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Edited by Farris: 4/10/2019 10:50:47 PM
I don't get why you guys are so hellbent on keeping masterwork cores for infusion. You already have to hope you get the proper slot when you get a powerful drop, so why does it also have to cost a rare resource to infuse things up? If I'm not mistaken you guys said you wanted infusion to be a meaningful choice. Why? Why should something as basic as [i]leveling up[/i] be a meaningful choice? Masterworking a piece of gear is a much more meaningful choice and shows that you like said gear enough to dump a bunch of cores into it to make it better. You can't just go around masterworking every weapon you get (and don't need to), but you [i]have[/i] to get your light up to progress, and tying something as scarce as masterwork cores to it was a mistake from the word go. Instead of working so hard to make easier avenues for players to get masterwork cores, you should just remove them from infusion altogether, [b]nobody[/b] likes it how it is now. And yes I keep calling them masterwork cores. That's what they were when they were introduced and that's what they should have stayed as.

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