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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/5/2017 12:45:38 AM
[b]Royal did so,moving to the right side of it with Gunzerker standing behind him [/b]

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  • "Open the door. Slowly." Alex whispered to Roy.

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  • "On it." Royal slowly pushed into the door, opening it and peaking through the small opening

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  • Alex knelt down and poked his gun through the crack. "Alright. Clear. Move in."

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  • Royal pushed through the door fully, moving in with Gunzerker behind him

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  • The door revealed a long hallway. It seemed to branch off in the middle and at the end. "We move to the mid. He is likely in the middle of the building. Provides him the most escape routes as well as safety." Alex stated in a hushed tone.

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  • Royal nodded, crouching down and moving forward silently

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  • The team moved quietly. Then flanked left. They ascended a staircase until they reached the sixth floor, which seemed to be the middle of the building. "Sir. Why haven't we seen anyone yet?" Patricks asked. "Don't know PT. could be they are all pissing themselves in the centre of the complex. But that also means we're walking into a trap." "A-a trap?!" Cortez repeated fearfully.

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  • "What the hell did you expect Cortez? This would be a walk in the damn Park?!" Royal turned to look at Cortez, almost judgemental

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  • "W-well I expected it to be an adventure! Just that i forgot about the danger..." "Good lord Cortez." Patrick's said. "W-what?! Why are you targeting me?! You joined for the same reasons Patty!" "No. I joined to make the world a better place. I knew the danger involved to begin with." "OKAY LADIES." Alex interrupted. "You're both gorgeous in your own ways. And both of your reasons are equally as cliche! Now shut up and be good soldiers. Like Jazz here!" Jazz cackled lightly after Alex shut the two soldiers down.

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  • "Great so we have an unwilling soldier, a laughing maniac, a walking tank, and a good little soldier. How could this get ANY better at all??

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  • Suddenly, dozens of men pooled out of the rooms ahead of them from down the hallway. They all aimed their guns at the group and formed a line of fire. "You just HAD to say that did you Roy?!" Alex let out as he rushed to the front. The men began to fire, but alex placed his massive blade into the ground ahead of him. The blade was able to cover a large portion of the hallway, and provided cover. Not only that, but all the bullets around the blade seemed to drop as they passed it. And the blade itself began to fume with energy. "FIRE! RIGHT NOW!" Alex commanded.

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  • "Alright?!" Both Royal and Gunzerker fired into the hallway, or rather into the Shield

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  • The bullets that the group fired past the blade seemed to be absorbed by the blade before they could reach their targets. The blade became inflamed with energy as piles of shell cases fell around Alex. Then, he drew his blade from the ground and trusted forward. A massive concussive blast shot from the infinite blade and crashed through all the walls ahead of him. The blast blew through all of the gang members ahead of the group, which sent all of the hostiles flying back into the walls and hallway. After the moment ended, all was calm, and the hallway was filled with unconscious bodies.

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  • "THAT WAS FÚCKING AWESOME DEITY!" Royal clapped the FD on his back, examining the scene with pride

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  • "You're godamm right it was." Alex said cockily. Jazz chuckled some more while the two soldiers were out of breath from the strike. "Alright bitches. We still got a cartel leader to take down. He should be up ahead so let's move!" The group made their way down the hallways until eventually they reached a large red and purple door. "This is the centre of the complex. Roy, you open the door while I breach. Got it?"

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  • "Wait... If you're breaching it then why I open it?" Royal asked, almost confused

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  • "Uh...what?" Alex questioned. "No like, you open it, then I breach the room. Like I move in."

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  • "Well then don't say breach. Breach would mean you're blowing the door open"

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  • "Well I-" "He's right sir." Patrick's said. "No! He's not! Shut up Patrick's!" Alex scolded. "B-but he's correct sir!" Cortez added. "Cortez you can't say anything! Your pants are soaked with piss!"

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  • "Hey don't be getting on Cortez's ass for your mistakes!" Royal said before sighing "Can we just stay focused?"

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  • "No! We are settling this!" Alex said. "I am not wrong! I refuse to be! Breaking is-" Suddenly alex and Roy were pushed out of the way by Jazz, and pointed her gun right at the door and cackled. "AH! GET DOWN!" Cortez let out as he jumped to the floor along with everyone else. Jazz shot the door, and a small explosion sent her flying and laughing back across the hallway. The door exploded as she landed like a rag doll. "JAZZ?!" Alex called out with worry. After a moment of silence, the girl suddenly stood up and saluted.

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  • "Guess we're going in!" Royal yelled as he moved inside, weapon raised

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  • The rest of the team followed Royal. Inside was a massive square room with gold desks, shelves, apples?! Everything in the room was made of gold! But Roy noticed something. There was a glass cylinder, the size to fit a person, at the end of the room. As something seemed to just have moved down it.... "Rich bastard." Alex said as he looked around. "Should sell this room. Just take it out with a crane and sell it to a collector in Di-Jin." The group didn't notice what Roy had, however.

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  • Royal walked forward, towards the glass cylinder slowly while adjusting the SMG in his hands.

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  • "Roy? What is it?" Alex asked as he stepped beside him. "Wait a second...this is an elevator!" He declared. "Look! It's got buttons on the side of it and everything!" Alex pointed to the side of the cylinder which had two buttons on the wall.

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