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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
5/22/2017 1:40:56 AM
Cylus happened to be on one of his nightly strolls when he heard the crackling of fire. He didn't think anybody else would have been out that late, so he decided to investigate. He approached the source of the noise and found himself behind a man holding green flames which crackles with electricity. "Hey!" he shouted. "What's going on here?"

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  • [i]The man turned his head backwards towards Cylus, then gestured towards the three Contractees in which he faced. They had now turned to face Cylus and the man, lowering themselves into combat stance as well; they looked as though they could pack a serious punch.[/i] "I can explain better once these three are corpses on the ground," [i]The man stated; his voice was soft, barely audible.[/i]

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  • "Huh, sounds about right." Cylus said. He was wearing his suit and was carrying his gear, so he was prepared for a fight. He pulled a blade and also ignited his hands with flames, his being an electric blue. He whispered a phrase in a Dragon's native tongue and the flames grew brighter. "What's your name?" he asked. "You can lead the way."

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  • "... my name is superficial," [i]The man replied.[/i] "Call me whatever the hell you want." [i]Without warning, the three Contractee charged; the man hurled a blast of firetricity at the group, however the female made a gesture; a wall of a strange, translucent blue energy formed, and completely blocked the blast.[/i]

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  • "Got it..." Cylus says. Upon seeing the woman block the hurled balls of fire, Cylus decided to take another approach. He closed his eyes and entered Phase Run mode, his suit bringing him to another dimension. He disappeared without a trace. Seconds later, he reappeared behind the three attackers and stabbedthe woman in the back with one of his burning blades.

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  • [i]The woman was caught off guard; the blade entered her back, and she fell to the ground. However, upon this happened, one of the men shoulder charged Cylus into a wall, creating enough time for the other man to cast some sort of magic spell on the woman; the wound began to heal rapidly. The man quickly looked towards the other man, this time aiming a concentrated bolt at the man who shoulder charged Cylus. A blast of his green/black firetricity struck the man, causing massive burns and charring his flesh, not killing him but knocking him away from Cylus.[/i]

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 5/22/2017 3:32:21 AM
    [i]Cylus took the opportunity and kicked the man in the chest, knocking him to the floor. He quickly pulled out one of his handguns and emptied the magazine into his attacker's face. [/i] "That ought to do it." he says. He turns and shouts to his newfound ally; "Hey... uh, Green Eyes! Thanks for the assist!" He waves as he recollects himself. [i]Cylus sees the woman getting back on her feet, so he shoots a grapple from his wrist at her neck, pulling her through the air towards him. He extends his hand and ignites it once again, catching the woman's face and slamming it into the floor. Her flesh crackled and burned as he pressed her skull down into the cement[/i]

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  • [i]The man who attacked Cylus and the woman fell dead, but there was one that Cylus seemingly forgot about; the healer. The last Contractee ran forth and grabbed Cylus; upon closer examination, the Contractee was a giant, 7'6" in height. The giant used his massive hands to begin twisting Cylus' arms into an extremely... wrong position. Until the other man ran towards the giant, lifted his left arm. His fist, still ignited with green/black firetricity, met the giant's face with deadly force; the giant went flying back, away from Cylus; his face burnt up, flesh tearing away. However, the giant's face... began to rapidly regenerate. Bones snapped back into place, and flesh began to reform. Soon all that was left was the blood, splattered on a fully healed face.[/i]

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 5/23/2017 1:31:28 AM
    [i]Cylus had seen healing factors, hell, he even had one of his own, but he had never seen one as strong and fast as the contractee's. Cylus rolled away from the behemoth of a man, trying to gain distance. He knew it would be a tough fight, but even tougher up close. Drawing two more blades from his belt, he hooked them to grapples and threw them at the man's chest. As they sunk into the man's flesh, Cylus ignited the grapples, conducting heat and energy up to the blade. Cylus slid off of his feet and swung himself between the Contractee's legs, landing behind him. From there, Cylus began bombarding him with crackling blue fireballs. He could feel himself pushing his limits to keep using the magic, as he was still a beginner. Soon, he would tire out and have to do things the "old fashioned way."[/i]

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  • [i]The giant kept getting struck, his flesh burning away, but his regeneration was truly ridiculous; he was healing almost as fast as he was taking damage. The man drew the handgun he recently used from his holster; he aimed it at the giant, and pulled the trigger. The loud banging of a gunshot was heard, and the .50 caliber bullet flew from the gun's barrel to the giant's chest; while the wound healed quickly, the bullet stayed lodged in. Which could prove fatal. The man looked over at Cylus meaningfully.[/i] "Got any guns?"

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 5/23/2017 1:50:18 AM
    Cylus grins devilishly. "You'll be glad you asked" he says. Once again, he enters phase run mode and vanishes into thin air. Moments later he materializes on a nearby rooftop, holding an assault rifle. "Militia issue! High caliber and explosive rounds!" he shouts. [i]Putting on his helmet and hood, he primes the rifle and begins firing. From his position, Cylus maintains a clear shot at the giant and sends a flurry of bullets to all areas of the face, arms, and chest. Down on the ground below, it begins to rain bullet casings as Cylus fires, reloads, and repeats. He wouldn't stop until the monstrosity was down.[/i]

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  • "Man, people and their extreme bullet overkill...." [i]The man backed away as the giant was pelted with bullets; soon, their was so much lead pumped into his still-healing body that it just... stopped, utterly deformed and unable to function. That was three down... but as the man looked around, faint sounds could be heard all around Dojoville; the sound of even more Contractees.[/i]

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 5/23/2017 2:00:38 AM
    Cylus hopped down from the roof and met with the man. "So green eyes, what were those things? I've seen some crazy things here at the dojo, but never anything like [i]that[/i]." he says, nodding towards the dead bodies. When he notices the man listening intently, Cylus decides to do the same. He stands motionless, listening. "Do you think the noise attracted more of them? Because if it did, you'll have to explain all of this ... [i]quickly[/i]." He turns back to the alleyway, looking for signs of movement.

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  • "The noise isn't what attracts them... it's my existence that attracts them," [i]The man said bitterly. He thought that he should get to explaining.[/i] "They're–I should say we're–Contractees. All of us have had... reasons to be desperate for power. Those three probably suffered greatly in some way or another in their childhood. And they become Contractees when they form contracts with these supernatural beings called Contractors. Thing is, after becoming Contractees, they're kidnapped and turned into lab rats. Driven completely mad. I manage to escape this fate... but with my escape, hundreds of other Contractees escaped, as well. So now the scientists have it in for me. These Contractees are trained like dogs to hunt and kill me, as well as to simply wreak mass destruction for these scientist's studies and tests."

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  • "So they're mindlessly breaking out, killing everyone, including their creators and one of their own..." Cylus narrates. "Sounds about right." He checks is assault rifle and reloads it, making sure it was ready for use. Placing it on his back, Cylus rested his hand atop his hip, looking back to "green eyes." "So... Green eyes, two things. One, what should I call you and two, what was your reason for becoming a [i]contractee[/i]?"

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  • "Something like that," [i]The man responds to Cylus's first statement. To the second, he sighed inwardly.[/i] "Vance's my given name. And why I became a Contractee...." [i]Momentarily, Vance was lost in thought, his green eyes clouding over. After a couple moments he returned to reality.[/i] "No different from why those three became Contractees. No different from why... all of these guys became Contractees." [i]He gestured towards the dozens of Contractees that were now roaming Dojoville. They seemingly hadn't noticed Vance and Cylus yet.[/i]

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  • "Ah, well Gr- Vance, it looks like we have some business to take care of." Cylus says, looking out into the dojo at the dozen or so figures wandering the night. "So... Is it a "they smell your presence" kind of thing or "they sense your magic" kind of thing?" he asks Vance

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  • "Honestly? No damn clue," [i]Vance admittedly with a sigh. He slowly lifted his right hand to grip the handle of his greatsword, sliding it up to rest the blade on his shoulder.[/i] "All I know is that they follow me everywhere. It's fuсking annoying." [i]As he examined Dojoville's situation, he turned to nod at Cylus.[/i] "I'll follow you whenever you're ready."

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  • Cylus grabs two spheres from a strap over his shoulder. "Let's move." he says, moving into a crouching position. Hiding behind a trash can, he twists one of the spheres, and then the other. "You might want to cover your ears." he says to Vance. He stands up and hurls the two spheres at the near st contractees' heads. On contact, they burst and began emitting a ear piercing screech. The high frequencies disoriented the beasts long enough for Cylus to attack.

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  • [i]Three Contractees in the group of four Cylus attacked fell to the ground, their ears covered; however, one remained standing, looking at his fallen comrades with surprise; he was clearly deaf, whether from genetic mutation or from past experienced. Vance had his ears covered, meaning he couldn't wield his sword or attack at all; but the remaining Contractee looked like he was sure able to as he clapped his hands; they emitted a terrible sound, capable of literally crushing eardrums.[/i]

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 5/25/2017 4:10:19 AM
    Cylus' helmet protected him from the noise, but he couldn't say the same for Vance. He cursed at himself for forgetting and tossed Vance a pair if earpieces. "Looks like this one wants to go first!" he shouts. He charges the contractee with a knee to the abdomen and a fist to the face, igniting his hands once more with the blue flames.

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  • [i]The Contractee's face was annihilated by the flames; upon closer inspection, it was clear he was a rather young, frail boy, around sixteen. Suddenly, there was a earsplitting shriek; Cylus might not have been able to hear it, but it came from a female Contractee in the group, who still had her ears covered.[/i] "JOHNNY!" [i]She screamed, tears welling up in her eyes; the voice and tears of a mother who had just lost her son. Meanwhile, Vance put on the earpieces, trying to ignore the female as he pulled out his handgun; he couldn't. He never could. He'd never be able to.[/i]

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  • [quote]*Apparently these ones are capable of speech. The female seems to know the one you just punched* Q says[/quote] "Really?" Cylus says, looking down at the boy beneath him. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." he cursed. He instantly ignited his hands again, this time they were a lighter indigo color. Running his hands over the boy's face, it slowly began to heal. Turning on his comms, he talks to Vance through the earpiece. "Damnit Vance! I don't kill damn kids!" he curses. He deactivates the pulse emitters and puts his hands up, backing away from the child, keeping his eyes on the screaming woman. He was lucky to have been able to heal the boy that fast, any longer and it could have been irreversible.

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  • "M-my baby...." [i]The woman crawled on her knees to the boy, tears rolling down her cheeks. She fell to the ground by his side, and their physiques became clearer; so much frailer compared to other Contractees. Mutilated, experimented on, like lab rats; yet the love in the woman's eyes stated she was more than an experiment. But her breathing was slowing, and so was the boy's; they were both extraordinarily weak. Before long, both were peacefully dead; the mystery of how would remain just that. A mystery. But inferences could be made; it was what they were that did that to them. There were two remaining Contractees; a male and a female. They appeared to have no affiliation with each other, but now, Cylus could make no assumptions regarding that. They appeared to be around the same age, and not related by blood. When Cylus yelled into Vance's earpiece, he simply did not reply. His expression was solemn; it was clear he had gone through this situation... far too many times. And he hated it every time.[/i]

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  • "What's happening to them?!" Cylus asked? "Why are they like this!?"

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  • "The mother and son?" [i]Vance looked at the two deceased, sadness filling his green eyes.[/i] "... the contracts don't work out the best for everybody, and neither do the experiments the scientists perform on Contractees. It's mainly genetic. The experiments greatly weaken them... and they end up being unable to survive for very long."

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