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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/16/2017 1:26:39 AM
[b][i][u]Going Medieval[/u][/i][/b] [i]Somewhere outside Dojoville[/i] A large cat like creature, almost like a pale, and hairless, lion rampaged through the woods on its way toward the town. It's blood red eyes glowed with hatred and malice, it was clear this thing was out to kill. "Halt!" A man clad in medieval style chain-mail stepped between it and the village, wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. His surecoat was black, as was his shield, save for a white cross with a trinity Knot in the center. "Be gone, creature of darkness!" The man stepped forth, his blade raised high as ge slashed at it's head. The monster was quick however, and easily dodged the blow before delivering it's own. The knight moved fast, catching the fowl beast's claws across his shield and delivering a fatal thrust to it's hind leg. The monster howled an unearthly shriek, it's wound oozing blood black as the shadow from which it came. In a final desperate attempt to escape, it threw it's weight at the knight, whom batted it away with his shield before delivering the fatal blow with a sweep of his blade upon the creature's neck. With a burst of flame, the beast left the wprld of the living, replaced with mere ash and bone. Stepping back, the knight kneeled before his kill and bowed his head in a prayer of thanks for his victory, seemingly unaware of his spectator. [spoiler]Open, you are the spectator.[/spoiler]

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