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originally posted in:The New Dojo
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6/20/2017 3:56:18 PM
[spoiler]Go for it! [/spoiler] "Yes.... We want to reclaim our lost ground in the Frontier. Including Demeter. I suppose that an alliance can be arranged." The IMC leader stopped, and looked up at Kotch "I am Derek McKeon, and I make this deal with you. We will work together to bring an end to the Alliance and Militia alike." "But first, we need your assistance. Our ships are incapable of warp driving, and incapable of FTLing their way here. We need assistance in bringing our fleets from the Core Systems here, to the Frontier."

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  • "Of course. I can use the Olympus Mons and some of the Cerberus engineers to outfit your armies with additional FTL cores and armaments that'll cripple Militia ships. We may be also providing some heavy weapons that could used against the Militia's 'Titans'." Kotch had explained, the Illusive Man smiling. "I believe I will leave this up to the Admiral. I wish you the best, McKeon." The Illusive Man said, signing off. "It should be finished in about a day if we work fast enough." Kotch says to Derek.

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  • "A day?" Derek took a step back, clearly suprised by the quickness of it all "Surely it's not that simple!" He laughed slightly, clearly in disbelief

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  • "People said attacking the Alliance and nearly destroying Arcturus Station in less than a day wasn't possible. And look what happened not a few hours before now?" Kotch had replied, a smug grin on his face. "Plus, we can just salvage then FTL cores from the destroyed ships hovering around the station and retransfer them into your ships. Takes an hour or two." He says.

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  • "Very well.... I suppose that is worth a shot. We'll input the Star coordinates to some IMC ship yards in the Core Systems, there you can start implementing this technology." Derek turned back, whispering to one of the IMC pilots, who quickly nodded and walked off

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  • "Of course. I already have the Olympus ready to send us to those coordinates when you're ready." Kotch explains, whispering to one of the Cerberus Dragoons next to him before he ran inside the Kodiak. "And perhaps I may show you something that may be...of use." He explains, motioning the Vice Admiral to follow him into the Kodiak.

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  • "Oh? Perhaps some experimental tech?" The Admiral boarded the Kodiak, along with two IMC pilots, his personal guard

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  • "You could say that..." Kotch replies, as the Kodiak makes its way to the Mons. ------------- ([i]A few minutes later...)[/i] The Kodak landed in the massive space of the Mons, the door opening to reveal thousands of soldiers walking around, talking amongst one another, arming themselves up, or testing out new weapons. Some were in Cerberus combat armor, others were talking amongst one another in civilian or Cerberus clothing. "Follow me." Kotch says, moving to an elevator, a woman and a couple Cerberus Nemesis waiting for them. The Nemesis had their helmets off.

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  • "Go Mingle you two. See how the place is." Derek told the pilots as he followed Kotch. The two pilots went off, walking through the hangar and looking around at the various tech, and armour set

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  • Kotch had entered the elevator along with Derek, as the elevator made its way up. "Is this the IMC ambassador, sir?" The female asked Kotch in a British-like accent. "Yes, Serena Palusia." Kotch replied, as the elevator stopped, opening the door to the nearby armory. Hundreds of thousands of different weapons were stored behind a few bullet and explosive proof windows, a bunch of men and women stationed to clean and test said weapons out. One man looked to the two walked past them. "Sir." The man bluntly said. "John Valencio...keep doing what your doing..." Kotcha states, John smiling as he continued his work on cleaning some type of [url=]SMG[/url]. They eventually had to walk up more stairs, soldiers and personnel alike passing by, saluting Kotch, for which the Admiral responded them by name. They finally reached a massive set of double doors, a man working on the terminal nearby. "Open the bridge, Socris." Kotch commanded, the man nodding in response, and began working on opening it. "How do you like the ship so far?" He asks Derek.

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  • "It's extremely massive sir, and very well made." Derek said, looking at the Bridge doors. "There's alot to it, how many personnel do you have?"

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  • "4000; including the soldiers we have within this ship itself." Kotch responded as the bridge opened. About 50 or so personnel were on terminals, the terminals itself pointing at the windows, showing the IMC cruisers in orbit above Honeycomb. Two doors were shown on the other side of where Kotch and McKeon came from, most likely Kotch's personal quarters and a way to the bridge crew's quarters. In the center of the bridge itself, a 21 year-old Hispanic woman and a 24- year old Irish guy were talking to each other, working on a central terminal showing the Galaxy map. "Julia Vasquez, Rotor." Kotch had said in a commanding voice, the two walking up to the admiral and saluting. "Sir." Vasquez responded. "Derek, Julia here is my second in command, should I die, while Rotor here does all the navigation for us." Kotch told McKeon, before looking toward the two. "Vasquez, tell the crew we're heading back to base at the Pylos Nebula. Rotor, tell the engineers to prepare engines." He responds. "Is it alright if you bring the IMC ships to the planet of Anedia, in the Pylos Nebula? It's a massive Cerberus complex that I own. We could get your ships ready the fastest there. It's in the Terminus Systems, so the Alliance nor Militia will know what we're doing." He says.

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  • "Lucky. I mentioned to one of the pilots on the ground to follow the ships if we started leaving." Derek said, glancing out the window to the IMC ships "So they'll follow behind us as we go along, just send them the coordinates."

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  • "Already sent, sir." Rotor responded Form the terminal. "Alright, everyone's ready, correct?" Kotch asked Vasquez and Rotor. "Yes sir. Everyone's ready to jump." Julia confirmed from across the map. "Good. Rotor, prepare jump ignition." Kotch replies, as the ship begins to turn around to space. "Vice Admiral McKeon, the IMC ships can jump through the wormhole with us. Just have to pile into Kodiaks while our teams go out and add the FTL cores." Julia had told Derek, as Rotor plugged some type of key into the terminal along with Kotch, a wormhole forming in front of them. Vasquez grabbed some sort of comm, holding it up to her ear as she pressed a button on the terminal. "Olympus prepared to jump to Anedia in 5..." she states. The sounds of engines were coming on. "4..." Everyone had a smile or smirk on their face. "3..." The terminals lit up. "Sir, everything is in the green!" Someone said from their terminal. "2..." "All ship systems are nominal, sir!" Rotor yelled out from the terminal. "1...Mark!" Julia yells, as the Olympus and IMC ships blasted through the wormhole, a slight shaking being felt for a couple seconds. Everyone relaxed after that. "Welcome to our Alliance, brother." Kotch had said to McKeon.

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  • "Glad to be here..." McKeon said, shaking of excitement and laughing slightly

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  • "Admiral, ETA to Anedia in T-minus 10 minutes, sir." Julia had replied. "Good; all forces, prepare for exit out of wormhole." Kotch tells everyone, before looking to McKeon. "Once out of the wormhole, our forces will help in upgrading your ships and weaponry. You could also send a warning message to the Militia. None of them can trace it back to here." He responds. "I can set it up for you if you want." Julia had replied.

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  • "No. Don't send them a warning. Send them a peace agreement. One week of no fighting between our forces. If they believe that we are Wounded, they will no suspect anything when we attack."

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  • "Yes sir; follow me." She replies, allowing Kotch and Rotor to talk about Cerberus matters. She opens up the door next to the personal quarters, leading to an almost empty room with a drone hovering itself near the back. Another drone laid near by. "Propaganda room. Pretty self-explanatory. When you're ready, I'll set everything up to look like some type of IMC ship or something like that." Julia explains, going in the back of the room with the drone.

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  • Derek took a step forward, entering his office military posture. His hands behind his back, standing tall and strong. "Ready." He said, staring at the drone

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  • She tinkered with the drone and her omni-tool for a little bit, before she smiled. "You can go when ready, sir." She replies.

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  • "As you know, I am Vice Admiral Derek McKeon, part of the IMC. The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation has sustained heavy losses at key points of these Titan Wars. Demeter, our supply Depot, at Typhon. In remembrance of these losses, the IMC requests one single week, Seven days, to take off of our war. To mourn those that have been lost to the fullest extent, without fear of attack. We extend the offer of piece to the Militia, for a temporary time. Please do not refuse grievance. That is all."

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  • The drone recorded the entire thingg, ending it right after he finished. "Good work, sir! Gonna edit this in a little bit and it'll start running through all Militia channels. Kotch is meeting up with some other Cerberus generals to talk about what'll happen." Julia had added, Rotor coming in. "Vasquez; Kotch says he's gonna take a rest. You've gotten command of the ship, ma'am." Rotor explained in his thick Irish accent. "Thanks. Head back to your stations and prepare for impact." She replies, as Vasquez went to a nearby computer, using her Omni-tool to work on sending it out. "Do whatever you want, McKeon. We got eight minutes before we arrive." She responds.

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  • "Understood." Derek said, leaving the room and returning to the armoury, inspecting the various

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  • [spoiler]Timeskip?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]SURE THANG, ORANGUTAN [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Aight.[/spoiler] [i]8 minutes later....[/i] "Brace for impact!" Rotor yelled, the ship lading within orbit of a small [url=]planet[/url], which was most likely Anedia. "Captain, Kotch just sent a message form personal quarters; says he wants you to come with him to Anedia. You and him have command of the Mons and all dealings with the IMC, ma'am." Someone replies from the terminal. "Alright. Tell McKeon and his posse to meet our a**** at the hangar in five minutes." Julia had commanded, making her way down to the bridge. She passed by the armory, where she motioned McKeon to follow her, as Valencio was modifying an ERAD outfitted with mini-Sidewinder bullets...or at least was trying to.

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