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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Diase: 5/6/2017 7:00:36 PM
[u]Assassination Fascination 0100 hours[/u] [i]The dead of night in Dojoville. All lights were off, and the only source of brightness was the illumination of the stars and waxing crescent above, sitting detached in the heavens. The wind was still, and only the songs of crickets and birds could be hears. It would remain that way, as a man wound his way through the back alleyways and hidden nooks and crannies of Dojoville like he knew the place like the back of his hand, which he did. His outfit was strangely designed to replicate a black arachnid, with glowing, red dots surrounding his thin, light chest plate, resembling eyes. The rest of the suit was black, and almost skintight. Around his neck, the man wore a thin, black scarf, which covered his mouth and nose, the ends of the scarf trailing behind him as he ran. At each of his sides was a dagger, their blades sharper than knives, and about ten inches long each. On his back were two items; a thin, two foot long scimitar with a dark red blade, and a single, black compound crossbow. The man was built solidly, his body type a combination between ectomorph and mesomorph. He was about 5'10, and had a head of rather long, brown hair, draped to cover his forehead and right eye. His left eye glowed an unnaturally bright red, likely to be a part of his suit. As the man traversed the town, he finally arrived outside a house. The house was like any other house in Dojoville, its lights off and its resident asleep. However, this house's resident was a killer; a murderer who killed for sport. The kind of person who destroyed families, tore apart relationships and friendships, and broke into happiness and livelihood like crackers. He quickly jumped and grabbed onto the side of the house's wall, however there was nothing to grip; his hands and feet simply stuck to the stone surface. He crawled up the wall, replicating a spider perfectly, until he reached a window. The man took a hand off the wall to grab one of his two daggers; he jammed the blade into the window with such speed so that even while the dagger was lodged inside the glass, the glass did not shatter. Next, the man carved a hole large enough to fit him, before taking the glass out, and gently settling it inside the house. Not a single sound was made as the man rolled into the house from the now broken window; it was silent to the point of eeriness. The room in which he landed was a bedroom, with a desk, walk-in closet, and of course, a bed. Sleeping on the bed was a beautiful woman, with a bloodied knife resting on the cabinet to the side of the bed. It was clear to see that she was the kind of murder that seduced her victims with promises of love and sex, then stabbed them in the heart–literally. The second dagger at his side was grasped and drawn, and the man now held a dagger in each hand. His footsteps and breathing were completely soundless as he walked up to the bed and pressed the tips of his daggers to the woman's neck. In a swift, silent motion, blood was sprayed sideways, and the head of the woman rolled off the pillow, staining the once-clean bed with blood. The man, after wiping his daggers off on the side of the bed, stowed his weapons and left the way he entered; through the window, soundlessly and gracefully.[/i] [u]0800 hours[/u] [i]The man was now outside, on the other side of Dojoville, turning the sign outside of his house's window from 'closed' to 'open'. He wore a simple, white t-shirt and blue jeans, and his hair no longer was draped over his forehead; his eyes were bright blue, his skin tanned and smooth. His face was angular, handsome, his body muscular yet definitely not the lifting type. He moved from the window of the building to a desk in the back, and waited. The room was arranged like a restaurant; one that sold fast food. In the top left corner of the room was a television, which was set to a news channel. The television displayed a news reporter, a woman in her early twenties, holding a microphone.[/i] "This just in," [i]The news reporter said, unsmiling.[/i] "A dead body was found in a Dojoville house. The victim was a female in her mid-twenties, and when her body was found, the head was completely detached and on the floor. Blood was splattered in a straight line, leading police to believe that her head was sliced off by the neck, probably through dual blades of some sort. Through a thorough autopsy report, the woman's identity was discovered to be one 'Abigail Williams', however police records show that the woman had changed her name multiple times. She had a single court case on her record in which she was accused of murdering a woman's husband, however was found innocent in court." [i]The man sighed as he watched the news show, then turned back towards the door, waiting for his first customers of the day.[/i][spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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