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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/18/2016 3:50:23 PM
[b]The Newcomer Has a Son... | Somewhere in the Dojo[/b] Kent Logan walks into the Dojo, his visor glowing a bright red, a skull carved into the center. His AR-15 can be seen strapped onto his back - along with a sniper, oddly resembling that of a M107A1, which sits diagonally from the assault rifle. A U.S cavalry sabre is sheathed on his waist, and two Chiappa Rhino's are holstered on his thighs. Right on his sacrum, is a quiver of sorts, which is very small, and doesn't seem to hold any arrows; a bowie knife also sits neatly in its leather knife holster, which is located on his shoulder. Upon entering the Dojo, he is welcomed by the thriving life of it. All of the different races and ethnicities always struck Kent as a surprise for some reason. He never fully understood why it surprised him, but it did. It was very odd. Kent continues down the streets of the Dojo, asking people if they have seen a large man in all white armor - it was urgent. Each person he asked, however, said that they have seen him at least once, congregating with people from around the area. Kent wanders, trying to find him. He seemed to be exactly like Rhys when he had first arrived. Clueless. Kent didn't know where he was, and needed to know quickly. He checked everywhere that had a lot of people, such as bars (though Kent knew he didn't like to drink), markets, and so on. He even checked every hotel, but still couldn't find a single trace on him. Kent would be frustrated at this point, but there are some… complications with his emotions. Kent finally decides to check the fighting arena. He never thought Rhys to be much of a fighting man, especially when first meeting someone, but he hoped that he'd be standing there - triumphant over the body of his combatant. But alas, Kent found the opposite when entering the arena. All he found was Rhys, lying on the ground… dead. A spark ignited inside of Kent, a spark of anger. A spark of sorrow and annoyance. He could feel these emotions, but just barely. Just feeling them sparked even more of an annoyance, because Kent was used to not feeling; the thought of feeling such emotions, emotions that are never associated with happiness, angered him. He wanted his first moments of emotion to be happy and cheerful. Not hatred and sorrow. He punches the ground, his hand creating a large hole in the surface of the arena. He continues to punch until there is nothing but a hole the length of his arm. He needed to let out his anger. He needed to find the killer. Kent swipes over to the diagnostic reader on his wrist, the eyes in his helmet glow a bright yellow. He scans Rhys's body, and finds two puncture wounds in his back, and some light bruising on his cheek. [i]He was stabbed and kicked in the head… explains why his helmet is off[/i], Kent thinks to himself. Rhys was hit right on the vertebrae, only once however, the second puncture wound went directly into Rhys's heart. [i]This was supposed to be a damn simulation, why the hell did he go in as himself? He could have survived.[/i] Kent thought with a sigh. [i]There's nothing I can do about it now… but I want to know who killed him.[/i] Kent reads the wounds on Rhys's back, realizing that they're caused by an unknown substance. Kent was confused. He didn't know anyone with weaponry such as this. Kent reaches over for Rhys's helmet, pulling a chip out of the back of it. Kent then ejects the chip from his own helmet, inserting the one he grabbed from Rhys. It's a chip that allows people to see what has happened in a person's past, through their own point of view. Rhys was fighting someone, it was hard to make out who. The weaponry they used and the way they talked sounded very familiar to Kent. He plays the audio clip back multiple times, listening to the man's voice. He knew. Kent rips the chip out of his helmet, inserting it back into Rhys's. He stands, picking up Rhys's body, carrying him out of the arena back to Kent's ship. When inside, Kent puts him on a medical bench, which starts to heal his wounds and gradually repairs any damaged tissue. Before Kent leaves his ship to go back to the Dojo, he grabs two disc-like objects from a locked container under his control panel. He then attaches them to the palms of his hands, charging them up to the point where they are glowing a very bright yellow. Kent walks out of the ship's hatch, moving quickly towards the Dojo's gates. There will be blood today. [spoiler]Open to JJ Closed to everyone else, but some critique would be appreciated[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Bump for easy access to me and JJ.[/spoiler]

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  • Vernon knew that Kent would be looking for him. But, instead of running and hiding, he was frantically searching for him. Maybe, just maybe, he could explain himself. Maybe he could help Rhys, even now. Just maybe. He never intended for this to happen. What was a short sparring match turned into an extended fight, and the influence of R&D accidentally made him kill Rhys. He just needed to explain that. Eventually, he went back to the arena, intending to retrieve Rhys' body and take it back to the ship. He was fully armored now, so he could actually carry Rhys' body back to the ship. Without the suit, Rhys' massive structure and armor would've been too heavy. But all he found was Kent, standing over the body. "Kent, I'm sorry. Look, I think I can help, bring him back. Maybe what I have on the ship could work, or we could transport him back to the Station. I didn't mean for this to happen. It was a complete accident."

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  • [spoiler]I'm just going to say he still has those discs on his hands. Because they're a new defensive and offensive mechanism I want to test.[/spoiler] Kent stares down at Rhys, the yellow in his palms turning into a green-yellow. "You should know your own strengths by now..." Vernon could tell Kent was holding back tears. Kent turns towards him, lightning begins to cover his armor, this time... it's yellow. His visor follows the same color pattern as well - his red is now gone. Kent tightens his fists, trying to control himself. He knows Rhys can be brought back, but he can't control how he feels. "...have you ever felt such anger, Vernon? Because I sure as hell haven't."

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  • [spoiler]That's what I expected.[/spoiler] "Yes, I have. That anger is what I feel every time things go a little too far. And it can get worse. It's the hardest thing to control out of anything in this world, aside from other people. Kent, he hasn't been gone long. We can bring him back. But I need you to not try to kill me so we can do that." Vernon swaps his arm cannon out for his gauntlet, attempting to appear as harmless as possible.

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  • Kent raises his arm, looking at it, the yellow lightning coarsing up his hand to his shoulder. His eyes begin to glow a bright yellow, his pupils and iris visible through it. His eyes flicker at the lightning, he then looks to Vernon. "I'm sorry." He fires multiple blasts of the yellow energy from his palm towards Vernon's chest, they do a very significant amount of damage. "Do you remember Mobeus Vernon? Well... I found a way to control it, and I have to say... it feels good."

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  • The suit's energy levels immediately plummet from 100 to 60, attempting to hold itself together. "Argh!" Vernon then dropped to one knee, struggling to get back up. It was like the joints were locked up in his suit, but they slowly began to unlock as he got up. "You... you harnessed [i]Mobeus[/i]?! Kent, are you insane? That could potentially cause a cataclysm, and you're using it like a toy?" Vernon then raised his gauntlet, turned it into his arm cannon, and began charging a plasma shot. His visor turned blue as it scanned Kent's vitals, gear, and potential weaknesses. "Put the weapons down, and we'll save Rhys. I don't want to fight you, but I'm not going to die because of that."

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/18/2016 5:25:26 PM
    Kent charges the energy in his palms even more, this time, they turn a bright orange. "You'll come back." Kent releases the blast of energy at Vernon, then, sprinting at him, he uses his thrusters to propell himself forward, but he then does a sidestep; pirouetting he diagonally slashes at Vernon's chest with his calvary sabre.

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  • Vernon uses his thrusters to sidestep the energy blast, but can't react fast enough to dodge the saber. Luckily, the suit could block the saber, with the most damage being a gash cut across the outer layer. JJ then retorted by grabbing Kent's arm and tossing him to the ground, face first. He then put his metallic boot on top of Kent's other arm while still holding the first, and aimed his cannon at the back of Kent's head. "Stop, or else this'll escalate beyond control."

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/18/2016 7:04:55 PM
    Kent's armor releases a burst of lightning, knocking Vernon back. Kent stands, taking the assault rifle from his back, aiming it at Vernon. "I'll take my chances." Kent unloads into Vernon, the depleted uranium rounds doing what they need to. He then switches back to Mobeus, firing even more orange energy as Vernon's chest and head.

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  • Vernon fired the plasma as he went flying, attempting to hit Kent's chest. Upon getting to a position where he could defend himself, Vernon began running while trying to guard his head. Eventually, he finds cover behind a hill, where he quickly assesses his suit. "15% power... Well, I guess there's no talking him out of it if he attacked me like that. Time to knock some sense into him." Vernon jumps out from behind cover, his cannon overcharged, and coursing with purple energy. He fires a lightning bolt at Kent, all of the suit's energy packed into one shot. As the suit began to fall away, Rage and Despair almost immediately took form.

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  • Mobeus consumed the first shot to the chest, but the second barley went through. "Ah... lightning." Kent chuckles. He fires two more orange energy charges at Vernon, then sends down a cascade of lightning bolts upon him. These lightning bolts were also orange, Mobeus seemed to be mixed with his augmentations.

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  • The lightning hit Vernon, as all lightning would be too fast to dodge. Rage takes some of the damage, but the rest of it shocks him. However, he quickly recovers as Rage begins to glow even brighter. "Ow." However, he then tossed Despair directly at Kent planting it in his chest as he warped to it. Once he reached it, he kicked Kent off the end, and began to back away.

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/19/2016 1:44:04 AM
    Kent stands, as if nothing happened. No blood seemed to be coming out of the wound, the gash was visible, but again, no blood. Kent smiles. "I will not be like him." The lightning around him - along with his palms - turn an orange-red. Kent fires multiple blasts of energy at Vernon, then - putting his hands together - he creates one continuous beam, like a laser, following Vernon wherever he decided to go. [spoiler]Mobeus captures the blood from his wounds keeping it all inside of him. So after Mobeus is in use, Kent will have to try and heal all of his wounds quickly - or else he'll die.[/spoiler]

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  • Vernon either tried to dodge the blasts, or block them with Despair. However, one got past his guard and hit him in the side. He recoiled, yelling in pain. However, Vernon did his best to recover, attempting to run away from the laser with a horrible grimace on his face. Very quickly however, Vernon realized he couldn't run from the laser for long. So, he raised Despair, and walked straight into the laser, having it hit Despair instead of him. Despair seemed to devour any nearby light that the laser produced, especially as Vernon drew closer to Kent. Rage was also growing progressively brighter as he got close. The strain on Vernon was obvious. Whenever his guard faltered and a little bit of the laser slipped through and hit him, it clearly took an immense amount of willpower not to keel over in pain. But he pushed onward, until he got close enough to Kent to push his arms aside, and deliver multiple kicks to the legs and stomach.

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  • Kent takes the hits, but quickly fires the laser again at Vernon from upclose, directly at his visor. He pushes his hands forward, increasing the beams opacity and strength. Kent quickly does a backstep, making sure he keeps his distance from Vernon. The beam begins to glow a darker orange until it finally changes to red - the only thing worse than that would be blue, but we don't talk about blue.

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  • The beam hits Vernon dead on, causing him to back away, and stumble. He falls below the beam, giving him just enough time to throw despair near Kent's feet. But, he misses by about a foot. In an attempt to escape, Vernon warps to the sword. He quickly regains some composure, and tears Despair out of the ground. He then buries it in the back of Kent's left knee, the one he's closest to, and then steps behind Kent while attempting kick him in the other knee. Finally, he grabs the back of Kent's head, disregarding the lightning flowing around his body. Once JJ had grabbed the back of his head, Rage visibly grew brighter, even using the light that the ground had reflected. Rage was using Kent's only emotions to power itself. But, that didn't diminish Kent's emotions. In actuality, Kent could feel Vernon's own anger while he was grabbing him, as if it was temporarily mingling with Kent's. Vernon then uttered a single phrase, "Quit, before this gets worse." His voice was... off. Rage was really taxing Vernon, but he was still fighting to maintain control over himself; and to survive against Kent.

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/20/2016 11:31:29 AM
    As Kent is kneeling down, he grabs Vernon by the wrist (the wrist of the arm that's on his head), then he activates his strength module, gripping Vernon's wrist tightly. In one continuous motion, he slides one of his legs back, kicking Vernon in the shin, flipping him over his shoulder. By now, Kent is furious, he hasn't been feeling pain at all throughout this fight, but just the thought of him getting hit so much annoyed him. So immediately after he flips Vernon over, he jumps onto him, holding down his legs and arms - The strength module doing most of the work. The glow of his red eyes meets Vernon's. "[i]'I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.' Philippians 1:23-24.[/i]" Kent's hands begin to glow blue, and the lightning around his body does also. His body feels drastically hotter than what it was before, it seemed to heat Vernon's armor to the point where Vernon seemed to get the feeling he was burning alive inside of his own suit. Kent continues to tighten his grip, then, with one quick movement, he moves his legs to Vernon's arms - keeping him pinned. Then, he goes off, punching Vernon's head with the superheated gauntlets, whatever was open in the visor, is now burning significantly. [spoiler]Just tell me if any of this is BS.[/spoiler] Kent then puts both of his hands on Vernon's temples, creating blue beams that heat up the sides of his head. Then, he quickly stands, thrusting to the side, waiting to see what Vernon does - or can do - next.

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  • Upon seeing Vernon's face after that, Kent could see that his face had partially melted. His eyebrows were gone, his upper lip was scorched with pieces missing. His nose was broken and the left nostril had partially burned away. His right cheekbone was destroyed for the most part. His left ear was also nearly completely burned away. Then, Rage began to fade. Vernon should've been made even angrier with the mutilation of his face, and now the chain mail he was wearing even seared into his skin. But then, a small blue light sparked up in his eyes. The next thing that Kent saw was an explosion of blue flame erupting from Vernon's body; pushing Kent backwards, as well as damaging him if he's close enough. Then, tendrils of flame raced around his feet, and all across the arena, incinerating any flammable material (aside from Rhys' body). Finally, an ash storm kicked up, making it incredibly hard to see anything beyond a few feet. All that could be made out was the faint glow of a blue flame in the distance.

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/21/2016 3:23:06 AM
    Kent immediately turns on the thermal vision to his visor, looking directly at the erect pillar of flame that seems to be around Vernon. "Looks like we both have a little homage towards Cobalt." Kent smiles. "You know... you look exactly like how I used to. Funny." Kent takes out his sniper, and fires multiple rounds of depleted uranium with a white phosphorus tip. Any of the bullets that penetrate him (if any at all) immediately burn his insides. Kent then switches back to his fists, teleporting right in front of Vernon, slamming him down to the ground by his throat - the strength module helping out with the momentum. Then, he fires two more charged blasts of blue energy at Vernon's head, before teleporting somewhere in the arena.

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  • Whenever Kent had teleported away, the flame had disappeared. There were no signs of any fire remaining. And then, a dagger slipped into Kent's back. On the bottom left, at the border of where the armor had to be weak so Kent could turn his waist. Then whatever hit Kent was about to reach under his arms and stab him just below the sternum. The now visible arms had blue flame on them. Then, a raspy, hollow voice spoke from behind Kent. "I control the ash..." [spoiler]Basically, since Vernon controls the ash, he can sense where Kent is within the storm. Don't worry, it doesn't last for long.[/spoiler]

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  • Mobeus takes the hits for Kent, allowing him to not feel a thing. As the hand moves around him, he teleports behind Vernon, sending a large beam of blue energy at his spinal column. Kent then waits for him to move. [spoiler]I don't know what I can and can not do lmao[/spoiler]

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  • The body goes limp for a second, with a hole clearly shot through the torso. Then it suddenly leaps to its feet, delivering another blow to Kent's stomach before landing. The seemingly reanimated body then attempts to stab directly between the neck and the collar with its dagger. Meanwhile, the ash storm seems to let up a little bit, slightly increasing visibility.

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  • Edited by Old Man Kent: 12/22/2016 2:55:44 AM
    "F*ck!" Kent shouts in anger. He dodges under the attack to the neck, punching him in the stomach, then pirouetting, kicking him in the side of the head. Immediately after, he takes a few steps back, waiting to see what he does next.

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  • The head spins further than any head should be able to naturally. But there was no sound other that something similar to that of sandpaper rubbing against another object. And the same sound had reached Kent's ears again when the neck spun back into place in an eerie fashion. Immediately, the figure lashed out with its dagger again, this time at the weak point in the armor beneath Kent's right shoulder. The storm let up more, showing some of the figure's face. It wasn't Vernon at all, just hardened ash sculpted to look like him. It was an ashen double. A fake. After the attack on the shoulder, regardless of rather or not it failed, the double immediately drops its level and attempts to stab the back of Kent's knee that didn't have Despair driven through it.

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  • Kent knocked the doppelganger's hand back when it went for his shoulder, punching it in the jaw - preventing it from stabbing Kent in the back of the knee. Kent teleports a few feet away. He uses his revolvers and fires six rounds - from each gun - in less than thirty seconds. The bullets - once hitting a target - send an electric charge all throughout the body.

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