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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
3/17/2017 8:47:57 PM
[b][u]Diplomatic Relations[/u][/b] A trio clad in environmental suits (Designed in a similar manner to formal wear) Made their way down the main road to the Dojo. Nobody paid them any mind, excluding a pickpocket, who tried to grab the valuable looking chunk of gold sticking from the lead one's back. As he tried to pull away, the suited humanoid grabbed his wrist, pressing hard on his ribs. The potential thief collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. The leader looked at his compatriots, saying something in a harsh, scratchy tongue. All three of them laughed cruelly, and the other two kicked the thief in the head. They continued their walk to the Dojo, ignoring the slowly-dying thief. Stopping at the massive gates, the one with the gold chunk heavily knocked on them. [spoiler]Open, and tread carefully.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]the door opens after they knock on it. Standing in the doorway was a very small blonde haired girl who no older than age of six. But something seems very off about this child despite her looks she is very intelligent. The girl was wearing all black dress with black ribbons and lace. At the base of the child's neck is a very awful looking scar that continues downward past the collar of her dress. She was looking up at them with her bright blue eyes[/i] "Yes can i help you mister?"says the girl [i]she speaks with a very polite quiet tone of voice. [/i]

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  • The little girl sees the three pressure-suited diplomats draw cracking energy whips, while the lead one shouts a Mulligan. The whips cause a persisting sense of dread. Clearly this situation was beginning to spiral out of control.

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  • "Please mister your not supposed to fight here so stop make them mad "says the girl [i]they wouldn't have a clue what she would be talking about but they should heed her words. Not only that it seemed like it the girl wasn't speaking at all because the voice that came out her for a slight second sound a lot older. But that impossible or so it seems. [/i]

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  • Gold's head tilted slightly for a moment, before the whips cracked off. The lackeys turned around and stepped several feet back, as a large dropship flew in from outside the city. Cords fell from the machine, which were grabbed by the diplomats. As Gold ascended, she made a clearly rude gesture with her gloved hand. The ship flew off into the sky before any reaction could be made.

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  • (End)

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  • [b]The door opened in response and a man in high tech metal armor looked at them. He had some type of spear on his back.[/b] "How may I help you?"

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  • The armored man sees the three pressure-suited diplomats draw cracking energy whips, while the lead one shouts a Mulligan. The whips cause a persisting sense of dread, and whatever sensor data gathered stated that the whips drained energy from the surroundings, chilling the air. Clearly this situation was beginning to spiral out of control.

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  • [spoiler]why the hell not[/spoiler] [b]mulligan opens the large double doors closed, his cybernetic lower half quietly whirring and humming[/b] Is there something i can help you with sir?......

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  • [spoiler]Coooongratulations! You are now the representative to the Vulpecula Federation! What you say and do will determine the relations between Takati and Ordtarmhbi! Good luck![/spoiler] The left side figure immediately began to speak in a furious, aggressive voice. "We are here to terraform your worl-" The leader cuts it off with a swift punch to the gut. Regaining the composure that it had earlier, the leader speaks. "What my [i]incompotent[/i] lackey was trying to say, is that we have tracked ships encroaching onto our territory. Our laws state that any ship that enters our territory shall be destroyed, and the crew executed. We also recognize that you harbor two fugitives of our nation." A rock sailed over the wall, slamming into the right-lackeys head. Mulligan heard a highly mechanichal shout from the other side. "Like hell I'm going anywhere near you ethanol-based freaks!" The leader's fists clenched in anger. Picking up the rock, he hurtled it back over the wall. "The Federation demands justice!"

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  • [b]as the rock is throw back over I jump up and catch it, landing down in the form of the hollow knight, a legend thought lost to time itself, I then land, letting go of the rock, I then speak, though no mouth is visible[/b] There will be no fighting on these grounds, unless it's in the arena, but I'm not so sure I want you on there, esssspecially considering you just threw a rock at a man inside these walls

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  • The gold one, probably female judging by the voice, snarls in fury. Grabbing a small device from her hip, the diplomat summoned a cracking energy whip. Her compatriots do the same, the lightning from their whips emitting a wave of cold air. Despite never having seen one, you get the feeling that you shouldn't touch the whips. "You [b]dare[/b] try to stop us?! Your insolence will be punished to the highest degree!"

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  • [b]again the voice speaks[/b] And yet your insubordination will be met with a force unlike any before it if you even attempt to either cross these borders or strike me down.....I suggest you stop now...and put those...what I assume are whips or lectas....once again...surrender yourselves and weapons and you may be allowed entry, or with luck a trial

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  • Edited by Monarch Neo: 3/22/2017 12:10:57 AM
    Gold's head tilted slightly for a moment, before the whips cracked off. The lackeys turned around and stepped several feet back, as a large dropship flew in from outside the city. Cords fell from the machine, which were grabbed by the diplomats. As Gold ascended, she made a clearly rude gesture with her gloved hand. The ship flew off into the sky before any reaction could be made.

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  • [b]i look up at gold, before reverting and walking back inside[/b] [spoiler]i know this might be a stupid question but how'd I do?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Considering the inherently aggressive nature of the Vulpecula, and the that you got them to stand down, you did 8/10. Also the Federation has declared war on Takati, guaranteed. End.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]oh boy, seems like I'm gonna get to use hollow knight a bit more in the future[/spoiler]

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