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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/22/2016 8:48:29 PM
"Then you have come to the right place." Then, a large Samurai seemed to walk out from the wall. He was covered in snow, and so he blended into it. The new challenger saw the shape of the figure in red around the snow covered wall as the Samurai stepped onto the path in front of him. "Then you must be tested. Do you wish for this?"

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    Bendak shifted into his stance, keeping his composure. "Yes, I'm ready"

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  • "Good." Tesuto gave the man a low bow. Then drew both of his massive Katana's, each 72" in their length. "As is customary, the challenger may make the first move."

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    Bendak watched the samurai make his bow, and decided to humour him with a simple nod of his head. "Deal with this" he whispered to himself. Then he lifted his arms to the samurai's chest level, and released a volley of bullets from the wrist guns he had attached himself with.

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  • Tesuto could hardly evade such a surprise attack, and the bullets pinned and penetrated his chest. Without any other option, the Samurai rushed at his foe, closing the gap and slashing with both his blades.

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    Tesuto's forward slashes also caught Bendak of guard. Both blades connected with his Armor. However, due it's natural resistance to blades and axes, Tesuto's Katana's didn't pierce it any way. Bendak created distance between the 2 of them and then released 2 of his drones, one behind his enemy, the other behind himself.

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  • "Hmmmm." Tesuto raised his left arm, and four shurikens popped out from underneath his vambrace. He took aim, and fired the shurikens at the drones which his challenger had ejected.

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    Bendak used his Helmet's Target Acquisition feature, allowing him to map his opponents move just in time to apply a counter attack. Bendak managed to destroy one of the shurikens before it reached its target. Shockingly fast, Bendak teleported behind The Samurai, using his Drones teleport ability, (thus destroying the droid in the process.) then, with as much might as he could muster, Shoulder charged Tesuto.

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  • [spoiler]would recommend not saying "before he could do this, I did this." It effects the flow of the battle.[/spoiler] Tesuto didn't see it coming, and reeled forwards from the charge. Though, be quickly turned and swung his right blade horizontally so it would, if the attack landed, split his foe in half.

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    [spoiler]sorry, I asked someone about the helmet thingy and they said it should be ok. I'll try and change it up.[/spoiler] Bendak took the blows full force and was sent reeling in a sideways roll. However, aside from the greying of his vision and the shock of the blow, Bendak was unharmed by the Katana, again due to his Armor. He then used his thruster packs to regain control of his fall, while releasing a volley of Bullets at Tesuto.

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  • Tesuto could only raise his arms in vain to block the gun fire, as blood sprayed from his arm as one of the Bullets found its way through his armour. He ran towards his foe again, kicking him to the ground and raising his Blades to strike....

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    Bendak could barely move under the sheer weight of the enemy. As his enemy swung down, Bendak lifted his wrist and sprayed bullets underneath his enemies arm as he swung down

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  • This tactic effectively disarmed the Samurai, as the bullets tore through his shoulder and resulted in his grip on the blade to be lost as he staggered back.... But, he quickly swung his second blade as he barely recovered towards his downed foe....

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  • This tactic effectively disarmed the Samurai, as the bullets tore through his shoulder and resulted in his grip on the blade to be lost as he staggered back.... But, he quickly swung his second blade as he barely recovered towards his downed foe....

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    [spoiler]sorry net cut out -_-[/spoiler] This second attack smashed through Bendaks helmet, in the process causing a significant portion of his jaw to look like gaping pool of blood and flesh. As this attack took place Bendak used his thrusters to push himself out and away from his enemies grasp. Then with the little strength had left, rained bullets that ignited Tesutos Armor.

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  • "Gyah, AH!" Tesuto cried, his armour lit aflame as he waved his arms to try to put out the flames, leaving him completely vulnerable to one final attack....

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  • Bendak, using his thrust boosters, gained as much momentum as possible and prepared for a final kick aimed at Tesuto's head. Then, thought better of it and stopped just before the hit connected. "yield" exclaimed Bendak.

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/6/2017 11:05:57 PM
    [spoiler]TO THE DEATH YOU FOOL![/spoiler] Tesuto slapped the leg out of the way, his terms to the battle clear, as he used his blade to thrust towards his attacker. [spoiler]Opportunity lost. Got to do more damage.[/spoiler]

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  • Bendak shifted his weight to the right using his thruster pack once again and threw a shockingly powerful left hand at Tesuto.

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/7/2017 12:06:29 AM
    Tesuto redirected his blade, sending the flat of it into the fist seeking to do him harm, blocking the strike. [spoiler]Notice if I completely block an attack I won't deal one. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Prey EU: 1/7/2017 12:13:24 AM
    [spoiler]also, HOW THE HECK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNKW THIS WAS TO THE DEATH ITS A TEST WTF DIETY[/spoiler] Bendak activated a command, to which he summoned 3 drones. Each began to fire at Tesuto in unison.

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  • [spoiler]*cri[/spoiler] Tesuto was lit up like a Christmas tree. With no cover, the bullets pings and pierced his armour, leaving him exposed....

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  • Bendak wasted no time. He ran upto Tesuto, raised his Arm, and pulled the trigger over and over, shelling the Samurai in ignited rounds.

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  • The Samurai was sent flying back, torn to pieces. He lay on the ground, still and dead. Then, he exploded into lines of blue code like a hologram. The lines traveled across the ground, and went over the walls around the gate. They then melded in the centre and projected, and the Samurai was drawn from the code once more. He stood at the gate, awaiting the man who had defeated him.

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  • Bendak stared, confused. [i]What? A Hologram[/i]

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  • "Come closer, master Bendak. For you are worthy to enter the dojo."

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