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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/6/2016 1:33:45 AM

[u][i]"...Socialization."[/i][/u] [u][i]Dojoville, Random Café[/i][/u] [i][u]1:31 PM, Tuesday[/u][/i] [u][i]Irina S. Eilizia[/i][/u] [i]As the snow fell from the grey skies and covered the concrete streets of the city of Dojoville, civilians bristled into the buildings that lined the streets of the large town, cars and trucks passing through as the masses carried onwards with their daily lives, the ice freezing over windows and the earth itself. It was a regular day, really - and Irina absolutely hated it. [/i] [i]Sitting idly outside of a café whole checking a light silver pendant that also served as a watch, Irina sighed, her breath fading away into the air as more snow fell from the skies. She was completely unharmed, and not exactly in the mood for any sort of combat at all. Wrapped around her thin body was her classic dark leather longcoat, with a white thread buttoned up shirt underneath that, a handkerchief protruding from the neckpiece of the outfit itself. A dark, well-mannered cape was draped over Irina's left shoulder, probably to signify some sort of importance, or possibly for style. Leather gauntlets and wool boots hide away her hands and feet, concealing them from the cold in similar fashion to the leather fabric pants she wore alongside the outfit. And, to top off Irina's signature outfit - a black tricorne hat, the feather of a pure white pigeon protruding from the back of it. [/i] [i]Irina was currently waiting outside, as after an intense argument with the manager, she wasn't allowed inside, as she would have "scared away customers". Instead, she was waiting for her waiter to come around with a warm cup of hot coffee outside, a frozen umbrella above her head as she sat at a black iron table, Irina herself taking up one of the four chairs. She hoped that someone - anyone, from that psychotic Russian Jason to the augmented cowboy John "JT" (She personally refused to call him John.), to the famed Deity, or perhaps even Quincy. Irina didn't mind at all who came around, but she wasn't going to be starting shit up.[/i] ((Open for some social interaction with everyone's favorite Vileblood.)) ((I'd prefer if it remains social, to be honest.)) ((Unfortunately, no shit will be pulled. ._. Let's just get going.))

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  • [b]As Irina was sitting, a car came passing through the traffic, a car that the others avoided and the pedestrians moved out of the way for. It was an old 1930's Cadillac that had tinted windows. It stopped outside the restaurant she was at and outstepped Matthew Sandello and one of his body guards. He walked over calmly to Irina and sat down across from her, he seemed to pose no threat this time. He looked at her and smiled a little.[/b] "Hello, Irina, it's been a while... how've ya been?"

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    [u]"...Sandello? It HAS been a while, you devil. I've been...good, I guess. I hope you're not here to gun me down? I wouldn't blame you, though."[/u] [i]Sandello may or may not have known that Irina know had the capability to speak, due to JT's and Tesuto's efforts to return her voice. She spoke rather smoothly, an Italian accent within her light feminine voice. Clearly, she was rather calm and collected; even as men and women nearby quickened their pace, as they had spotted both the mob and "The Vileblood" together.[/i]

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  • "Of course not, and I see you have a voice now, very good. I simply would like to see how my old enemy has been after all this time." [b]Sandello seemed to almost expect her to talk. From the looks of it, there was no malicious intent in his voice or actions.[/b]

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    [u]"Old enemy? Aww, as if I wasn't on everyone's shitlist already. Meh, I did kill several civvies and some of your men, so you've got a good reason to hate me, or...want to kill me."[/u] [i]A waitress passed by, setting down a cup of steaming hot chocolate beside Irina, yet the Vileblood merely ignored it, a mutter of a thanks escaping her thin lips. The waitress then turned to the mob boss Sandello, a smile upon her face.[/i] "What would you like to have this evening, sir?"

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  • [b]Sandello looked at the waitress and smiled.[/b] "I'll have whatever she's having." [b]He then tuned back to her. [/b] "Well I guess you aren't wrong about everyone hating you, but I don't hold any grudge because of who you are, it's because of what you've done. I've befriended many eager to kill like you."

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    [u]"Don't tell me. There's another Russian that hates me? Good."[/u] [i]Aside from Dmitri Adkanksi - Irina called him Vlady - Jason, and others...Irina didn't really know any others that directly had the intentions of killing her. Other than [u]him[/u], but that was an entirely different topic in general.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Orn, repleh to deh other conversation.[/spoiler]

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  • *At a nearby table was a sleeping Vera Shepard. She was pretty much asleep at this point, and seemed to have no weapons on her. A bottle of whiskey seemed to be placed on the table, so...*

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    [u]"For the love of..."[/u] [i]Irina sighed, as thoughts of brutal murder spiraled within her mind. She immediately pushed them out, rising up from her metal chair and beginning to walk towards the drunken woman. She figured that she may as well try to wake her up, so she began tapping her soldier lightly while leaning downwards.[/i] [u]"Hellooooo? You there? You're making me look weird..."[/u]

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  • *She wakes up with a jolt, almost pulling out where she thought a knife was placed...only for it to be thin air.* "Um....hi?" She replies, a hint of rudeness within her.

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    [u]"Hi. Mind if I ask, why the fúck are you sleeping outside of a café? It's so rude!"[/u] [i]It was actually difficult to tell whether Irina was furious, or just very sarcastic at the moment. And since it was Irina, it was most likely sarcasm.[/i]

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  • "Because I feel like it. What's it to you, Mrs. Robin Hood cosplay?" She reacts, leaning in the chair. A grin laid on her face at the potential burn she may have given Irina, grabbing the bottle as well.

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    [u]"At least I don't look like a goddamn Master Chief wannabe. Now get back to wherever the hell you came from - if you can even remember that."[/u] [i]Irina chuckled devilishly, clearly making fun of FemShep's amnesia. Talk about an asshole, amirite?[/i]

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  • *By now, you'd think that the FemShep would've punched her, or stabbed her with her Omni-blade. Instead, she just sat there, staring at her, before pulling out her Omni-tool and typing...well something into it.* "Make me." She responds, sitting firmly on the chair, drowning herself with the rest of her bottle.

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    [i]The last comment straight-up triggered Irina.[/i] [i]Her thin hands suddenly shooting forwards, both of her pairs of fingers wrapped themselves around the bottle of alcohol, as Irina pulled with - well, a considerable amount of strength. She was trying to steal the bottle. [/i]

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  • *She chuckles, letting go of the empty bottle and politely burping.* "I'm sorry; I thought all you needed was the bottle, not the drink." She responds, placing her feet up on the table and closing her eyes.

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    [i]Irina didn't respond - she had an idea. A terribly funny one, at least in her head.[/i] [i]Gripping the bottle, she raised the glass object above Femshep's head, lining it up by her cranium.[/i] [u]"About right...there."[/u] [i]Grinning, she jolted her arm upwards, while it was still gripping the bottle, and brought it down upon the woman's head. Except, it didn't even hit: Irina stopped it before it collided, the glass centimeters away from her face. It was as if Irina tries to get her to at least jump.[/i]

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  • A man approached her, he was young, looking around 25 years old. He had chocolate brown hair and ice blue eyes. His face was well defined and handsome, and he wore a large smile, showing his perfect white teeth to any passerby he saw. He arrived at the coffee shop, he heard it was the best in town. Ryker glanced over and noticed Irina. Why was she waiting outside the coffee shop? He walked over to her. He flashed one of his smiles. "Hey there... why are you waiting outside?"

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    [i]The unarmed woman locked eyes with Ryker, a slight grin upon her strikingly pale face as she looked at him. She had never seen him before, so...this would be interesting.[/i] [u]"Who, me? Just hanging outside because I'm apparently a threat to regular civilian's daily lives. If you were a mass murderer, you'd understand."[/u] [i]That seemed to be the case as those that passed by took glances at Irina and quickened their pace, some even straight-up running past Irina. There was a strange aura of fear around her, one that she didn't mind at all.[/i] [u]"Wanna sit down? Chat a lil', maybe?"[/u]

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  • Edited by cyberattaq: 12/7/2016 6:02:11 PM
    "Of course!" Ryker says. "Now I just don't believe that someone like you would be a mass murderer. You certainly don't look the part. Far to pretty."

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    [u]"You'd be surprised."[/u] [i]Irina didn't pay too much attention to the flirt, although a thin smile took place upon her pale, angular face. She didn't want to shut down the man already by telling him that she was already in a relationship, particularly with a female super soldier named Athena. It had gone on for a bit, and...Irina was pretty committed.[/i] [i]The woman pushed the seat next to her out, allowing Ryker to sit down.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Rip, doesn't mean he can't try, I mean he doesn't know yet, and besides it's his nature.[/spoiler] He sits next to her, wearing a fairly light jacket and shorts. "So I heard this place is the best in the city."

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    [spoiler]Lol. Irina can give him advice, be a relationship tutor or something. Hook him up with someone XD.[/spoiler] [u]"I've heard that as well. Really good hot chocolate, from what I've heard. So whatcha doin' for Christmas, if anything?"[/u] [i]Irina was a fan of the holiday of Christmas, and was personally interested in what people were doing for it. In truth, she was; she had planned out things herself.[/i]

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  • "Ah you know, spend it with the family. Sisters wife and her daughter..." He says with a smile. He looked at her. "What about you?"

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    [u]"Decorating me and Athena's apartment - you wouldn't know Athena, she's awesome though - helping my blind friend with her decorations...I guess I'm in the holiday spirit."[/u] [i]Irina chuckled, suddenly realizing that she had mentioned Athena, her lover. It would be awkward, explaining to the man about the fact that she was already in a relationship.[/i]

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