As for when this RP will actually happen, I don't actually know. My job increased my hours, so I haven't had the time I was expecting to have to get everything set up. In any case, hopefully I'll get it started soon! I'll be running these sign ups today (Sat), and tomorrow (Sun), so be sure to sign up before then![/spoiler]

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