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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 1/25/2017 11:35:02 PM
[b]The discovery of the island...[/b] [i] "Damnit i knew this was bad idea i should of never of listened to you."he says "How the hell did i know that this stretch of sea was like this"says the older man The ship was steering through very thick fogbank that stretched over the grey choppy sea. They had been lost in the stuff for the last couple weeks and they were beginning to lose hope. But they knew they weren't alone cause they would see shadows in the fog and a distant roar sometimes. It made not just them though but a lot of the crew was nervous. Because a lot of ships went missing never to return in this fog. But the man that served as the ship's captain was looking at the fog in front of the ship it was strange not natural as sudden jolt shook the whole massive ship as their ship suddenly ground sudden stop a lot crew had run to the sides of the ship to see what they had come a ground on. But their nothing it was like something was preventing them going closer like there was a barrier holding them back. The captain couldn't explain it neither could the crew. One the crew had pulled out a camera and started to record it which is very thing cause the next things that were to happen were unbelievable. The captain walked the deck all the way up to the front the ship. He stared out there for a second and seen a strange of a light in front of him. He then reaches out with a curiosity about what it was. When he reaches out far enough he feels something feel like a wall in front of him. But the strange thing was when he touch the was sudden surge that made whole ship shake violently as a small hum followed by strange unheard of melody of a unknown tongue that just gets louder. But then the sea around them starts to boil around them as a strange shimmering lights up the fog in front of the ship. A lot crew is scared unsure what will happen next. As a massive tear in the air in front of the appears stretching across the entire sky. It spreads across faster then what seem like almost a second. The fog starts to clear and reveals a very large island it looks wild and unkempt like it was hidden on purpose. The captain wasn't sure if it was wise to set foot here. So he order his ship to turn around much their displeasure. When they got the main land they sent the video straight to the local news with that the news then spread like wildfire... [u]A week later back the dojo...[/u] A woman is running up the path towards certain someone's house as fast her long legs can carry her. She panting heavily when she finally comes to a stop outside the cave clearly out of breath as she called out. "Helllloooo....anyone home" she says But inside sitting on the couch she watching the tv absolutely glued to the tv as her mouth was wide open with shock as she was watching a certain video that was playing on news. "Well this isn't good what the hell is going on there i need to let them know"she says she then hears someone outside so she goes to see who is there. She sees that its her sister friend lola "Did you see the news serenity??"she says "Yes i did and this isn't good at all"serenity [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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