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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
7/11/2017 1:55:40 AM
Vance's green eyes widened with horror as he saw what had happened to the only friend he had that was still alive. His jaw dropped as he screamed silently, unable to find words, and was suddenly reminded of a scene....[quote][i]"JONATHON!"[/i] The scream was Vance's, when he was merely 12 years old. His hair was still its usual shaggy, black, however back then, his eyes were a crystal blue. And in front of him was another boy, also 12. He had a head of blond hair, however his eyes were closed... and a massive spike impaled his chest. The blond boy's frame was frail and skinny, likely that of a sickly child. And behind Vance, there was a Scorpion.[/quote]Vance's left hand erupted in green flame, and his right hand exploded in black electricity. It was the activation of his ultimate ability, if you will. His last resort. With explosive force, Vance propelled himself towards the cannibal, jumping to meet his opponent's face in altitude. He delivered a completely brutal series of punches; each with unstoppable force that more or less fractured both of Vance's bones and cracked the beast's skull. Even with fractured bones in his arms, Vance continued his barrage, flames scorching the beast's face and electricity coursing through its flesh and blood. Its face was eventually smashed in, and with a final "punch" (more like melee arm cannon), the cannibal was sent tumbling over, its body completely crushing the arm that had fallen off Victoria. Both the arm and the body disappeared to reveal... loot. For Victoria, the shield that the cannibal was using; however obviously scaled down to whatever size she was comfortable with. Made of adamantium, it also had a special ability; the ability to shapeshift into the greatsword that the cannibal was using, again obviously scaled down to a size Victoria was comfortable with. The thing was virtually indestructible, could shift shape in a fraction of a second, and the greatsword's blade could... literally slice through magic spells, if said spell is used as an attack. Its name? "Kalahan's Swordshield". Meanwhile, Vance was kneeling on the ground, his the bones in his arms completely broken and his energy utterly depleted; the only thing that kept him conscious was sheer willpower, for there was something he had to accomplish. He had received a spell; or more like an 'upgrade' to his pyromancy. Essentially, rainbow flames.[spoiler]Red flames = heal erethang, orange flames = something I'll figure out later when I update bio again, yellow flames = inextinguishable, forever burning, green flames = destruction of property, blue flames = destruction of lives, and purple flames = shields 'n shit.[/spoiler] Bright, scarlet flames surrounded Vance's arms, healing his broken bones as he slowly and tiredly faced Victoria. He could no longer find the energy to walk, so he crawled over to her, shakily kneeling beside her on side where her arm was torn off. He lifted Victoria's new swordshield, allowing it to shapeshift into a greatsword, and slicing his own left arm off completely. He barely even noticed the pain. And so, he slowly aligned his own arm with the area where Victoria's had been cut off, and allowed scarlet flames to surround the arm and the left half of Victoria's torso, connecting the two pieces of flesh. Her new arm changed in size to match Victoria's right arm, but its skin tone still matched Vance's. Meanwhile, scarlet flames cauterized Vance's self-induced wound. And he promptly passed out, not to awaken for 'three months', AKA Thursday, July 20th. Oh, and Victoria gets to have green fire with her new arm. Yay!

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