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Edited by Paladin Maar : 1/2/2017 8:16:01 PM

Suggestions on Improving Destiny's Notorious RNG Loot System

Greetings friendly Bladedancer here with some more suggestions on to improve on Destiny. Destiny is infamous for it's RNG based loot system and a lot of people would like to see it improved (more likely in Destiny 2 perhaps) but still. I was hoping that this would be taken into consideration. [b]Crucible Rewards[/b]- Destiny is known for it's "pity gear" someone worlds their ass off getting on top of the leaderboard only to get a moat of light, while the peep in last place gets some legendary gear. It's frustrating, especially when it happens over and over again. So instead (for a start) how about the first place spot on the leader-board is guaranteed something out of the legendary loot pool. [b]Iron Banner[/b]-This should be also taken into further consideration in a light level enabled activity such as Iron Banner (not talking about Trials just yet). Especially when someone who is a lower light level scores in top two or on top of the leader-board. Doesn't seem fair that someone who is working harder than their higher leveled counter parts should be getting crappy rewards. Then they place with a high score for instance it should pull from a higher light, legendary loot pool. I think that's fair and gives them an incentive to keep playing when they're getting rewarded for their hard work. [b]Introduce Trading into Destiny [/b] Now I know the arguments for this but hear me out. Now I saw what they did and I believe the Division got it right when they introduced trading into the game. How does it work? Only players who participated in the same activity and got loot from that activity can trade only that specific gear. I can't say how often it's been I get something a friend wants and it seems wasteful to just dismantle it, meanwhile my friend is grinding day and night getting frustrated. Let me offer an example. Say peeps are doing Archon's Forge. 5-10mins after that activity ends (each offering). Someone gets a But Not Forgotten, while someone else gets some Dreameatter gear. They request a trade with each other in the allotted time limit and both people end up happy. Now we could hash out the details of the trade, legendary to legendary, weapon to weapon, armor to armor, fireteam only, etc. But that is the basic idea. It could be easily applied to a raid, maybe even a strike. Even Crucible. Like all things it would have to be worked out granted but this would make a lot more people happy. [b]Archon's Forge Offerings[/b] I'm not sure who else feels cheated when they put in a Perfected offering and win the event only to get nothing in the end. o.o" Court of Oryx was more rewarding when you placed higher tier runes in, so why do I keep feeling jipped when I put in high level offerings and seeing my friends get all the rewards? Couple that with 1 of [i]any[/i] offering per character and yes, I feel myself getting annoyed. We should have some kind of guaranteed legendary drop from a Perfected offering. I just feel like the rng from Court was more rewarding than Forge. I don't mind playing the Forge at all but in addition to fun I want some gear too that I can possibly use. I think Bungie is starting to get it right when we can finally now choose between armor, weapons, and chroma. Thank you for doing that. It's made it better. However, I am having a slight issue. [b]Queen's Wrath[/b] I want to give out a big thank you for making Queen's Wrath more of a faction type thing. (I still want to join!!) but that aside a fix in the loot pool when I get an item (say a helmet) should lower my chances of getting the helmet again, this way I can get other gear I would like. For instance. I've been grinding for over a month now to get the full Queen's Guard armor set. I have everything but the boots and I've gotten spammed with the cloak and everything else but the boots for the past month. It's frustrating I tell you. Sure some people have gotten lucky I'm sure and gotten the entire set first go but here I am bootless. I believe once someone get's all the gear from (for this example) Queen's Wrath then the loot table should reset and then I can have the random luck of getting anything after I've gotten one of each. If that makes sense, since Queen's Wrath doesn't have an Armor, Weapon or Chroma selection. There is another thing I wish to touch on. And that's the [b]paid content[/b]. I spent $20 on Dawning boxes and almost spend another $20 when my Snow Angel helmet dropped on the last box. My bf decided to by some Dawning boxes and got spammed with the [i]Rimmed Boots[/i] [b]4[/b] (yes I mean 4) times. That shouldn't happen, especially with someone we're paying for. Now I understand people may want certain perk roles on their armor sure, but I'd rather I get something and it get removed from the loot pool especially when I'm paying for it. Either that or the chance of getting it again are greatly decreased. Like Bungie says, it's all vanity stuff, so do I care if they have top tier perks, not really, I just like it because it looks nice. Make it worth our time and money. These are a few suggestions. I'm not sure how everyone else would take to them but this is just an idea. By the way, that increase to Skeleton Key drop rates is greatly appreciated. I can actually open chests now in hopes for higher gear and that makes me happy. So thank you for fixing that. Thank you, Sorvel_64

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  • Edited by Reshsafari: 1/4/2017 8:26:13 PM
    If you ask me, you should be able to select 1 of the things that get dropped in loot boxes. Their paid content is just disgusting. They makes the least desirable things more likely to drop. Queens command and crucible assassin ornaments can drop back to back to back in their treasure boxes. I noticed this first hand. Tell me how you think that this is okay Bungie. Actually, I'd really like to know who the fcuk they think they are. Let's say you go into a store to buy something. You get to pick what you want. That shows that the product you paid was worth its value. Bungie ate OPs money and in return dropped the same thing four times. Hey Bungie, I'd really like you to deny the fact that not only is your RNG system broken, it goes a bit further to RNG a drop that is less desirable or already owned. You guys (Bungie's business leaders) are -blam!-ing filthy, greedy, pieces of shit, and the people who code this cheating system know that you are too. If there is a hell, I bet there's a RNG spot waiting for you. Hopefully, they will do away with this cheating system in the future.

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