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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/8/2016 4:05:20 AM
[b]Operation Trojan[/b] [b]A small pod 'bearing gifts' to the Tenebraeans as a peace offering launched from the dojo. Of course, there was no loot or peace offerings on board. Instead, Fortis, Destanius, and the small fire team he had recruited.[/b] "Alright, once we board the ship, we need to take out the guards and security first. Once we have control of the ship, we can cut through the rest of the fleet with ease, as all of their shields and weapons are focused on the planet. Everyone understand?" [spoiler]Open for people who signed up, you know who you are.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I don't even know dude 😂😂[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Was it good or bad?[/spoiler]

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  • "Sounds good." [b]Rook checks ammo and supplies.[/b] "Ready."

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  • "Ok, and, we are in. Once they open the door, all hell is going to break loose, so just keep shooting until we clear the room." [b]The door lifts slowly, and steam funnels out of the ship, making a sort of smoke screen. Fortis starts firing his rifle and Destanius throws a large grenade before drawing two pistols and following suit.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook, slides behind cover. Raidicaly firing his machine gun. He takes out a few soldiers, and ducks down to reload.[/b]

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  • [b]Fortis draws his sword and shield and starts slowly advancing up the room, cutting anyone who stands in his way in half. Destanius throws his pistols back into the ship and pulls out his rifle.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook mover out of cover. He follows Fortis's lead, firing at the enemies. A few rounds strike him, but Rook shakes it off.[/b] "You holding up fine Fortis?"

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  • "Yep, nothing can get past this shield." [b]As he says that, a bullet flies through his shield.[/b] "Dang it." [b]Destanius draws his sword and uses a large scrap of metal created from an explosion as a shield.[/b]

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  • "Fortis! They're starting to fall back, we should push the advantage!" [b]Rook tosses a few grenades, following with the spray of his machine gun.[/b]

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  • "Charge for the door!" [b]Fortis flies over the soldiers barricading the door, and lands in the center of them. He then sweeps off their heads with one swipe of his sword.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook quickly follows Fortis, using a piecenof metal as a temporary shieldnas they push up.[/b] "Fortis, I'm picking up enemy transmissions. They're beibg ordered to fall back to escape pods."

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  • "Good, that should let us take the bridge. Once we reach the bridge, we should be able to cancel the pods from launching." [b]The bridge lied just ahead, but it was guarded by two twenty foot tall creatures that looked like Audax, except their body had an aura of darkness, and it seemed almost as if black flames danced along their armor.[/b]

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  • "Hell yeah! Now the fight gets interesting." [b]Rook umsheaths his sword. A metal blade pulsimg with electricity.[/b] "Excuse me, you two giant shits. Would you care stepping aside before we shred you to pieces?"

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  • "Really Fortis? Hiring tiny little mercenaries to do your dirty work for you now? And what is this? You also seem to have brought in a Crotation, one of the most infamously gluttonous creatures in the universe. I am disappointed in you Fortis, usually you bring warriors that can at least stand their ground." [b]The figure that spoke turns toward you.[/b] "You may have had little trouble with your previous opponents, but this is where your journey ends. Forever."

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  • "Blah, blah, blah. Hey, I got an idea, why don't you junp in a nice pool of lava. 'This is where it ends, forever'"[b]Rook says in mockery to taunt his foe.[/b]

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  • "I thought you would know your place. I will enjoy torturing you." [b]The two giants pull out their weapons. One pulls out a Scythe named [i]Torture[/i], and the other pulls out a morning star named [i]Suffering[/i].[/b]

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  • "And I will enjoy slicing your head off and eating it for dinner." [b]Rook picks up the piece of metal to use as a sheild. [/b] "So, who wants to die first?"

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  • [b]Both of the giants chuckle.[/b] "Once I am done with you, you are going to wish you had been dead one ago." [b][i]Suffering[/i] flies towards you with extremely fast momentum. Fortis and Destanius both grapple with the other giant.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook raises his make-shift sheild. He blocks the attack, but is sent crashing into the wall. He quickly gets up.[/b] "You done -blam!-ed up!" [b]Rook charges forward, scraping his sword on the ground, a wave of electricty building up the closer he gets.[/b]

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  • [b]The spiked ball on the morning star grows bigger the angrier you get.[/b] "Good, good, keep getting angry." [b]The ball comes crashing down.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook slides to the left, dodging the attack, he releases the wave of electricity toward his foe, then takes a few steps back.[/b]

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  • [b]The electricity hits him in the chest, and he staggers backwards.[/b] "Perhaps I underestimated you." [b]He constructs a shield out of seemingly nothing.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook charges foward. His sheild lowerd and his sword down. Planning something. [/b]

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  • [b][i]Suffering[/i] crashes on you again. Fortis seems to be battling the other giant alone, as Destanius is no were to be found.[/b]

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  • [b]Rook gets hit by the attack, barley putting the sheild up. Now the piece of metal is split in two. Rook struggles to get uo from the blow. Barely holding on to his sword.[/b]

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