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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/13/2017 5:55:04 AM
[b]A soft heartbeat... Why was it so goddamn loud though? It was close... Too close... It was barely noticeable on his chest... Or was it in his chest? Was someone pressed against him or was that heart his he heard and felt pounding? Why couldn't he tell? Why the hell did it confuse him so much? He slowly brought a wet hand to his face, wiping the liquid over his face. Wait. Why was his hand wet? He didn't remember it being wet when he... Did he go to sleep? Or did he pass out? Why couldn't he remember? A better question, why could he remember where he was in the first place? Where the hell was he? His eyes were closed... He felt rough ground below him, as if it was gravel or some sort of cobblestone under his back. Why was he laying down in the first place? Last thing he remembered... He didn't. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't remember his name. He didn't remember his family or friends, if he had any... He didn't understand any of it... Ad this point he put his hand on his chest, just to find someone else's back. So there was someone on top of him... Who was it? Why hadn't he opened his eyes yet? He was afraid, mostly. What if whatever was on top of him was asleep and would kill him if he woke it up? He put his hand back to his face, and finally realized how parched he was. His mouth was a damn desert, dry as a bone. He finally mustered up the courage, and opened his eyes. That didn't really help his current situation. It didn't hurt, but it didn't exactly help. The first thing he looked at was the person. The person was a female, that much was clear, and she was actually looking up at him, smiling. It was a creepy smile, stretched like something right from a horror film. But it wasn't malicious. It looked mischievous, but it harbored no malice. Well, no serious malice, didn't seem she would try to seriously harm anyone in the immediate time frame. The second thing he noticed was her skin. It was a light teal, like someone had dipped her in blue paint and set her out to dry for a while. Her eyes were normal, save that her eyes were the same color as her skin. She had her hair cut in various lengths, some as short as a bob, others as far down as her shoulders. This seemed very random, but meticulously planned. Wait, that made no sense. Why did he think it? He shook the thought from his mind, and looked down at her clothes. She wore a brown trench coat, open to reveal a white shirt. The trench coat was ragged, several small holes bored in it in several places, mostly around the bottom and collar of it. She wore a pair of brown jeans, and brown boots. He thought the outfit was very plain, but something else caught his eye. Her ears. They were pointed, like an elf's in a fantasy story. A look of confusion spread across his face, and the woman laughed, jumping up from on top of him. He looked to the right, and saw a small bowl of water. That must've been what made his hand wet. He slowly stood up. Then it hit him. He remembered where he was. He was outside. Outside a place called the Dojo, in the little town below the actual site of the place he was headed for. He remembered now. The woman was Sub, and was... Him. She was him. He shook his head for a second. Yes... Yes, she was him. Rather, she is his subconscious he'd removed and put into a body to get rid of its antics. He slowly smiles, happy he'd made it. He remembered why he'd passed out now. He'd lived across the planet, in a desert, for a very long time. He'd made the trek to the Dojo all in one day, sprinting the whole way. That's why he was parched. But it didn't explain why Sub had laid on top of him.[/b] "Sub, why the hell were you on top of me?" [b]Sub looked down at him like he was dumb. She laughs heartily again.[/b] Sub: "Because, Ricky, I was bored as hell and was waiting for you to wake up!" [b]He sighs. This was just like her to do this. He thought she was totally insane, though he supposed that's what a subconscious was without the rest of the mind. A bunch of insane blatherings of the mind all melded together to make someone do things automatically. He spoke again.[/b] "My name isn't even Ricky. Or Rick. It's Richard, Sub." Sub: "Oh yeeeeaaaah... I'll just call you Dick then!" [b]He sighs even heavier, and speaks again.[/b] "If you call me Dick then I'll take you out of that body and shove you back into my head." [b]Sub frowns at him, seemingly genuinely upset.[/b] Sub: "You're no fun!" [b]He takes a step towards her, and she takes five back. She laughs again, and picks a brown fedora from the ground, putting it on after dusting it off. He speaks again.[/b] "Get me a damn mirror. I wanna see how I look." [b]Sub pulls a hand mirror from her pocket, and hands it to him. He looks at himself. He had brown hair, brown eyes. He'd remembered that much, along with his very pale skin, side effect of working the lab so often. He was wearing a plain, red t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. He wore black tennis shoes. His hair was short, not much longer than a crew cut. His left arm had a very large burn on it, from his work on the lab. He hands the mirror back to Sub, and begins to walk to the Dojo gates, Sub in tow. When he gets there, he knocks on the gates very hard, making his hand ache a little.[/b] [spoiler]Open. Got bored.[/spoiler]

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  • "Oh someone a knockin i wonder who?" [i]the voice comes from the nearby bushes followed by rustling and out leaps a fluffy silver furred housecat with bright green eyes. It stops nearby and just looks at the two.[/i]

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  • [b]Sub immediately runs over to it. She loved cats, any type would do. Cats were the best, why wouldn't she love them? She didn't even slowly approach, rather a mad dash to get close to it. She inspected it closely, and with confusion.[/b] Sub: "You can talk?"

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  • "Yes i can"says the cat [i]the cat watching her carefully from its posture that its a little shy. But its clearly a girl from its female voice. [/i] "I-i'm akiko..."she says

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  • [i]Outside the Dojo walls, Panta Rhei had been strolling around in a white skirt and top, picking all sorts of flowers for Grant. She had gotten a large variety and made a pretty arrangment that looked professional level. Panta was returning home when she found the strange blue girl and bland man standing outside. She's extremely shy so she tries to go around them silently, but that goes to waste when she steps on a twig.[/i] "Oops..." [spoiler]Sorry for mistakes. I'm on a phone.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Sub immediately took interest in the girl, while Richard didn't seem to care in the slightest. Richard just wanted to get into the Dojo to do his business he had there, and then leave. Granted it would take a while, but it'd be worth it. Sub however, ran right up to Panta. She seemed very interested, a million tiny thoughts running through her head, most of them crazy. She got right up close to Panta with a smile.[/b] Sub: "Hiiiiiiii!"

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  • "Eep!" [i]Panta screams in shock from the girl running up to her so fast with a crazy look. Panta starts to shake in fear, scared of Sub.[/i]

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  • [b]Sub suddenly looks regretful, as if she hadn't wanted to scare Panta at all. She looks down at Panta with a warm smile, and she kneels down to face her.[/b] "Hey... I'm not gonna hurt you or anything! Don't be afraid!"

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  • [i]Panta stops shaking and nods, smiling back a little. She was still a bit shaken up, but she was no longer afraid of the woman.[/i] "Okay..."

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  • [b]Sub extends a hand to help Panta up, her hands her gloved in brown leather. The leather was extremely soft, a few tears in the material.[/b] "C'mon. Let me help you up."

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  • [spoiler]She never fell?[/spoiler] [i] Panta takes her hand and slowly stands up, hiding most of her face with the flowers.[/i] "O-Okay..."

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  • [spoiler]You said she went to the ground though.[/spoiler] "C'mon kid. You don't have to hide your face. I won't make fun of you or anything. Why would I? You seem nice enough!"

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  • [i]Panta slowly lowers the flowers and smiles up at the woman.[/i] "O-Okay....I-I'm Panta." [i]She starts to shake after having the flowers lowered.[/i]

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  • [b]Sub seemed a little worried. Was the girl scared of her? Was she scared of Richard? She'd beat the shit out of Dick if he scared that little girl![/b] "Are you alright? You're shaking..."

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  • "I....I'm...just a lil sh-shy and y-you scared me." [i]Panta covers herself with the flowers again.[/i]

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  • "Oh? I did? I'm really sorry kid! Really really sorry! I didn't mean to I swear! How can I make it up to you?" [b]She looked genuinely concerned.[/b]

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  • "I-It's fine. I'm okay now." [i]Panta smiles at the woman, lowering the flowers so she can see the smile.[/i]

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  • [b]Sub smiles at her warmly. She thought the girl would still be afraid, but hey, she'd take it.[/b] "My name's Sub, by the way!"

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  • "I'm Panta." [i]Panta gains a small amount of confidence now that she's been around Sub for a few moments.[/i] "Who's the man?" [i]She gestures to the man Sub was just with.[/i]

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  • "That's Richard! I am him! Well, I'm his subconscious that he took out and put in another body! I'm basically what his brain secretly wants him to do! Like wear this trench coat! It's suuuuuuper edgy!"

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  • [i]Panta blinks a few times with a blank stare.[/i] "Ooookay....And people think I'm crazy..."

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  • "No! I'm serious! Well... I am totally crazy, but still! Richard, I'm telling the truth, right?" Richard: "Regrettably, yes. You are."

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  • "Y-You're his subconscious in a physical form?...Cool. How did you manage that?" [i]Panta walks around Sub, observing her closely.[/i]

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  • Sub: "What he did was... This is weird. He took a dogs brain, right? And he took a gerbil brain. And he stitched them together. Then he took a machine and took out his subconscious. Then he put his subconscious into the brain. Then he put the brain in the body. And that's how I was made!"

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  • [i]Panta sighs and shakes her head.[/i] "That makes no sense to me, but okay. I'll just take your word for it."

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  • "There's a lot more science-y stuff to it than that, but you'd have to ask Rich over there for the details!"

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