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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/21/2016 12:20:14 AM
"Oh. You're one of those." [i] He says dryly, a hint of amusement in his tone. It seemed her philosophical and thoughtful words fell on deaf ears with him. [/i] [quote]Don't be cruel.[/quote] [i] The Ka'kari spoke condescendingly within his mind, and Desmond mentally silenced it. He didn't need the archaic artifacts advice with anything right now.[/i] "The only thing that speaks, are actions. Tears are a show of emotion, and that, is a chink in the armor of every warrior. It doesn't matter if you're weak or not. It's a show of weakness to anyone that doesn't spend their time reading philosophy, or love powers." [i] He says condescendingly. This man was either very pessimistic..or very sad. Not that she could tell, the man had the cocky and arrogant facade down to a tee.[/i] "Desmond Galloway, at your service." [i] He sketched a mock bow. [/i]

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  • Desmond. I met a man like you once. He's the one.... -Ammourette turned to look at him, she was beautiful, but the thing that stood out most about her, were her eyes.- -Piercing, cold, sinister, they did not reflect the philosophical and gentle voice behind them. A side effect of her corruption, these eyes would remain with her forever, a constant reminder, and she hated it.- Who gave me these eyes. I wonder, if you'll end up the same. If you wanted my attention just to belittle me, you're wasting your time.

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  • "If I wanted to to belittle you, I'd throw insults at you until you were in the dirt with real tears streaming from those hate filled eyes." [i] He says plainly. He didn't entirely care what she thought about him to begin with. [/i] [quote]No wonder people think you're a jackass.[/quote] "I assure you, I'm one of a kind, not like anyone who would give someone eyes like that." [i] There was almost a hint of pity in his voice. No, not pity, more like trying to discern himself from someone who would do such a thing to someone like her.[/i] "And you ask my name, but I don't get yours in return." [i] He clicked his tongue.[/i] "Rude."

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  • I don't shed tears for myself, they're for others, long far gone... You could bark insults all day to no avail. -She raised an eyebrow.- You say you're different, yet you both sound the same, condescending. Full of yourself and your own power, drunk off of it. At least that's what i think, in the end you don't know my story, and i know nothing of yours. -A breeze blew across the field, her long black hair blowing in the wind, her eyes looking him up and down, trying to ascertain exactly what this man before her was.- One condition: Tell me something nice, and i shall tell you my name. -A smirk formed on her lips as she eyed him.-

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  • [i] Desmond almost responded with a snarky and insulting comment, just because he could. Who told this girl that he cared at all? [/i] [quote]You're too much like Durzo, you know that? Stop being a jackass for once and compliment her. She looks like she could use one.[/quote] [i] Desmond hesitated and eyed the girl up and down, plastering that trademark half smirk on his face; like he was in on a joke you weren't. It was devious and mischievous and interesting as all hell.[/i] "Your hair is beautiful." [i] He said quietly, his voice a ghostly whisper that was even more appealing to the ear than if he'd spoken it loudly. He wasn't lying either..the shade of black was only rivaled by the shadows dancing across the courtyard, a tone of darkness Desmond was old friends with. [/i]

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  • Hmph -She stood up, then gave him a proper bow before speaking again.- Ammourette Litchie. -She looked around with a sigh, putting both hands on her hips and blowing strand of hair out of her face.- Mind telling me what this place is, Desmond?

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  • [i] He crosses his arms across his chest, eyeing her up and down with an almost predatory look. This guy certainly wasn't used to being on the wrong end of..well..anything.[/i] "The Dojo. A crossroads for warriors and jackasses alike, people hang out and try to kill each other, mostly."

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  • It seems my Journey continues then.. -She pondered something a moment before taking out a map and marking the Dojo's location on it. There were other locations marked From Terra to Eidolon. It seems the starting point on the map is a place called The Kingdom Of Rheindra.-

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  • "Are you looking for someone here?" [i] He questioned, glancing at the map. Most of those locations he'd never heard of. [/i]

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  • -She gave a cute smile not looking up at him, a finger tracing the outline of Rheindra.- I used to seek out the strongest swordsmen of foreign lands, then defeat them. It was my dream to become the greatest swordsman of them all... It's all a foggy memory now. As for what i seek now, I'm not so sure myself, i have this feeling I'll know it when i see it though. -She looked up at him.- What about you?

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  • [i] Desmond smirked, bemused at that statement.[/i] "If that's the case, there's someone here you'd probably have a grand time meeting" "As for me? Just wandering around, a friend and I found ourselves here."

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  • Edited by TechnicalEmpress: 12/22/2016 9:52:17 PM
    Who might that be? -She raised an eyebrow in question.- This friend and this person i would like to meet, they are the same person? -She giggled a bit.- So you wandered in here and started throwing stones at passerby's?

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  • "No. The one I'm talking about that you should meet, is a man named Lance May, proclaimed as the world's greatest swordsman. And from what I've seen, I'm inclined to believe it." [i] That same half smirk finds its way on his lips, glancing at her.[/i] "No, only the mildly interesting ones."

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  • Lance... -She furrowed her brows.- [i]"So, your name's Neoma now?[/i] -She heard a man's voice in the back of her head, she could see a figure coming towards her his face blurred.- -She shook it off as a side effect of being controlled, memories, things that should be clear as day, were hazy.- Your friend, is he far? That name, it's familiar.

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  • "I wouldn't call us friends." [i] He says, pointing to one of the many wings of the Dojo, a residential wing.[/i] "I think he has a room here, somewhere in that direction. You know him?"

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  • I think so, I'm not sure. It's kind of hard to explain. -She laughed kind of nervously and scratched the back of her head. It was Hard to explain everything that had happened to her up until now.- Are you a swordsman as well?

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  • "I'm skilled with everything that may possibly end someone's life. Swords included." [i] It wasn't a threatening statement, but simply a true one. Ammourette could see it in his eyes..he was a killer. Not like Lance, who ended the lives of people who posed a threat, but a trained one, through and through..forged for the purpose of taking lives.[/i] "Assassination is an art, and I am the world's most accomplished painter." [i] He says with a full on grin. [/i]

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  • Oh goodness. -She covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.- Practice that in front of the mirror long? -She smiled playfully poking his ribs with her elbow.- Well then what's your Weapon of choice?

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  • ".408 Chay-Tac intervention sniper rifle." [i] He says, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket and withdrawing a lighter; lighting the cigarette between his lips. [/i] "And you? Are you actually any good with a sword?"

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  • -She quickly plucks the cigarette from his lips, and tosses it.- That's a bad habit, it makes your breath stink too. A sniper huh? Fitting for an assassin I suppose. I have no formal training with firearms but i can hit any target i must.... Within reason. I prefer up close and personal to long range warfare.

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  • "Trust me, they don't." [i] He says with mild annoyance in his voice, pulling another cigarette from his pocket and lighting that one. Another side effect of the Ka'kari. Though, she of course wouldn't know that. [/i] "Like to see the light leave their eyes, do you?" [i] He says, a bemused look on his face. Such disregard for human life. [/i]

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  • Um, no not even close. I don't kill unless they leave me no choice, life is a precious thing to waste or treat with such disregard. Which is why... -She flicked the cherry of his cigarette off and onto the dirt.- I refuse to let you smoke those disgusting cancer sticks in my presence. -She put her hands on her hips tilting her head to the side and giving some sass, all with a smirk.-

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  • "Master Blint would've loved you.." [i] He muttered and scoffed. Durzo, who'd taught him that when life was meaningless, life was empty, and when you took a life, you weren't taking anything of value. He would've laughed in her face and told her to wake up.[/i] "Trust me hon, I've already got far worse things in me. Cancer is the least of my issues." [i] He eyed her up and down, a bemused look on his face; that same little half smirk on his lips.[/i]

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  • You're about to have my foot added to the list of things in you next. -She teases, she didn't seem strong or bulky in anyway but that usually meant that someone was fast or agile.- I don't know who this Blint is, but if he would've liked me, I imagine he was a kind soul. - Behind Ammourette in the distant hills Drsmond caught just the tiniest glint of light, any normal person would have missed it. It was like the sunlight reflecting of a....-

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  • "No, not at all." [i] He says, that same unnerving smirk crossing his lips. Durzo was anything but a kind soul. Desmond's eyes flitted towards the glint of light in the distance. Like a sniper's scope..[/i] [quote]You gonna tell her to duck?[/quote] [i][b]Yes..[/b][/i] [quote]Good. Durzo would let her die.[/quote] [i]This interaction between Desmond and his Ka'kari occurred in fractions of a second, the conversation nothing but thoughts being passed back and forth.[/i] "Duck." [i] Desmond snarls to Ammourette, the forcefulness in the command making it seem like a very real threat was occurring. Simultaneously, his palm, an oily, glossy substance crawling up his arm rapidly. What the hell..?[/i]

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  • -Time seemed to slow down to a crawl, only perceived by those with superhuman like reflexes. Ammourette's slitted cat like pupils widened and looked into Desmonds own eyes. She wasn't a sharpshooter by any means but her eyes were beyond keen, she could see it all through the reflection in his eyes. - Damn. -Was the only word to escape her lips and she quickly dropped to one knee ducking.-

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