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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Pofeh: 3/6/2017 2:30:58 AM
[b]Courtyard A2, 9:32 A.M.[/b] [u]Sitting on one of the few benches in the large courtyard, Bjorn rests his weary legs for the first time in days. Staring at the cherry tree in the center, he exhales deeply, a great calm coming of his armored body. Resting beside him is his sheathed sword and rifle, the gun not having a mag and the blade safely locked in its containment field. Talking to himself, he laments at the Dojo's beauty.[/u] "[i]Such a wondrous place. I can see why he'd have spent so much time here. What need for he of the toils of home, when such a serene heaven, isolated from the issues of the world exists? Truly, it is without an equal...[/i]" [u]Sitting in silence for a few more minutes, Bjorn moves his heavily armored gauntlet towards the edge of his helmet. Fumbling with a few magnetic locks, he pulls the pressurized capsule off of his head with a pop, revealing a most handsome face. Looking no more then twenty, there was no way he could be in his thirties without being some other species. Resting the helmet at his side, he breathes in deeply, appreciating his surroundings.[/u] [spoiler]Open af bby[/spoiler]

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  • A small island floated into view, atop it sat a young woman wearing a flower shirt that stretched to her knees and simple flip flops. Her small but curved figure didn't leave much to the imagination. She sat cross legged, smiling at her surroundings. She hadn't noticed Bjorn yet, and she started to make a crown out of discarded leaves, chuckling.

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  • [u]Bjorn stares at the woman, smiling as he watches her fiddle with the leaves and make the crown. Chuckling, he calls out to her.[/u] "[i]Fancy meeting you here, after our interaction at the gate![/i]"

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  • The island floated over to him and lowered itself to the ground. "Oh, I remember you! :D" She smiled, reaching out to shake his hand. "I let you through the gate, if I recall! :3"

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  • [u]Nodding with a smile, Bjorn scratches at his chin.[/u] "[i]That you did, that you did. And I must thank you for it, by the way. Without somebody letting me enter, I would have sat out there for days waiting.[/i]"

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  • "It's no worry, man! I love helping people, and especially the cute ones! ^-^" She smiled, blushing slightly. ";3"

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  • [u]Bjorn chuckles, noticeably flattered by the compliment.[/u] "[i]You're not the first lady who has paid me compliments, but you are certainly one of the most charming.[/i]"

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  • "Why, thank you. :3" She bowed, smiling at him. "I don't believe we introduced ourselves properly!" "My name is Sally! :D" She said, excited to meet a new person. "Who might you be? :3"

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  • [u]Smiling? Bjorn holds out his hand.[/u] "[i]I am Bjorn Einar, shield of the weak and sword of the masses. I have made it my duty to protect others.[/i]

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  • "Noble, noble indedd! :D" She nodded, and released her grip. "I wish you luck good sir! :3" She floated back to her island, and then into the Dojo.

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  • Edited by Orn: 3/6/2017 11:32:28 PM
    [i]As the giant of a man continued to study in awe at the design of the Dojo and the natural beauty of the courtyard, a silent figure entered without a murmur or introduction, as they walked straight towards the cherry blossom in the center. [/i] [i]The figurine was...unique, to say the very least. It appeared to have been a female, with the femininely lean body and slight strut added to her movement towards the tree. She was about seven feet tall in total, although she was still about two feet shorter than the giant within the courtyard before her. Her body appeared to have been muscular and strong in some sense, so that was certainly a similarity. [/i] [i]Upon her body was a suit of dark gleaming armor, the previous top layer rusted and a darker color. Yet, it glinted a little, a flicker of gold shining through the rust and wear of the suit. The helm was shaped like the growling head of a ferocious lion, it's teeth barred as a slit between it's teeth was present so that one could see through the metal structure. A deep purple plume descended from the back of her helmet, the royal color gleaming in the sunlight. [/i] [i]She bore no weapons over than an eight-foot long spear, the weapon clasped tightly within her hands. The cross-like weapon was of medieval design, although in a similar fashion to the armor - it was black with wear and rust, although faint shimmers of gold was still visible. She stood before the tree, before kneeling and beginning to speak.[/i] ---------------------------- "...Anri. Yuria. John. Ella. Kara. Irina. Meredith. Nathanial. Samuel. Celon. Uncle Smough...Balthazar... Mom, Dad... ...I pray for all of you. For each, and every one of you. I pray that your lives are fruitful and filled with joy and prosperity. I pray...that I will meet each and every one of you that we can celebrate, and laugh, and love each other once more.." [i]The woman fell silent, continuing to pray..[/i]

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  • [u]As soon as the girl entered the courtyard, Bjorn watched with great anticipation. Admiring her armor, he himself almost felt nostalgic for the days before when he used something similar. Now he used a titanium suit that weighed nearly three tons, and protected him from nearly all forms of attack. Watching her kneel, he thought she was just another warrior, coming to pray for the fallen. Not paying much attention, he went back to gazing at the cherry blossoms... that is, until he heard the name Balthazar. As soon as it had been uttered, his eyes widened as a fiery rage filled his soul. Grabbing his sheathe and slinging his gun onto his shoulder, he charged over to the girl and grabbed her by the shoulder. Turning her to face him, he almost yelled out of rage.[/u] "[i]WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT NAME?! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT MAN, AND WHERE DID YOU MEET HIM?! AND WHY, OF ALL MATTERS, ARE YOU PRAYING FOR HIS SORRY ASS?![/i]"

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    [i]As the woman stared into the giant of a man's infuriated face, she remained unmoving and cold, her grip upon her spear tightening as electricity proceeded to course throughout it's metallic structure. But she refused to thrust into his stomach, but instead chose to explain his actions.[/i] "Because I have always known Balthazar to be a caring and kind individual. Years ago, he bothered to care for me like no other. He is one or the few people that I remember...that I trusted. Whatever he did to you, to cause you agony...I wouldn't know of. And for that, I am sorry."

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  • [u]Taking no notice of Olivia's spear, Bjorn seems to begin to lose himself in rage. As flames of anger spark to life in his eyes, blue lightning begins to spark off of his whole body in massive quantities. Thunder resounds throughout the Dojo as a storm begins to form overhead of the two, Bjorn's lightning actively clashing with Olivia's.[/u] "[i]That man you so daringly speak of in a lighthearted manner has inflicted lifelong pain upon me. I have not lived a day where I have not thought of my father, and wondered how my life had been if he had not abandoned me for this place.[/i]" [u]Tears of anger stream down the giant's face as a rage slowly consumes him, the air around him starting to become thick with static. A metal taste fills Olivia's mouth as a shield begins form from a large disc on Bjorn's wrist.[/u]

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  • Edited by Orn: 3/7/2017 1:08:11 AM
    [i]The dragonslaying knightess only stared upon Bjorn silently, before she allowed a muffled sigh to escape her helm. The miraculous electricity of the gods - a golden yellow color - began to fight against the son of Balthazar's storm as she spoke with an undying perseverance. [/i] "Do not strike me down, Bjorn. It will bring no good, assaulting me. I know you as an honorable warrior, one who defends the people who cannot defend themselves. A brave-hearted soul - an everlasting shield in the dark night. You're better than this. I know you are. ...Forgive him. For his mistakes in the past. For his choices that lead to your suffering. I know the same exact feeling - you'd be surprised, but I know what it is like to be abandoned. To be cold, alone and starving, knowing that you may not be alive to see the sun rise in the morning.. ...Calm yourself, Bjorn. Do not let your inner demons take control.."

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  • [u]Seething with anger, Bjorn shoves olivia away from him. Naught but a few seconds after she is pushed off, but a massive bolt of lightning strikes Bjorn, burning a massive scar into the ground surrounding him. He unsheathes his sword, and a burst of electricity two meters wide explodes around him. A shield pf plasma whirs to life, forming at his left wrist. Lightning crackles around him, burning away the tears of anger as soon as they fall from his eyes. Plunging his sword into the ground, energy at it's purest form flows from his body.[/u] "[i]You will not deny me the revenge that I so rightfully pursue. A protector cannot protect what little joy in life there is if he still shares resentment towards another. I must get rid of this hatred, even if it means killing him to put my vengeance to rest.[/i]"

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    [i]Skidding back, Olivia slammed her spear into the earth to stabilize and anchor herself into the earth, before she ripped it from the earth and stood tall. Underneath her previously golden helm, a grimace was upon the young woman's face, as she only spoke with a whisper~[/i] "Then if you will not stop yourself from becoming a vengeful monster-" [i]A sudden flash of golden electricity struck the figurine of Olivia, as the armor she bore flickered onwards, the hard light shielding gleaming as lightning coursed from the spear she held.[/i] [i]"-Then I will, Bjorn!"[/i] [i]Olivia allowed a roar to escape her helm, as she slammed her left foot forwards and aimed her spear at Bjorn. She prepared herself for the worst - whether that be his death, or her own.[/i]

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  • [u]Raising his shield, Bjorn tears his sword out of the ground violently. Taking up a crouching stance, he holds his sword out to the right side of the shield while the rest of his body is safely protected behind. Moving forwards with a crouching motion, he slowly circles around Olivia menacingly.[/u] "[i]If you wish only to prevent my vengeance, then you are no ally of mine, nor anything I stand for. He abandoned me, and never even mentioned to the people here who thought he cared for them that he had a son, nor even a wife. I will find him, and end his fleeting life.[/i]"

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    [i]At this point, Olivia didn't bother to respond to the words that had been spoken by Bjorn; there was nothing that she could do that would stop his hatefulness for his father at this point. The only thing that she could do was contain him, at least momentarily.[/i] [i]Joining the circling motion, the dragonslayer grasped her spear tightly as she continued to stare endlessly towards Bjorn, expecting an attack soon from him.[/i]

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  • [u]Staring at Olivia aggressively, Bjorn speaks quite softly for how full of rage he has become. Electricity begins to funnel into his body, and his armor starts to glow with heat as it works to dissipate the energy faster than it can generate.[/u] "[i]I wish not to hurt those other then the one I hold quarrel with, but my mission shall not be interrupted. I have a duty to myself... and to my mother. If you wish to intervene... I can only pray for your soul.[/i]" [u]This sudden wave of calmness seems to be a warning- no, a plea. His voice shows that he wishes not to hurt Olivia, and that whether or not he has judged her strength fittingly, he has power of which not even he knows it's limits. This is the final offer, the plea for her to turn away and leave the matter behind.[/u]

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    [i]Olivia silently stared at Bjorn, before a deep, shaky sigh escaped the depths of her helmet. Her body began to straighten out as her left hand released the shaft of her spear, balancing the very end of the weapon upon the ground as she shook her head in an almost disappointed manner.[/i] "...There's truly nothing that will convince you, then. Fine. Fine...I won't stop you. I won't attempt to cease your endless rage, at least until you start to harm those that are innocent. If you truly wish to defeat - no, slay Balthazar for what he has done...then it is his fight. Not mine, no matter what I believe. All I can do now is wish you luck upon your travels. I doubt that you would require my assistance, but..." [i]Olivia went silent. She didn't know what to say afterwards.[/i] "...You know who to call upon." [i]The young woman turned around and stared down at the trunk of the cherry blossom tree, her body loosening, yet still tense as if she expected something from the warrior that she had spared.[/i]

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  • [u]Relaxing his guard slightly, Bjorn's shield dissipates before sinking into his gauntlet. His helmet seals around his head with a hiss, it attempting to stop the explosion of energy creating the massive storm. Looking upwards, he flips his massive blade around in his hand by the grip, almost as if he expects something to happen. The storm shows no sign of stopping as rain starts to pour down, lightning illuminating the young giant's figure. A massive bolt suddenly strikes the figure, blinding even Olivia as she turned away. As the blast fades, a large crater is in place of where Bjorn once stood. At the center, Bjorn stands unwavering in stature. His armor pulses with the energy created by the storm, the clouds starting to clear up. The downpour becomes a sprinkle before ceasing to exist. Sheathing his sword, Bjorn walks towards Olivia. Standing behind her, his voice rings out in a harsh metallic tone, distorted by his helmet.[/u] "[i]I have my reasons. My life has no meaning other than this pursuit. I have spent so many years searching for my father, and it's gotten to the point where I sometimes wish I won't find him so I wouldn't lose my reason to continue on. I sometimes wonder what I would do if I found him. Would I kill him out of anger, or would I take the path of redemption and try to find forgiveness? This much is unknown. The only definite thing I know is that I must find him before my power overwhelms me. I have no control over it, and if not for my armor... there's no telling what would happen.[/i]"

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  • [i]a tall grey skinned woman with strange tattoos covering most of her body is looking at a the cherry tree. She had long purple hair that matched her eyes. She had very thin build and didn't look like much of a fighter at all.[/i]

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  • [u]Smiling at the woman, Bjorn gives a cheerful wave accompanied by a chuckle.[/u] "[i]Beautiful day, isn't it? The beauty of this place alone could have brought me here if I had none other a reason![/i]"

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  • "Yes it is a very beautiful day indeed."she says [i]she turns and waves him while smiling at him. She had some tattoos covering left of her face but nothing on the right side.[/i] "Its good planting weather for flower and the like. You seem new here my name is sylvie"she says

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  • [u]Smiling, he nods.[/u] "[i]It is indeed a good day for planting. If I myself cultivated such plants, I would surely be out in the fields, but as you said, I am quite new. My name is Bjorn, Bjorn Einar. It is a pleasure to meet you Sylvie.[/i]"

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