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Edited by Synge_X: 1/5/2017 8:40:06 AM

Primary weapons buff could save this game for me

I go through cycles and reach a breaking point with the crucible. When it becomes "the more I play, the worse I get", it's time to pack it up and move on. Every match, every scenario, on every map plays out exactly the same. I engage The enemy takes damage and runs, I pursue, pumping round after round He escapes with a sliver of health Back up to reset, Check map for team mates Multiple radar pings from all sides Try to get cover, double teamed Respawn I engage The enemy takes damage and runs Check map for teammates radar pings ahead "Wow someone is engaging" Ready up, get cover, Supered immediately -frustration sets in- Respawn I engage The enemy takes damage and runs, I pursue, pumping round after round He escapes with a sliver of health Supered again Respawn Heavy is up Supered at heavy, (if teammate doesn't grab it) Replay the entire scenario with sprinkles of sniper deaths, more supers, incompetent teammates, grenade traps, and being double, sometimes triple teamed. When I do manage to kill I'm killed almost immediately be an enemy teammate because it took a dogs age to kill the other guy. Save the advice, and I don't care if anyone thinks I'm a scrub... I'm just done. It's not fun. It's not the meta, shotguns, op weapons, juggernaut, wombo combos, or any of that... It's the weak primaries. Primary's aren't powerful enough to have meaning in the game outside of a few. They are the skill based, situational weapons rather than secondaries, and that causes extreme frustration for me as a player. It makes zero sense that primary weapons aren't more viable. There is too much shit everywhere in the maps, room clearing or tracking grenades, one shot specials, freebie supers, diverse movement options and heavy weaponry to have such low time to kill for primary weapons. It's not only damaging to balance, and the outcome of engagements on a personal level, it's damaging to teamplay(especially if you solo que). Half the time, your team is either perched up sniping somewhere or running around rampantly trading shotgun kills with the enemy team... Surely not assisting you or other teammates with focus fire and/or shield trading. It's a god damn joke... The only alternative to quitting and even remotely enjoying the game is to join a clan or team up... But most of the hardcore PVP players I play with only want to train for trials in elimination ... Elimination, and all other 3v3 modes are a complete special-fest and an amped version of what I hate about the crucible in general. I totally understand why people play the way that they do really... Because it's the best way... Passive, campy or the binary rushdown counterpart... It's one dimensional, predictable and boring playing this way or countering it. I asked myself tonight after being slammed over and over... "Why can't I get any better, why can't I sit down and enjoy this game In multiplayer" It's because I don't enjoy it and I'm trying to play it the way I want to play. It hasn't worked in year 2 and it will never work. I subconsciously cannot get better because I'm not enjoying what I'm doing... It's sad really because I enjoy the hell out of PVE, and would love to invest my time in a game that has both PVE and PVP options, especially a game that I have invested days into. Over 15 friends and clan mates over the years felt the same and all quit because when PVE dries up, they refuse to spend their time in the crucible. I guess it just took me a while longer. I sincerely hope that Bungie changes the entire way that specials work in Destiny 2. I spent an entire year being sniped repeatedly, and struggling to adjust to a game that has such weak primary weapons, I'm not doing it again. Synge_x down until something significant changes.

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  • Change the title to primary buff could save the game for "US" lol

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    • Well it would make the game more enjoyable with the time we have left before destiny 2

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      • Edited by blade329: 1/9/2017 12:57:27 AM
        Maybe Call of Duty is more your style then. You die instantly from primary weapons. No point in hiding behind cover or trying to run away. All the guns feel pretty much the same. If you think that is fun, then have at it. There's no strategy, no positioning, load-outs mean almost nothing, no need for map awareness, etc. It's boring mindless chaos and crap. That seems to be what you you Destiny whiners seem to want for this game. No thanks.

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        5 Replies
        • Nothing can save this game.

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          2 Replies
          • I feel that way about how Bungie lays out their bounties and differences between pve and pvp. 50 primary kills in rift? I capture. Who's got time to get 50 primary kills in a close quarter grab and dash? They want secondary 9 kills for the weekly, but they only have strikes that spawn a few and even if there might be a hoard, they nerfed the green ammo which usually requires you screw your team mates you're forced to mm with. You know anti team is not usually the goal. This bounty, it is. They don't want you to camp with snipers in pve. So the block out loading to the next level. But yet encourage sniping in pvp with most maps. The list goes on. Too many scenarios of inconsistencies with weapon and supers uses between pve and pvp. And let's not forget the cbmm situation. Lopsided teams and red bar heaven. It's killed pvp for me.

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            • The scenario you described above was classic bait. This game is about positioning.

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            • git gud m9

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              2 Replies
              • Honestly, I'm having a better time in crucible than I have for a long time. No joke/baiting, I really am.

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              • Try with a decent hand cannon many snipers, shotguners and even guys with fusions are a danger because of their HC sometimes I die in 2 shots in close range the palindrome in sell is a decent one.

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              • I deleted grumpykilla because she was boring to talk too

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              • I totally agree. I can't play crucible anymore because of weak primary's. Sure I could run a sniper or shotgun, but I don't have fun sweating buckets when I use them. Bungie needs to either buff primary's or reduce special ammo spawn. As much as I love destiny, right now it's frustrating to play and I have no motive to play.

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              • I've noticed that I don't play nearly as well anymore too. Sure I could dust off my clever dragon and do well, but god damn I was sick of that gun less than a week after the IB that it was sold during. The crucible just feels like a chore now. I agree with you 100%.

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              • Sniping will always be a problem as long as FPS games exist, we can thank Call of Duty and those FaZe idiots for that. Their silly trickshot/quickscoping bullshit convinced every little kid and social degenerate that sniping was the only skillful way to play, and it carried over into other games.

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                1 Reply
                • I hate to disagree, but I don't think ANYTHING can save THIS game except for a total hard reboot and going back to fundamentals that made this game fun (go back to Y1). I'm hoping Destiny 2 will do that, but we'll have to wait and see.

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                  10 Replies
                  • Special weapon usage has ruined pvp. There's nothing special about people using snipers and shotguns as their primary weapons. They have too much ammo, or simply too strong. Everyone is forced to "primary" special weapons because of it. This is obvious and retarded. Bring some gun play back into the game please..... Buff -blam!-ing primaries for the 1,000,005th post.

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                    • Edited by Dexterem: 1/5/2017 10:05:14 PM
                      I agree with what you are saying completely, but for me over 3+ years there is nothing in this game that gives a "new" feeling. I give allot of credit to bungie for the game they have developed I've put in 2000+ hours and they are a time I greatly enjoyed. But this DLC as compared to any other has left me with little want to grind, practice, "get gud", or much else ect..... I still enjoy from time to time because of friends and doing stupid things like running around pvp with gun smith test weapons and pocket infinity, but the one thing that is more and more noticeable is the reskinning is starting to really get to me. They had some opportunities to really innovate pvp with rise of iron but they stayed with their current formula and it's getting exhausting. Hopefully they pull some great stuff out of no where and thanks for the post I agree so... bump!

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                      3 Replies
                      • Same here it will completely make it better.. buff primaries

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                        2 Replies
                        • Primary weapons staying the same could (has) ruin this game for me

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                          • I hate noob with thunderstrike / shotguns I prefer titans with juggernaut

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                            • Edited by BREWER117: 1/6/2017 2:30:44 AM
                              you said it all

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                              • Agreed bumped to the top

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                              • Insanity: Doing the same thing over, and over again, expecting something to change.- Albert Einstein [spoiler]I totally agree with you, Primaries need buffing.[/spoiler]

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                                • Thoughtful post. Agree with much and disagree with much. Who'd be a dev ;)

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                                  • Alright so all pulse rifles 3 burst shot to the head except for the spare change variant which 2 burst to the head. The scout rifles still all do the same damage as back in year one. So nothing changed about that. Legendary handcannons all do the same damage as well since year one. The only things is now the accuracy is messed up for handcannons. Assault rifles are the only. Primary that has made real change. Btw I wasn't including exotic primary weapons. So with all that said which gun do you have trouble using in the crucible. I would like to assume its a assault rifle since they had the biggest nerds. All the other weapons are still the same pretty much.

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                                    • A hand cannon buff for PvE would be amazing! I loved using the Fatebringer in Y1 and hand cannons in general! In PvE fatebringer. PvP Hawkmoon and Thorn. Y2 Smite of Merian PvP hawksaw. Y3 I'm using a scout Rifle and for PvP Blind Perditon.

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                                      • Funny. I hate it when I pump damage into someone and they escape with a sliver of health. Very frustrating.

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