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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/21/2017 9:15:17 PM
"... Ry!?" [i]Ly staggered forward a few steps towards his older sister.[/i] "It's me, Ly!" [i]Ly staggered a few more steps towards his sister, debating breaking into a sprint; but he realized that he had to get something off his chest first.[/i] "I-I'm sorry... I went off planning to investigate and research this planet's natural resources overseas, and took an escape pod from the mothership out.... I planned for the journey to last maybe two weeks max, but things happened.... Ran out of fuel, crashed, explosions...." [i]He listed multiple things that had happened delayed his return, his voice gradually growing softer and softer. Finally, he stopped, and just looked at Ry. Waiting for a reaction.[/i]

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  • [b]Instead of asking any questions, Ry sprinted over to Ly and hugged him very tightly. Jut as right as when they'd first arrived on Tatakai, when they were still both acting like scared children. She was so happy he was back now, maybe things could go as well as they used to... She had so much to tell him... Her new family... Her husband. She began to cry softly.[/b] "Ly I... I missed you so much... When you first left... It was hard to get through it."

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  • [i]After a moment's hesitation, Ly hugged Ry back, just as tightly. He was utterly clueless as to whatever happened while he was gone, and was eager to get caught up.[/i] "I've missed you too, Ry.... There wasn't moment out there that I wasn't thinking of you and the Solarians that came with us. I'm finally back... it's good to be back," [i]Ly said, sighing.[/i] "So... I've missed a lot, huh?"

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  • "Ly you've missed more than just a lot... I adopted some kids because they had nowhere to go. They're nice... I'll introduce you to them soon. But also... I have a kid. I got married, Ly. And... It was the best thing to happen to me since we left the homeworld. I'm so glad it happened..." [b]Ry smiles widely at Ly, trying to make all of what she said make sense.[/b]

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  • [i]Ly blinked.[/i] "You... eh... married? I'm an uncle?" [i]He blinked and thought on that for a moment, then red tears began to form in his warm, orange eyes behind his ski goggles.[/i] "I-I'm so happy for you! I'm never gonna get a wife myself! A pink Solarian like me w-will never be loved!!" [i]Ly sobbed for a moment, then returned to normal. [/i]"Anyways, who's my brother-in-law? My nieces and nephews?"

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  • "Leone is your brother-in-law. He didn't have a last name before I married him, so he took ours. Our son's name is Joel. I'm married to a human. And Ly? There's a bunch of other Pinks down in the other side of the ship, remember? I'm sure you can find someone. They see me as their leader, so I could find you someone if you'd like. Also, there's a certain person on the ship I want you to look out for. Kytiobinas. She doesn't have a last name either. My husband... Got very angry with her. She's a broken woman. She doesn't think right anymore. Do mind looking after her?"

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  • "Kytiobinas, huh?" [i]Ly thought for a moment, wondering what kind of person Leone was.[/i] "Sure. What exactly did she do?" [i]He was a little confused as to why it was him that was looking after Ky; after all, there were tons of other Pinks. But his sister probably had a reason, Ly knew, so he didn't question it.[/i]

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