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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/21/2017 8:05:56 PM
[b]Chapter Sixteen[/b] The course texture of rough sand rubbed up against Arianna's face. Her vision was blurred for a moment but it quickly cleared so she could observe her surroundings. She was covered in sand, and found herself on a beach. It was long and wide, and the sky was dark and cloudy. Lighting strike and thunder boomed often. Ahead of her was long dying grass, and a series of dark, dead forests. Then, she spotted another figure down the beach. She soon realized that Isaac was not with her. [spoiler]For Orn[/spoiler]

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    "...Isaac..." Arianna slowly came to her conscience, light blue eyes opening as she surveyed her surroundings silently. She groaned, pressing her hand against the gradient ground as she slowly, and shakily, pushed herself up.

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  • Her brother did not move from his position. It was likely he is in the situation Arianna had just been in. [spoiler]Go ahead! [/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]Hold up. Is Isaac the other figure on the beach, or is he in an entirely different location?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]he is the other figure ya [/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]Oh. In that case..[/spoiler] Isaac still wasn't moving. Arianna stumbled over to the still body of her younger brother, before falling to her knees as she reached him, sand covering her armored legs as she began to try waking him up, nervousness crossing her pale face before- "...G-Gah!" Isaac suddenly yelled out, water and sand spilling from his mouth as he erupted in a fit of coughing. Arianna muttered encouraging words as Isaac began to recover, his gagging turning into coughing, as his condition stabilized. "You good now?" Arianna questioned, as Isaac leaned upon her body and sighed. "Y-Yah...T-Thank you, Ari." He groaned as Arianna then lifted him off the ground, as both stood upon the beach. "W-Where's Scarlett...?" Isaac murmured, while Arianna sighed and shook her head. "Don't know...haven't seen her since the crash." Arianna then hugged Isaac considerably, sighing once more as she and her brother studied the island quietly. They were lost, yet together - Isaac had faith in their duo, though. "So...guess we should get moving?" Isaac smiled a little, as Arianna shoved him off and smirked to herself. She checked herself for her gear, seeing if it was all still upon her.

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  • Everything luckily was still there, that went for Isaac as well. But then, a voice cried out to them. "H-hello?!" An old voice cried out to them from the grass. As the kids looked, they saw an old man with only a little grey hair and a Cain hobbling his way towards the two. "Are you two young'uns alright there?" He yelled again in his croaky voice.

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    "Yes, yes we are.." Arianna carefully murmured, Isaac remaining silent as his sister stood to look upon the elderly man cautiously. They didn't know him, and as could've been an illusion. "...Where are we? If you don't mind telling..?"

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  • The man continued his approach and eventually made his way to the beach. He looked at the two with old and rough eyes. "You two are on the isle of Shraak." The old man told them. "It is the southern isle of the Celtic isles. I was trying to find something to eat when I saw both of you wash up on shore here!"

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  • Edited by Orn: 4/22/2017 7:21:48 PM
    "Shraak...thank you. Our boat was attacked, and we're unaware of what's going on..." Now Arianna was just worried, although she seemed to have been calm and composed. Something to eat? She hoped that he wasn't coming around to cannibalize either her or Isaac... Isaac remained silent as he studied the island in general, sighing as he looked out at the endless sea. He had begun to hope that Scarlett wasn't dead. Or well, not kidnapped.

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  • "Yes. Of course. I should explain this all to you, in some place safer." The old man said. "My Home is in the woods. If you come with me I can tell you of everything there. As long as we aren't attacked by any of the damned creatures..."

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    "Creatures? Such as?" Isaac then piped up, while secretly hoping that these zombies hadn't made it to this island. First their ships, then the ocean infested with them...he already missed the Dojo, and most of all, Pan.

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  • "Undead. That's what they look like." The old man confirmed Isaac's fear. "But as I said, we must get inside. Follow me." The old man turned around and began to hobble back to the dead looking woods ahead of the three.

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    "Great..." "Calm down, Isaac. It's fine.." Arianna patted her brother on the head, smiling before beginning to follow the elderly man towards his cottage within the depths of the woods. Isaac sighed and followed, as he had no other choice.

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  • The three entered the dark dead woods. The tree's had no leaves, and there was no life to be found. It wasn't long before there was a small clearing where there was a wooden cabin with a stone foundation. "Home sweet home!" The man said as he approached the door. He opened it, and held it open so the two could come inside.

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    Both the teenager and the young woman entered, as Arianna and Isaac quietly thanked the man and surveyed their surroundings. Isaac was concerned about the design - Arianna just wanted somewhere to sit down and relax.

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  • The cabin was well kept. There was a small table by the window in the centre, a queen sized bed on the left of the home next to the fire place and a few shelves stocked with goods. That being said, there was also a fridge, stove and sink on the right side of the home as well as a light in the middle of the one room cabin. "Make yourselves at home!" The man said as he tried to pull a chair out for himself to sit at the table. Though it was taking some effort.

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    "There is a bathroom around here, correct? Or an outhouse?" Arianna quietly questioned, as Isaac shot her a confused glare. "...Why're you giving me that look? I genuinely need to know," Arianna shot back, as she sat down at the table as Isaac merely sighed, before looking over at the elderly individual with a renewed respect. "So, sir...this is quite comfortable. But, we should probably get to planning our next move.."

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  • "Right, of course young one." He agreed. "Now. I suppose I should start at the beginning." The old man cleared his throat before he spoke. "A single man walked up to Ragnarok. That's what I heard. He told everyone that they could join him, or die. Naturally, he was laughed at. But then, he summoned the dead from the ocean. He had an army behind him in moments. Many celtics the joined the bastard. It took him a night to claim Ragnarok as his own. We lost all contact then. THEN, his armies went down to Dagul, the middle isle. The same thing happened there. Then finally the armies of undead arrived on Shrak. They killed our Jarl and replaced him with a terrible beast. Now, they flood the streets of the City of Shrak. That includes access to the docks."

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    "Felix Coldbourne, I presume." Arianna muttered, before speaking up. "It's a grab for power, I suppose. Now with an armada of undead at his's both an attempt of intimidation and show of force, alongside leading the traitorous Celtics. Is the Jarl of Ragnarok among him, or dead? Knowing him, he probably chose the former.."

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  • "Not sure." The man said. "We lost all contact. Our forces have dwindled, but I might have an idea on how to release the dead from this place..."

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    "Then please, explain. We need to know fast, else this'll escalate into something worse than it already is..."

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  • "Well. It seems that the storm is the most intense over Garik's palace. In the city of Shrak. That also happens to be where the sorcerers beast has made its den. If you go there and kill the may pacify the island. It's a gamble, but it's something."

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    "Then I suppose we'll have to use stealth to infiltrate the actual palace and extinguish this...creature. Any assistance with that?"

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  • "No...I'm afraid not. You will have to make your way through the city. There are two gates. The east and west. The city Is right on the coastline, so the docks make up the north west portion of the city. You'll have to fight your way through. Though I suppose the two of you could find a way to reach the palace without the dead finding you eh?"

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    "That was the plan...cutting through their forces would be utter suicide though." "How do these undead identify each other? Scent? Appearance?" Isaac piped in, formulating an idea...

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