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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
5/2/2017 2:18:53 AM
But to his horror... His attack, did nothing. The rebounded off of Cain. They flew into the ground around him and he stared at Bjorn for a moment as he held his spear through the man's hand. Suddenly the sound of hoofs came out of Bjorns right ear, and then he felt four legs pound him and trample him to the ground as the spear ripped out from his hand cleanly. Cain grabbed onto his steed and rode away from Bjorn and put distance between the two.

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  • For a few seconds, Bjorn appeared to be dead. His gun laying adjacent to he arm, his sword planted firmly in the ground to his left. The residue of the bubble could be seen flickered faintly, having taken the brunt of the horse's hooves. Still, dents could be seen in throughout his back. Electricity suddenly coursed throughout the air around him, pulling at his limbs and forcing his body into an upright position. Cursing, he placed his hand on the pommel of his sword, using it as a makeshift cane. "You're the first person to have made me bleed... you know that? And I have to say..." Bjorn tore off his helmet, tearing the metal seal and leaving the imprint of a hand on the visor. Underneath it revealed a handsome face covered in small amount of blood that trickled from a cut made when his face was slammed into the dirt. A faint smile became apparent as he spoke, clearly thrilled by the challenge. "I'm impressed. But still; I cannot afford to lose this fight. I hope that my mother's memory will not be sullied by what I am about to do." By the time he had finished speaking, the field of distortion had almost increased to forty feet in radius from his arm. Tearing at his chest and right arm, Bjorn pulled chunks of his armor off crudely and threw them too the ground. With every piece removed, the electricity surrounding him and the storm above became more intense, until nothing was left but his shield gauntlet. A rather muscular physique, Bjorn was not a push over in terms of strength. He grabbed the hilt of his sword, electricity now burning a dark imprint in the ground. The distortion seemed to be conducting the electricity to insane amounts, allowing for an almost exponential increase now that his limiting armor was removed. However, scars could be seen starting to burn their way into his flesh, as if the shear amount of power was too much for his body to handle. "Without my armor... I am no longer contained. My power is let lose, whether it choose to destroy you..." He raised his sword and shield, preparing for what he thought to be his most difficult fight yet. "Or me." Electricity slammed into his body, magnified by the de-stabilized plasma that he had been building up throughout the fight. The bright light produced by the reaction was nothing short of blinding, almost as if hundred of suns had suddenly burnt a hole in the atmosphere. A glowing figure walked towards Cain, shield and sword in hand. Bjorn had given into the power of the storm... and now it was up to it to guide his blade.

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  • "Then let it be so." Cain stated slowly as he spun his dragon spear in his hand. He raised his hand to the air once more, and spears made of ice moved around his head. From this range he sent all eight of the spears flying in a direct line towards his now empowered foe.

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  • As soon as the first three of the spears entered the bubble of lightning surrounding Bjorn, they were almost burnt away into steam instantaneously. The next two that neared him were shattered as they penetrated one of the inner layers of the somewhat shield-like bubble, their pieces falling aside to the ground. Of all eight, only three reached Bjorn. Two of which burned away on his shield, melted and evaporated by the heat, and the one that penetrated his defenses sliced a large gash across his chest through the dense cloth covering his body. Continuing his advance, Bjorn speaks once more when around twenty feet away. "You... are within my range." He screamed in rage and pain, thrusting his sword towards Cain. In an instant lightning repeated strikes at Cain's position and the surrounding area, pouring millions of volts into the ground and air. The skin on Bjorn's arms starts to burn, it becoming cracked and charred from the amount of energy coursing through him.

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  • Cain attempted to ride out of the way, his horse speeding as fast as it could. But one of the thrusts hit the man's steed. This sent both Cain and his horse flying away a small distance and made them both crash on the ground. Cain stood up, haggered. He knelt down beside his flaming steed which lay on the ground, but the beast rose back up, its flames burning less. He smacked the horses rear and it bolted away towards the flaming wall as Cain spun his spear around and began to approach Bjorn. Cain raised his spear past his shoulder and put his left hand forward as he took aim with his walk.

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  • Completely enraged and taken by the storm, Bjorn thrust his shield towards Cain instead of his sword. This triggered a release of electricity that arced forwards from the shield, shooting straight for Cain's left arm. Suddenly charging, Bjorn almost disappeared with speed as his body became semi-transparent, retaining it's solidity and shape. He continued to aim his shield towards Cain, releasing a steady stream of powerful electricity.

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  • The electricity contacted Cain for every bit of power it had. It stopped him in his tracks for a moment, but then he continued to move. The electricity didn't stop Cain from continuing his advance as well as his throwing of his spear which flew towards Bjorn in an arc over his shield and impale his left shoulder. The spear went completely through his body and impaled the ground behind him. This happened as Cain's steed dissolved into the wall of flames once more.

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  • The spear struck Bjorn, and it pierced his shoulder with a sickening slice. However, instead of bleeding, his body simply... phased away. He fell sideways, his shoulder momentarily disappeared taking the form of an electrical mist. Bjorn then grabbed the grip of the spear and pulled from the ground with his shield hand. He then slammed it into the ground, and electricity poured downwards onto the giant's mangled body. With a flash of light, Bjorn was gone. The spear remained in the ground, accompanied by the storm the giant had made in his anger. The giant however... Bjorn had simply disappeared. If Cain wanted his spear back, he would have to walk into the storm.

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  • Cain eyed the storm as he stood tall and observed his spear become a conductor of something incredible. He clenched his fists together as he made his first steps. Right foot, left foot, right foot, repeat. He entered the storm of electricity, his armour searing black from its power. But still he pushed on. The electricity shocked his entire figure, and he began to move slower and slower as he reached out his hand to grasp the dragon spear he had used to throw at Bjorn. Then, with his left hand, he grasped the spear from around its shaft and raised it from the ground. He fell to his knees as he raised his spear to the air in victory as his steed appeared once more form the flames of the barrier and rose its legs as it looked upon the storm in fear.

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  • As Cain rose the spear in victory, lightning struck the ground that lay before him. A figure made of pure energy strode out of the blinding light, nodding towards Cain in respect. Picking up the now shattered sword that remained where Bjorn disappeared, it walked away towards the flames. As it effortlessly phased through the barrier, it disappeared once and for all, leaving a permanent storm over the forest as if to keep memory of Bjorn fresh in the minds of those who would soon forget him. Bjorn, son of Balthazar... Was dead.

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  • Cain stood from his place, as his steed rode towards him. The snow made from the dark clouds overhead settled on the now black armoured prince. As his steed approached him, he brushed his hand against its mane. "We...did it Anjelica." Cain told his steed. "He was furious, truly furious. A man pure of heart..." Cain bowed his head as he rested the top of it against his horse. He stayed there for some time, as the snow gathered and became thicker on his shoulders, for the Coldbourne Prince would only have his solitude for so long.... [spoiler]End of Chapter 18[/spoiler]

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