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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/4/2016 11:01:13 PM
[i]Sheathing his blade, he drew his SA-58, and let loose. Firing in bursts, the suppressed rifle cut down those both in the open and behind cover, the 7.62x51mm steel-core armor-piercing rounds cutting through them fairly easily. For those smart enough to hide near fuel and aircraft weaponry, Jackson quickly dispatched their cover, his rounds igniting massive explosions, doing serious damage to the flight deck and setting off powerful chain reaction. Placing himself behind a stack of crates, he reloaded, and waited for the chain reaction to subside.[/i]

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  • [i]One, two, four, seven.. bodies dropped left and right as the rifle rounds shredded their bodies, others getting launched and burned alive from explosions and jets erupting in massive infernos, until the deck was empty of guards, Jackson left with nothing but the wailing of alarm sirens.[/i] ~~~ [i] Punches rained down on Riley, bruising and battering her already tortured body, her limp form swinging by the chains above her head. Her eyes and glazed over and eventually closed, falling into unconsciousness, and yet the assault continued, the man obviously didn't understand torture too well, or perhaps it wasn't torture at all. Even in sleep, he continued to batter her, for no reason. [/i]

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  • [i]He stood, and made his way to the bridge island, and rather than heading to the bridge itself, he began to head down into the bowels of the ship. If they had her, they likely had her in a brig of some sorts, if she was still alive. He tried to push that thought from his mind, but the creeping suspicion was there.[/i]

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  • [i] The stainless steel hall was lit up by a flashing red siren light, and boots could be heard stomping on the ground as they headed towards Jackson's location, from a branching hallway, to inspect the flight deck no doubt.[/i] ~~~ [i] Another fist connected with Riley's face, and her eyes flew open with a malicious grin. These people had chained her up, cut her, tortured, beat her, all with ill intent. Someone who had a set of powers that fed off of ill intent. They might as well have injected her with adrenaline. Her legs flew up, hoisting herself by the chains she hung by and slammed her foot across the man's face in a vicious kick, wrenching his head sideways in a nasty twist. The pop of his neck could be heard audibly as he dropped. In the next motion, Riley jerked downwards, yanking her arms downwards and snapping the manacles that clad her, much to the protest of her bleeding wrists, no sooner than she felt the adrenaline rush fade as it had no source to drain. [/i]

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  • [i]He kept his rifle handy, but had drawn a fragmentation grenade from his belt, and tossed it around the corner, allowing it to roll down the hallway towards the sound. In a confined space, the grenade and his fully automatic weapon would be devastating. Just keep pushing, just keep pushing. [/i]

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  • [i] The explosion was deafening in the confined space, followed by a chorus of screams and then silence. That hallways was the only path open, and not surprisingly his grenade had decorated it with blood and three bodies that were embedded with shrapnel.[/i] ~~~ [i] Riley walked over to the aluminum chair in the room, which she tipped on it's side and slammed her foot down on one of the legs. The weak aluminum bent and snapped, as she picked up her new weapon. Crude, the two foot table leg was now broken with a jagged point on the end. would certainly stab someone. She ripped a piece off the bottom of her dress using her good hand and teeth, and putting her right hand against the end of it, wrapped the strip of fabric around her hand and broken fingers, binding it to her hand. She wasn't ambidextrous, so she'd fight with a table leg bound to her sword hand's palm and broken fingers. God this was humiliating. [/i]

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  • [i]Moving down the hallway, he paid little mind to the bodies, he'd seen and done worse. Rifle shouldered, he was prepared to use it. Pushing down, he continued to make his way down through the ship, looking around and observing his surroundings and looking to see if he could perhaps find a map, or some layout of the carrier. It was a lot of ground to cover, and he didn't know what kind of reinforcements he could be expecting.[/i]

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  • [i] The halls were stainless steel, blank except for the random red lights spinning every so often. No maps or directions, but this hallway split into two different directions, left or right...[/i] ~~~~ [i] Riley gritted her teeth as she gave her makeshift weapon an experimental swing, the bindings holding it securely against her hand, walking through the door. It led to a room with a table and another door, and one wall was a window seeing into her room she'd been held in. One way mirror.. she walked out the next door and was met with a staircase that went up, and not down. So..she was on the lowest part of..wherever she was. [/i]

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  • [i]Wolfe took the right, rifle up and looking for a set of stairs down to the lower decks. If he could keep moving down, maybe he could find her.[/i]

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  • [i]The door did lead to a set of stairs going down, but men could be heard coming up. And strangely..the air was colder when Jackson passed through over the threshold.[/i] ~~~ "Looks like I'm going up." [i] She uttered to herself, but her first step was met by someone coming down the stairs, boots banging heavily on the metal. [/i]

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  • [i]These damn superpowered people... Backing himself against the wall, he kept his rifle in hand, and he turned to look down the staircase, tossing a nine-banger. At this point, he was a bit wary to use lethal grenades, as he did not know whether or not Riley had gotten free or was being moved, if she was still here, of course. Rolling down the staircase towards the men coming up, the grenade went off, flashing and exploding ridiculously loudly nine times, like a fusillade of rifle fire. Whipping around the corner, he had his gun up, ready to shoot down his opponents.[/i]

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  • [i] The nine bang grenade had blinded his foes on the staircase, but when Jackson brought his rifle up to fire, a hail sickles? Came screaming up at him. In a brief glance, Jackson could see two men. One was armed with a rifle, Scar variant, Maybe? It was odd looking, then again, this was a different dimension. The other was clad in all white clothes, complimented by ice white hair and the ever present cold aura around him. He was the Powered one.[/i] ~~~ [i] It was a woman, clad in a tactical vest and armed with a variety of weapons, including grenades, a sword, and what looked like a desert eagle in her hands. She moved fast, bringing the pistol up at Riley, who moved faster. The makeshift sword she carried batted the pistol to the side and sent the shot revertebrating through the stairwell, skittering off the wall. The echo could be heard by even Wolfe, the sound coming upwards. Riley's hand screamed in pain as the bindings wrenched her fingers painfully, but she didn't fault, whipping the jagged tip of the table leg across the woman's throat, spraying her blood across the stainless walls. [/i]

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  • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 12/5/2016 4:52:14 AM
    [i]He triple tapped the one with the gun, three to the face. The shards of ice were mere distractions, shattering on his armor. Nonetheless, he had to take care of the man with powers. With the speed and training of a soldier, he cut across the man's stomach with a burst, still using steel-core AP ammunition. Hearing the scream, he immediately recognized it, and could feel himself letting his anger take control again. [/i]

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  • [i] The bullets popped the man's head like a balloon, and eviscerated the second. They dropped dead, and the stairs continued to lead downwards, but there was also a door to the floor of that level..[/i] ~~~ [i] Riley then went through the excruciating task of prying the table leg from her grip, undoing the bindings and redoing them with the woman's sword. It was a short, straight blade, double edged and flawless. Riley snorted. This woman had probably never even used it. She grabbed her pistol in her left hand, hearing the gunshots echoing downwards, albeit suppressed. Metal stairwells carried sound pretty well. She just prayed it was Jackson, as she began to make her way upwards. [/i]

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  • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 12/5/2016 5:05:10 AM
    [i]He put a single shot into the eviscerated man's head for good measure, and continued to move down the stairs, lower into the bowels of the carrier. [/i]

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  • [i] Yep. Definitely dead. The stairwell kept doubling back on itself each time it went down a flight, and so far, no trouble. [/i] ~~~ [i]Riley moved upwards, the sword she bound to her hand at her side along with the pistol. If she fired it, there was a good chance it would wrench her shoulder, but better a dislocated cuff than dead. [/i]

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  • [i]He kept his rifle at the ready, reloading as he continued on down the staircase. If she had done what he had expected, she was likely looking for a way up and out on her own, and he had to play it carefully to avoid accidentally shooting her. [/i]

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  • [i] Eventually, after a half dozen more flights and no more confrontations, he could hear lighter, barely audible footsteps coming upwards..[/i] ~~~ [i]Riley could hear boots coming down the stairwell, holding the pistol and sword at the ready..[/i]

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  • [i]Compared to the soldiers he had come across earlier, this was not one of them. The sound was all wrong, which could only mean one thing.[/i] Riley? [i]He called down the staircase, hoping that his gamble would pay off.[/i]

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  • "Jackson!" [i] She yelled upwards, sprinting the last few steps up and rounding the last set, coming face to face with him. She..was not a pretty sight. She was bleeding from a half dozen, half clotted cuts on her body, she was littered with bruises, her hair was matted with dried blood, one of her eyes was swollen shut, and a sword in her right hand was bound to her Palm by a piece of fabric that held two broken fingers against the hilt. She was nothing if not stubborn. [/i]

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  • Christ... [i]Was all he could say. It was painful for him to see her that way, and it made him furious. [/i] We need to get out of here. You need treatment and neither of us need caught by reinforcements. How badly are you injured? [i]He asked, expecting her to lie. She never was one to admit the pain, and neither was he.[/i]

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  • "I killed someone with a chair leg on the way up here. I'm good." [i] She said with a grin, but it was more of a grimace due to the swelling.[/i] "How far are we from the flight deck?"

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  • [i]Dodging the question, typical behavior. It relieved him that she was still in good spirits.[/i] Quite a ways. I don't know how many more of these guys are here, but even on a skeleton crew I expect more. If we can get to the top, I'll get Wilson to exfil us. Are you ok to fight? [i]He asked.[/i]

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  • "As long as they try and kill me." [i] She said with a grin, already heading past Jackson up the stairs. It was true. She was beaten, bruised, tired, and weary, but if someone wanted to kill her, it was like a bucket of cold water in the face. Already though, several sets of boots could be heard coming down. [/i] "Shit." [i] Riley muttered, backing down a few steps and raising the pistol upwards. [/i]

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  • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 12/5/2016 1:27:16 PM
    [i]He unsheathed his sword with his left hand, keeping his rifle up and ready for those coming down with his right.[/i] Can you use that gun hand with a blade? [i]He asked.[/i] I'd rather you didn't hurt yourself anymore. [i]He knew she wasn't trained very well to handle weapons like the Desert Eagle, and that if she shot it, she'd probably hurt herself and miss.[/i]

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  • Edited by Will: 12/5/2016 4:39:39 PM
    "I'll be okay." [i] She said with a grin. She was nowhere better than in a fight, this was her element. Leveling the pistol upwards as the first man came down the stairwell, she pulled the trigger and grunted as the pistol jerked heavily, but the man collapsed with a blossoming red stain on his shirt, two more replacing him and leveling rifles at the pair.[/i]

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