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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
6/20/2017 11:47:09 AM
"You have a few options here. You and I can face off through a simulation, with weapons being allowed. Or we could face off outside the simulation."

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  • "Ermmm.... Outside seems nicer..." he grimaced as he remembered what happened in the simulation room last time...

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  • "What would you like to do? We shoot at each other, or a good old fashioned fist fight?"

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  • [spoiler]there's gonna be a few late responses, I'm walking around right now...[/spoiler] "Wouldn't be good ole fashioned cause of ya know..." Poison stated, pointing to his robotic arm.... "Sooooo, uhhhh... Gunfight?"

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  • "Sure. We'll have a gunfight." Marker said, leaving the room

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  • Poison rolled his eyes as he followed Marker out, mumbling, "Yup, just you know, [i]have a gunfight...[/i] that's normal, hehe" Poison then spoke up, "where are we going to have it?"

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  • Marker exited out into one of the six courtyards of the dojo, this particular one having a bridge going over a small man-made river "Right here."

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  • Edited by medic: 6/20/2017 4:11:02 PM
    Poison eyed the courtyard, seeking good advantageous spots before replying, "It seems as good as anything... Any rules? Special guns we use, or just our own?" [spoiler]in about 50 min. Or so, I'll be able to be active for awhile... I think...[/spoiler]

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  • "What weapons do you have on you? Assault rifle? Plasma Rifle?"

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  • Edited by medic: 6/20/2017 5:02:37 PM
    "uhhhh.... I have what I call a Fusion Rifle," grabbing the gun from his back and handing it to Marker... "It's an energy type of shotgun, medium to close range..." Poison then pressed a button and unlatched the compartment on his robotic arm... "And this is my 50. Cal. handgun," Poison stated while grabbing a handgun and testing it's weight... "Only reason im able to control the recoil is cause of this," Poison said, inclining his head towards his robotic arm, "Normally you use the dedicated tri-pod it came with... Since Its only 1 of 10 of its kind, I only have 1, 2 round, mag so it's impractical except to hoist it out and fire off a shot or two in a battle..." He then opened another compartment and grabbed a rather large bullet, "And this is the round it uses, which as you can see, is rather hard to put into the mag which is why I never do it in combat..."

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  • Marker sighed slightly, shaking his head in dismal. "Alright, looks like I'll have to provided you with a reasonable weapon. SMG, AR, or just your average handgun?"

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  • "SMG" Poison replied without hesitation, "that's my favorite type of weapon to use besides these two" Poison said, inclining to the two weapons he was putting away...

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  • "Alright." Marker took a few steps back and sat on one of the benches talking into his helmet, presumably over the Militia comms

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  • Poison stood there uncomfortably, unsure of exactly what Marker was saying...

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  • "Alright! I got a guy coming to the courtyard with two Car-9's."

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  • "Hmmm..." Poison wondered for a second before saying, "Ive heard of that weapon, did some research on it, found a store that had it, and, mind you, it was a long time ago in my old lifestyle, made an attempt to steal it..." Poison rubbed a hidden scar on his left arm, and continued, "It didn't work out well..." Poison got a look of excitement and said, "And now I get to feel one, even shoot one? Yay!" Poison said, his voice that of a little kid about to get ice cream...

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  • "So you know about the Car-9. You seem very familiar with Militia tech, and arms. Are you sure you haven't been a pilot before?" Marker said, taking a good long look at Poison

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  • "I don't know... I mean, I could have been before my rebirth, but I have no memories of it before... Just, I guess I do have some faded memories of their tech. The note said that the guy gave me a rebirth to 'make amends' or something like that, as if I did something bad..." Poisons curiosity sparked, said, "Do you have records of soldiers and pilots? Maybe even criminal records with descriptions of the person? I don't trust my 'name' that was on my note... And besides, I was only given a first name..." Poison looked inquisitively towards Marker as he said this...

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  • "Yeah, of course we do. We can go through the records, see if you were a pilot at some point." Marker commented, as a pilot was seen coming into the courtyard

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  • "Great!" Poison looked giddy with excitement, following Markers gaze to a pilot... "Can't wait, if anything to learn from my mistakes, if I made any, that is..."

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  • "If there's even any evidence of any." Marker said, as the pilot raised two SMGs over his head

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  • "Yeah..." Glancing at the Car-9, "it's exactly how I envisioned it... Hehe..."

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  • The pilot stopped in front of the two, passing one to Marker and one to Poison. The pilot gave the two of them 4 magazines of ammo each and left Marker got to his feet, putting the magazines away and pointing the SMG around the courtyard

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  • Poison beheld the weapon before his hands, "hah! Such a strange paradox, the same weapon I tried to steal now being handed to me..." He tested the weapon, looking into the sights, and aiming it up at the sky... "I love it."

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  • "Are you sure that's the gun? There aren't many on the black market. If there are any at all."

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  • "Ermmm, if that's the case, then the gun in the store, it was the only one by the way, was maybe a replica or something... All I knew is that I had to have it..." Poison stated...

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