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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/21/2017 4:20:52 PM
"Not long. Should be-" There was a thump, the ship had landed. "There it is." The ramp fell open and Marker walked out, motioning for Cylus to follow

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  • "Oh, interesting." Cylus says with a chuckle. He follows Marker off the ship with all of the others

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  • They exited out into a hangar, with a few dozen Titans standing around or crouching. Miltia grunts ran throughout the hangar, loading up into small pods that resembled an escape pod but only held a single person. There were a few robotic things that Cylus didn't recognize. They were shorter than your average Titan but larger then a human. "Those are reapers" Marker said as he walked towards a hallway

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  • "So I'm guessing this won't just be a reconnaissance mission, am I right?" Cylus says, looking at the Reapers in awe

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  • "It is. We're going it with three squadrons. Sargeant Aidan's, Commander Gates' and a third squadron. We'll be dropping in at different points."

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  • "And what if there is... trouble?" Cylus asks. "Back up?"

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  • "That's what the reapers are for. They're dropping in after we radio in for backup. If it comes to that."

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  • "Titan fall from this ship?" Cylus asks, looking at the floor beneath the Reapers. "I've done my share of research."

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  • "Yes sir. They'll be hopping out of the ship hangar doors if they're needed." Marker stopped and gestured to the hangar doors that led into space

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  • "Awesome. Hopefully it won't come to it, but it would be cool to see something like that in action." Cylus says. He laughs as he looks at the doors to the vast abyss. "This is now my second trip to space. A ship to a bigger ship, just to take another ship."

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  • "Get ready than. We're about to enter FTL." The blast doors of the hangar came to a close, cutting off the view of space the ship creaked for a moment. It lurched forward and shot off into hyperspace

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  • "That's surely a sensation." Cylus says with a chuckle. "Where shall we prep?" he asks

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  • "Armoury." Marker said, walking down the hallway where he had stopped "Come on."

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  • Cylus followed Marker into the hall

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  • Marker led Cylus through the ship, and after a few minutes he stopped in front of a doorway, which promptly opened to reveal and armoury. Against the walls were racks of weapons, with tables throughout the middle of the room with experimental tech on them and magazines along with equipment "Outfit yourself for a stealth Ops mission. And put a helmet on." Marker said.

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 6/21/2017 6:14:02 PM
    "Oh I thought you'd never ask! Or in this case, order." Cylus says with a chuckle. "I have to show you this." Walking over to a nearby table, he reaches onto his neck and and removes a thick metal collar from his suit. He places it on the table and looks at Marker with a smile. "Ever since Carly got me thinking about my microtech, I decided to test out a couple of designs. This thing took me countless sleepless nights to figure out. And I think I've gotten it just right this time." he said. "Allow me." He places the collar back onto his neck, narrating as he moved. "I've been working on some upgrades for my suit, and they're come along pretty well. First, I installed a thin skeleton into the base of it, making it more durable while enhancing my strength and what not." he says, knocking on his chest. "At the base of my neck is a group of micro bots attached to the skeleton. Not unlike those in my grapples, these have been programmed to form a structure, although it is something much different." Pressing a button on the back of the collar, Cylus' face lit up as a very faint hum was heard. The movement of microscopic robots was heard, and then out if nowhere, a structure began unfolding at the base of Cylus' skull. "Amazing isn't it!" he said. Within seconds, a full metal helmet had formed around Cylus' head, seemingly out of nowhere. The design was more complex than his previous one, as it had more features such as lenses and sensors, all with a matte black finish.

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  • "Well shit..." Marker said, Clapping and nodding in approval "That's some nice tech you got there. Impressive."

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  • "Thanks. Again, a shit ton of sleepless nights. It's kind of like a 3D printer... On my head." Cylus says. "And I know he'll get mad if he doesn't get the credit, but I owe most of it to Q." [quote]*That's right! What would you do without me?* Q says[/quote] "As for the mission, I think a few suppressors may come in handy." Cylus says, pulling out one of his handguns. "Mk 23's, .45 USP. Never go anywhere without them. I had 'em custom built, just to my liking." he says admiringly.

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  • "Right there." Marker pointed towards a table "Should have a few suppressors on it."

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  • "Thanks."Cylus said as he walked over to the table. Picking up to suppressors, he slipped them into his belt before reholstering his pistol. "That should be it then, saying it's just a recon. But if it does go south, I'm still prepared." he said

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  • Marker nodded. "Get comfortable. FTL will take us about 10-15 minutes."

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  • "Will do." Cylus says, stretching his arms. He sits down, reveals the console his wrist, and once again begins playing Pac-Man.

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  • "What is it with you and Pacman?" Marker asked with a laugh, glancing at the data pad

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  • "It's a fun game." Cylus comments, his eyes still on the screen. "Respect to the classics."

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  • "Respect to the classics indeed. Are you really just going to stand in the armoury though? Not gonna a get a comfortable?" Marker asked.

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  • "Uh, where should I go then?" Cylus asks. He pauses his game to look up at Marker

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