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4/11/2019 2:30:35 AM
Good friggin lord. You guys are so arrogantly bullheaded about this it’s ridiculous! You had 4000 comments all saying to remove them in your last post. You continue to ignore it. It’s absurd. (And all your pet streamers who abused the hell out of the pinnacle weapon glitch to get thousands of cores effectively breaking this joke of an economy, you ain’t punishing them so you have 0 credibility anymore). Let me try to make it simple for you to understand. Ahem....... Remove “enhancement” cores from infusion. Retire los núcleos de "mejora" de la infusión. Retirer les noyaux «d'amélioration» de la perfusion. Entfernen Sie "Verbesserungskerne" aus der Infusion. Удалите «улучшающие» ядра из настоя. Remove «amplificationem 'millia metretas ex infusione. 주입에서 "강화"코어를 제거하십시오. 從輸液中移除“增強”核心。 הסר "שיפור" ליבות מן אינפוזיה. Rimuovere i nuclei di "potenziamento" dall'infusione. 注入から「強化」コアを削除します。 Fjern "forsterkning" kjerner fra infusjon. Ta bort "förstärkning" kärnor från infusion. אַראָפּנעמען "ענכאַנסמאַנט" קאָרעס פון ינפיוזשאַן. إزالة "تعزيز" النوى من التسريب.

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  • [quote]Good friggin lord. You guys are so arrogantly bullheaded about this it’s ridiculous! You had 4000 comments all saying to remove them in your last post. You continue to ignore it. It’s absurd. (And all your pet streamers who abused the hell out of the pinnacle weapon glitch to get thousands of cores effectively breaking this joke of an economy, you ain’t punishing them so you have 0 credibility anymore). Let me try to make it simple for you to understand. Ahem....... Remove “enhancement” cores from infusion. Retire los núcleos de "mejora" de la infusión. Retirer les noyaux «d'amélioration» de la perfusion. Entfernen Sie "Verbesserungskerne" aus der Infusion. Удалите «улучшающие» ядра из настоя. Remove «amplificationem 'millia metretas ex infusione. 주입에서 "강화"코어를 제거하십시오. 從輸液中移除“增強”核心。 הסר "שיפור" ליבות מן אינפוזיה. Rimuovere i nuclei di "potenziamento" dall'infusione. 注入から「強化」コアを削除します。 Fjern "forsterkning" kjerner fra infusjon. Ta bort "förstärkning" kärnor från infusion. אַראָפּנעמען "ענכאַנסמאַנט" קאָרעס פון ינפיוזשאַן. إزالة "تعزيز" النوى من التسريب.[/quote]

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  • [quote]Remove “enhancement” cores from infusion. Retire los núcleos de "mejora" de la infusión. Retirer les noyaux «d'amélioration» de la perfusion. Entfernen Sie "Verbesserungskerne" aus der Infusion. Удалите «улучшающие» ядра из настоя. Remove «amplificationem 'millia metretas ex infusione. 주입에서 "강화"코어를 제거하십시오. 從輸液中移除“增強”核心。 הסר "שיפור" ליבות מן אינפוזיה. Rimuovere i nuclei di "potenziamento" dall'infusione. 注入から「強化」コアを削除します。 Fjern "forsterkning" kjerner fra infusjon. Ta bort "förstärkning" kärnor från infusion. אַראָפּנעמען "ענכאַנסמאַנט" קאָרעס פון ינפיוזשאַן. إزالة "تعزيز" النوى من التسريب.[/quote] 😂🤣😂🤣

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  • Sadly The language you needed was 💰💰💰💰 Money Talks!

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  • "arrogantly bullheaded" really? deciding to stick with their original design choice and explaining it, but compromising a little with increased/easier core acquisition makes them arrogant and bull-headed? its arrogant to DEMAND that your opinion should be the only one to be considered, and bull-headed to ignore the reasons given for the contrary and childishly repeat your demands like a spoiled brat. you can have a different opinion, but you cant expect it to be the only one.

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  • Yes. The overwhelming majority of the forums and reddit have already spoken on the issue. We don’t want cores. A small section of people defend having them. And how did Bungie actually fix anything tell me? We’re removing scrapper bounties that rewarded them, but now we’re adding bounties that reward them. Removing bounties to add bounties..... they literally just shut one window but opened another.... they are absolutely inept at this and need to swallow their pride, admit they messed up and angered the majority of the community and step back from this. I’ve worked management for 14 years. When you have this level of outrage, you need to rethink your strategy. If my company had a policy that you got a certain reward at a certain spending point (like masterwork cores were designed to do, elevate your weapon above it’s level by giving you the perks of orbs), then corporate decided that they were altering the deal, now you have to spend more money but also had to do a minimum amount per transaction to get the same reward (now they’re “enhancement” cores but you have to spend much more of them to get said perks and in general) and people were this outraged about it and my sales (player numbers) plummeted.... I’d peddle back to keep my customers happy...... I sure wouldn’t pull a Bungie and go “well, we have seen feedback and instead of the minimum per transaction, there is no liniment per transaction but you have to do 500 per month with us”. Bungie didn’t fix anything or make any concessions to keep its customers happy and engaged. They slapped the fanbase in the face because of their own hubris.

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  • That's epic.

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  • A for effort. And for accuracy.

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  • Did you really just translate "remove enhancement cores from infusion" into a bunch of languages?

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  • Yes, because apparently 4000+ replies in English isn’t working for them so I figured maybe they just aren’t understanding the community at large🤷🏻‍♂️. Or they’re they inept at their jobs and hopefully have put their resumes out there since at this rate the studio is going under before years end.

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  • Translations won't help. They aren't inept either. They are a large company who knows they can get away with this because the fans will just buy the next installment. It worked with Destiny 2 and it will work for Destiny 3

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  • Sadly, this is the truth. It'll only change when they do some kind of "Fallout 76" bull and, even then, there'll be people defending them.

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  • That's probably not gonna happen. People eat up Destiny even if it is utter garbage

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  • [quote]Good friggin lord. You guys are so arrogantly bullheaded about this it’s ridiculous! You had 4000 comments all saying to remove them in your last post. You continue to ignore it. It’s absurd. (And all your pet streamers who abused the hell out of the pinnacle weapon glitch to get thousands of cores effectively breaking this joke of an economy, you ain’t punishing them so you have 0 credibility anymore). Let me try to make it simple for you to understand. Ahem....... Remove “enhancement” cores from infusion. Retire los núcleos de "mejora" de la infusión. Retirer les noyaux «d'amélioration» de la perfusion. Entfernen Sie "Verbesserungskerne" aus der Infusion. Удалите «улучшающие» ядра из настоя. Remove «amplificationem 'millia metretas ex infusione. 주입에서 "강화"코어를 제거하십시오. 從輸液中移除“增強”核心。 הסר "שיפור" ליבות מן אינפוזיה. Rimuovere i nuclei di "potenziamento" dall'infusione. 注入から「強化」コアを削除します。 Fjern "forsterkning" kjerner fra infusjon. Ta bort "förstärkning" kärnor från infusion. אַראָפּנעמען "ענכאַנסמאַנט" קאָרעס פון ינפיוזשאַן. إزالة "تعزيز" النوى من التسريب.[/quote]

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