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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
5/23/2017 1:11:59 AM

"Nope. He stabbed and murdered his son in front of us, plans to take over the entire planet, actually attempted to murder me.. ..Said some pretty vulgar things too." Isaac noted.

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  • "That's terrible!" The green hatted scarecrow stated. "Tywin wouldn't do that! He gave us company! You must be thinking of someone else." The leader told them in denial.

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    "Are you sure? Because if you go outside and see what's going on, you'll see what he's done, what his sons and daughter have done. Do you know why there is no one here?" Arianna sighed, shaking her head. "They're all either dead or zombies, thanks to Tywinn's son, Felix, who is assisting his father in Tatakai's conquest. We can only provide a description of Tywinn and our truth - it's up to you, my friends, to believe us."

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  • The scarecrows looked around at one another. Then the blue hatted crow spoke up with a question; "How could we even help...?" It asked. The leader looked down at its blade for a moment, then at Tyrell, then back to the two kids as it laughed a bit.

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    "Moral support, and if I'll be honest - you guys are terrifying to some degree, although it's in a good way. You're some of the most enthusiastic guys I've ever met, and your leader? He's scary with a great sword. What about the rest of you? You all seem to be good at something other than music."

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  • "HIDE AND SEEK!" The pink one blurted out. The others all laughed as they began to dance around a bit.

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    "So stealth! Your leader, the brown-hatted one, seems quite good at that." Isaac piped up afterwards. "He can use weaponry well too. What about you guys?" "Just so you know, you don't have to support anyone in this war, alright?" Arianna spoke up, so that she could gain the favor from the scarecrows. "If you guys think you should stay out...well, we're fine with that."

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  • "Well w-w-why w-w-would weeeee......" The leader scarecrow seemed to slur its speech as suddenly all of the dancing began to slow down. Then, all the scarecrows heads went limp as suddenly a whisper seemed to fill the air. The whisper was that of a man and he seemed to be speaking some odd language...

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    "...Isaac, there's someone else here." Isaac attempted to locate the location of the man, while Arianna grabbed a torch. This could be bad..

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  • Suddenly, the unfortunately familiar voice spoke in the air. [i]"Clever, Clever, Clever."[/i] The Voice of Felix Coldbourne said in a hushed tone.

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    "Of course...[i]you[/i]." Arianna sighed, gripping the torch tightly as she looked upon the scarecrows sadly, shaking her head. "Come on now, Felix. First you disappear before we can even have a fair fight - and now you're using scarecrows to take care of us, because you simply can't yourself. Doesn't help that the scarecrows are some of the better bunch that I've met here."

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 5/23/2017 10:49:35 PM
    [i]"Are they not great? I'm so excited that you got to know them before you butcher them like infant pigs. Or, is it the other way around? Ah, well, too bad. I do hope Isaac dies though. The little shit."[/i] Felix insulted. For some reason he had a serious feud with Isaac.

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    "I guess Daddy Tywinn punished you real hard for not poisoning my punch when you had the chance, did he? Shame." Isaac joked sarcastically, drawing his shock pistol. "So you're telling me that you're too much of a little bitch to kill me on your own, so you take control of some innocent scarecrows to do the job? That's...really cute." "Isaac.." "Hey, I know what I'm doing."

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  • [i]"Oh please, boy. The only time my father punished me was when I excelled in the Magic arts greater then he did. If you want to know how he punished us, ask Alex."[/i] Felix told Isaac back. [i]"Plus, I must know if you two are worth my time first. Actually, just one of you in particular..."[/i]

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    "Look, we both know that you have a thing for Arianna-" "Oh, shut the hell up - Felix is right, you are a little shit." Arianna muttered, sighing. "Guys, this is fun and all, I'm sure that Felix is into other women...he probably wouldn't be trying to kill us both if he wasn't. So can we just...go? Get this over with? Please? I know, so enthusiastic about injuring and potentially killing my newfound friends, or vice versa. God, this is...pathetic."

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  • [i]"Um...what?"[/i] Felix asked in confusion. [i]"You two are so ridiculously naive that you are actually confusing me. No matter. You will both die the same."[/i] Then, Felix's voice began to fade. [i]"If you do make it, make your way to Ragnarok. Where your final trial awaits."[/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] Then, his voice was gone. Suddenly the scarecrows eyes began to smoke with black mist as they all raised their heads up slowly. The pink and blue hatted crowds suddenly pulled out scythes which seemed to come from no where, while the green and red hatted scarecrows drew rusted sickles. The leader, the ocarina player, put his instrument away as he pointed his massive sword at the two. "T-time to p-play! Hehehe!" He said in an agonized tone.

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    Isaac wasted no words, firing a charged round into the leader's knee and hoping to scorch him to where he couldn't fight as long. Arianna meanwhile took to going in front of Isaac, drawing a singular Blade of Mercy and serving as a defense.

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  • The leader reeled back as straw blasted out from its knee, but it remained intact. However this strike left the two open to the rest of the crew. The blue hatted crow swung its Scythe down on Isaac while the pink hatted Crow swung its Scythe towards Arianna's stomach. The green and red hatted crows approached slowly with their sickles.

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    Arianna was the fortunate one of the two - she immediately leaped out of range from the scythe before throwing herself back at the scarecrow, swinging the torch and scorching flames upwards into its chin. It was to utilize the inefficiency of the scythe's range - the scarecrow would be forced to do something else, other than swinging its weapon. Isaac wasn't as lucky. His attempt to dodge to the left was foiled as the scythe blade sunk into his right shoulder, causing a yell of agony to escape his mouth. Yet.. As blood spewed from the wound, it froze over the blade and locked it into place, as Isaac looked up at the crow with renewed energy. At the moment, bits of dried and pouring blood exited his wounds - sealing up the other wounds, yet still causing him quite a lot of pain. "...[i]Go to hell![/i]" He roared, drawing his kama with his left hand and ramming the blade into the scarecrow's neck, while he began to utilize it as a human shield against the others.

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  • The blue hatted scarecrow Isaac impaled thwacked the boy off of him. Which sent the injured teen to the ground. It laughed in agony as it reached up to the blade stuck in its neck and pulled it out. Meanwhile, the pink crow Ari was fighting's head lit up In flames and it let out a terrifying laugh as it brought its Scythe back and smacked Ari in her stomach with the shaft of it. Then, the red hatted scarecrow sprinted at Arianna and then leapt through the air as it slashed its Sickles towards her as the green hatted scarecrow slid under the jumping crow to slash at the woman's knees.

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    As Isaac was thrown back, the scythe blade embedded within him was torn from its staff, as he tore it out mid-way and rolled to his feet. The wound stitched itself together, as he sighed. "Great, I'm just as edgy as Mom now.." Arianna was fazed by the immediate bash, but utilized the distance that she had covered via push by immediately leaping back, almost sliding as she found herself next to Isaac. She breathed in and out, sighing as she kept her torch in one hand, her dagger in another. "So fire and attacking in vital spots doesn't work, least fire in small amounts doesn't... ...Decapitation? Music?" She still had the horn upon her being, as she calmly tossed her torch at one of the crows and waited for their assault.

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  • As she tossed her torch at the already flaming scarecrow, it let out a cry of laughter as it made its approach. The scarecrows circled the two now, and the leader rose up from its wounds, its leg busted with straw.

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    "...Go." [i]Arianna suddenly drew her Beretta and lunged to the right side, firing rounds specifically at the scarecrow's knees: to simplify the fight, she'd cripple them and finish them from there on. Isaac remained still, backing away as he tightly clasped his shock pistol. He was waiting, really. [/i]

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  • She shot the pink scarecrows knee and straw popped out from it as it laughed. As she turned to fire again however, she saw her weapon get cleaved in two out of her hand as the leader spiralled through the air and brought its blade down. The green scarecrow swung its sickle at Ari with a vertical arcing slice. While Arianna fought three, Isaac had to fight two. The blue scarecrow, now unarmed, picked up the tambourine Isaac had left on the ground and began to slam down on it. The red scarecrow then sent its sickle towards the boys gut....

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    Strafing towards the green-hatted scarecrow, Arianna allowed the jagged edge of her blade to catch the hook of the sickle, as she kicked the scarecrow away and...drew the horn at her waist. Backing off from the three, she suddenly raised the horn, sheathed her blade and started to play to the beat of the previous song. "Ari, what are you- SHIT." Isaac yelled as he attempted to dodge, which resulted in the sickle getting stuck within his armored vest. He began battering the blade with his left arm, his Arcane shielding activating to assist him at last.

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  • The red hatted sickle wielded crow yanked at the blade as it ripped it out of Isaac's torso, removing it from the armour. Its head began to twitch at the sound of the song and suddenly the blue hatted Crow began to play the tambourine and dance around. The crow that was set aflame walked towards Arianna, its head twitching to the beat as the green hat ran towards her with its sickle, unaffected by the music. Suddenly, the pink scarecrow fell to the ground, and began to smoke and burn. The leader looked at his fallen comrade for a moment before it looked at Arianna. The same went for The red hatted crow that then looked to Arianna, and took its attention off Isaac as its head twitched and it ran towards Ari,

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