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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/23/2017 4:29:45 PM
[b][i][u]Di-Jin Defence[/u][/i][/b] The Coldbourne Empire was large and expansive, yet some parts of the world were still in a fight against its Iron grasp. The city of Di-Jin was a fine example of this, the walls of the city scarred by the battles that it had seen in the past weeks. A dojo member has been called to assist in their battle, and a jeep approached the gate of the dojo It stopped, and out stepped a man clad in strange armour. He sat on the hood of the car and looked towards the gates of the dojo, waiting. [spoiler]You know who you are! [/spoiler]

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  • Enforcer Steel left the gates of the Dojo, brandishing full Siege gear, weapons, and what appeared to be a dissembled laser turret. Heaving the turret parts into the back of the Jeep, he climbed in. "So, you're the driver?" He asked the armored man, "Or can I just take the Jee- and it's manual, nevermind."

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  • "You trying to get me fired already?" The driver asked jokingly, getting into the driver's seat and turning the Jeep on. He revved the engine, putting her out of neutral "You good to go?"

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  • "Wait! Almost forgot," The Enforcer put two fingers in his mouth, shooting off a shrill taxicab whistle. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a small drone flew out of the Dojo, landing on the dash, "Give me a holo-mesh of a Couldbourne jeep. But only when we're out of range of the Dojo," The drone regarded him, then chirped in the affirmative. "Now I'm ready."

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  • "What the hell is a holo-mesh?" The driver asked, glancing at the drone

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  • "Volumetric hologram. We use it for disguises, cloaking, and sometimes for visuals on a damaged wall or something like that."

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  • "Uh huh... Feel free to take a nap. This ride will be a while." The Jeep driver said, hitting the gas and driving through the streets of Dojoville, quickly exiting and simply driving

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  • "On it," Leaning back, a helmet extended over Steel's face, obscuring him from the world. As the Jeep left sight lines of the Dojo, the drone began to project a hologram over it, and its occupants. After a moment, it looked a lot like a Couldbourne vehicle, with the Driver and Enforcer being Couldbourne troopers, and the equipment in the back replaced by a sack of mail.

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  • [spoiler]Timeskip! [/spoiler] Some time later, the Jeep came to a halt, and the driver shook Steel by his shoulder

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  • Edited by Monarch Neo: 4/25/2017 12:49:23 AM
    "Tallipo! Ksa Ksa Ksa!*" The Enforcer startles awake, a long blade protruding from his arm, which he nearly rammed into the drivers throat, "AH! OH MY GOD I'M SORRY!" The blade retracted, with Steel visibly shaken under his armor. [spoiler]* "Defend! Alarm Alarm Alarm![/spoiler]

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  • "Are you quite alright?" The driver asked silently, clearly scared

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  • "Yeah, it's nothing. Let's just go." The Enforcer climbed out of the Jeep, grabbing the laser cannon at the same time. The cannon still looked like a mail sack, for some reason.

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  • The soldier walked towards the gates of a city, moving in through a blown out area. The wood of and steel of the door was blown into the city, scattered around the ground He led Steel through the city, passing by civilians, and soldiers alike, all dead. Bullet holes riddled some buildings and they passed by a broken down a building, where a plane had crashed

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  • "Is anyone still alive around here?" The Enforcer looked over the city, taking note of any strategic points.

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  • "In the deeper parts, yes. Out here, near the walls. Practically none

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  • "Any defensive weak-points we can reinforce? Better yet, any advantage zones we can exploit?"

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  • "Reinforce? We just walked through a giant hole in the main gates. I think it's to late to reinforce anything..." The driver commented as the two entered a large, wide Street leading up hill. Several sand bag machine guns where set up on the hillside, with people milling about At the top of the hill, was a palace like structure. Clearly the head of operations

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  • "Ananke, put up holomesh of the walls, over the holes in the walls. Make it look patchy but sturdy," He turned to the Driver, "Psychological tactic. Makes it look like we can repair the walls faster than they can break them. Should we go meet the town Commander?"

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  • "That's where we're headed." The driver said as the duo started up the hill, passing by several soldiers and a dozen or so civilians

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  • [spoiler]Just put me in the Palace fam[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Oh. I figured you'd ask about defenses and what not. [/spoiler] The two quickly approached the main gates, where they were stopped by what little guard there was. The driver of the Jeep quickly flashed an ID like badge, and the guards parted, allowing the two entrance. They entered a large ballroom like area, with a dual staircase leading to a second floor. The ballroom was full of tables, with ammo and guns piled on top of them. Between the tables were sleeping bags, and it quickly became apparent that this was the new barracks of Di-Jin. The driver sighed, going through the hall and moving up the stairs

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  • "Damn, we're gonna need to set up some kind of supply chain for here. I haven't seen barracks conditions this bad in three years," Steel followed the driver up the stairs, casually taking inventory of the weapons available, "Maybe get some real cots on the first run, then some medical supplies and tents."

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  • "Not much we can do, you know? Our hospitals, our barracks, our manufacturing. It was bombed out before the attack..." The driver sighed and stopped, looking over the railing of the staircase into the soldiers "Least we got some reinforcements." The driver said, gesturing to Steel

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  • "Well, I'll see if I can't get us a few supplies through channels. Steal a few if I have to. We'll see if the Empire has some to [i]donate[/i]." Steel took a quick look around for the base commander.

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  • "Through here." The driver said, gesturing to a door. He pushed through, with Steel directly behind him and entered what looked like a throne room, which had been converted A large table sat in the middle of the room, with a man looking down at it and making adjustments

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  • Edited by Monarch Neo: 4/27/2017 11:28:44 PM
    "Commander,* honor to see you. What's the latest intel say?" [spoiler]*Relative rank[/spoiler]

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