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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/26/2016 11:03:26 PM
"So, JT... we meet again. I see that you've... uh, bulked up your attire. Anyway, let's get this show on the road!" [spoiler]Assuming you're using the super suit against me.[/spoiler] JJ Jumps high into the air, using the thrusters on the back of his suit to gain height and flip once out of the gravity field. He then landed safely on another asteroid directly above the original, and it's about three-fourths the size of the original. Upon landing, JJ starts moving, although slowly, while looking above him and firing at JT. The shots are composed of red "energy"

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  • [i]JT though, he didn't move from the singular spot he stood in. The blackness of space all around him was a very beneficial thing in all honesty, and so his NanoSwarm departed from his body, fading away to nothing in the emptiness of space for a moment. JT quickly drew one of his guns, a large, rifle-sized revolver from his back, the weapon loaded with a set of six 50. Cal rounds, each one comprised of led and with a core of depleted uranium that would irradiate if the lead was broken. And when he took aim and fired three shots at JJ, he knew the armour would surely crack the lead on impact. "I joined Chozodia a long time ago, and have gotten a few damn nice toys since."[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Doing a warning run. You ignored him shooting at you. That'll be a yellow![/spoiler] [spoiler]and I'm criticizing both of you [/spoiler]

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  • Two of the bullets miss, as JJ begins to move faster and more erratically when he sees JT pull out a rifle. However, one hits JJ's heavily armored shoulder piece. It only manages to penetrate the first layer, and it begins to irradiate the second. However, JJ simply disengages the first two layers of armor on his left shoulder. This causes the irradiated plate to fall away, ensuring no possible harm. "I've had people shoot at me with worse than that, JT. Try tungsten rounds with a depleted core, that may get you somewhere. What other new toys've you got?" [spoiler]Send me your bio, hint hint. I can't open Google docs for some reason.[/spoiler] JJ fires one charged shot, and it goes much faster than the rest. It flies directly at JT's chest, accounting for the gravity change. "Oh, and don't forget, I was your boss." With that, JJ begins to chuckle slightly before continuing to move and suppress JT.

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  • [i]The round seemed to slow down as it soon became a blackened shade, the velocity and speed robbed as the kinetic energy became nothing over what a .45ACP would produce as it plinked off his armour, and the blackness seeped back into the night. Or day. "You may have been, but consider me your superior. You're fired." JT had an advantage at a range, so he intended to keep it going. A glint appeared in both his eye and his suits visor as the revolver was pointed towards JJ's shoulder again, sending another round off to him. The G11 Chainsaw LMG on JT's hip roared to life too, seemingly without the help of the cowboy to move it, and soon the weapon roared to life as a spray of 50. Caliber rounds comprised of steel shot out, though they weren't regular, they were explosive. [/i] [spoiler]I haven't updated bio in months, so it wouldn't be of use. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 11/30/2016 11:15:22 PM
    [spoiler]Best One liner +8000000 points [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]They call me Trump. [/spoiler]

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  • Since JT did nothing to dodge the charged shot, it hit him directly at its mark. The shot impacted with some force, but then slightly spread out across a small area on JT's chest plate. It began to burn through somewhat, and it was now apparent that the "energy" was plasma. "What, do you have a horrible orange spray tan under that suit, or something?" JJ stopped shooting, this time fully intent on dodging the rounds. His thrusters all propel him forward, sending him out of sight behind the asteroid. He then rockets into visibility on the other side, jumping into the air. He used the speed from running around the asteroid and the gravity field around the asteroid to sling himself directly to JT's position, and at a scary speed. He was coming in boots first, with his cannon pointed between his legs as he fired more plasma at JT, although the shots weren't charged.

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  • [i]JT's armour was dented, though the multiple inches of ceramic would serve to disperse some of the heat energy, leaving only a hole of four inches in the armour, which wasn't all that much to him. The Marshal holstered his rifle and grabbed a hilt at the back of his shoulder, and when JJ started firing, the cowboy slashed vertically diwnwards as a fifteen foot long whip of plasma soon was sent towards JJ. The plasma against the Cowboy's armour only left smaller, one inch deep marks in his gear. [/i]

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  • When JJ saw the plasma whip, he simply braced, and hid his arm cannon. He straightened up, making only his boots visible to JT. The whip only hit JJ's lower legs, causing some damage to the upper three layers of JJ's leg armor, but nothing to warrant disengaging the armor. JJ then fixed his position for landing, and safely touched down about seven feet in front of JT. He then used the thrusters to actually have some speed while running, quickly covering the distance. "I just remembered, you were the ranged champion, weren't you?" JJ then turned his arm cannon into a gauntlet, and grabbed the sword at his waist. He pushed a small red button at the top of the sheathe, and a small explosion could be heard. Suddenly, JJ's sword practically flew out of its sheathe, but was under JJ's control thanks to the strength of his suit. He aimed for JT's right arm, attempting to damage it or sever it completely. All the while, JJ's visor had turned blue, allowing him to calculate how to manipulate his sword to hit JT's elbow, and scan JT's armor and person.

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  • [i]JT's armour was a fortress, eighteen inches thick on either side of his body with three inches of shock gel and an exo suit layer, then there was his metal frame. The weapon headed towards JT who slapped the bottom of the blade to send it swinging above his head, before he grabbed a revolver from his waist. A 50. Caliber coilgun that shot all six rounds into JJ's stomach at close range. [/i]

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  • The shots mostly just penetrated the first two or three layers, but JJ's torso area was the most heavily armored out of all of his suit. He had the suit designed to slightly detach from the parts of his stomach most required for moving, as well as guard them. So, he didn't have to sacrifice movement for protection. Anyway, JJ's sword completely missed, but he tried to save its momentum by spinning into a pirouette, and the sword came back around a second time. This time, it was aimed for JT's head. [spoiler] A coilgun revolver, are you kidding me? That has to be significantly weaker than a full-on gauss cannon.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Dude this is the early stages of the fight, I'm keeping the good stuff for later on. [/spoiler] [i]JT back-pedalled and essentially jumped, but on the way he slammed his boot into JJ's back mid-spin as the springs in his legs and the armour propelled each other away, and JJ into a well of insane gravity. JT though, he pulled out a strange, tri-barrelled shotgun, though it wasn't 12 gauge and more of a .700 Nitro. And due to the close proximity, the hip LMG kicked in again, firing at JJ with explosive ammo for the wear and tear effect that would come with such a high caliber of ammunition repeatedly hitting an object. [/i]

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 11/30/2016 11:22:26 PM
    [spoiler]Okay. Honest question. Where do all these weapons come from?![/spoiler] [spoiler]not complaining generally curious [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]There's a reason I never list JT's full armoury in replies - He's armed with a few hundred pounds, all on his augmented body and exo frame. [/spoiler]

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  • And so it did, pounding away at JJ's armor and doing damage to the outer two layers of upper torso armor after all was said and done. However, JJ's armor is so bulky that the springs merely interrupt his spin, and cause him to stumble forward. He quickly regains composure, and uses the thrusters to run to safety behind the asteroid he was standing on. Eventually, a missile with a grey warhead appeared from the other side of the asteroid, and began moving toward JT in an erratic and hard to predict pattern. It obviously had a lock, and was attempting to out maneuver anything JT would do to stop it.

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  • [i]JT had a trump card for missiles that would ultimately result in his armours destruction, but that's what made him more lethal - The armour was a coffin, and the Cowboy was a reaper waiting to break out. The armour opened at the back and JT was ejected out with all his regular weapons as the black layer from before soon flew back to him, creating almost a cape and allowing him to fly in the skies. "Finally free." With a cocky grin, JT drew a large assault rifle from his back, a white one with a set of three barrels protruding from the sleek frame in a triangular pattern. And soon JT was firing a set of plasma rounds to JJ from one of the barrels as he flew around the asteroid. He was much more lethal like this anyways. [/i]

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  • While JT had been ejecting from his suit, getting his weapon, and beginning to fly to the other asteroid, JJ had been overcharging his cannon. His cannon was actually shaking and trembling with the sheer amount of energy built up in there; along with the bright light that basically acted as a beacon. His suit's energy reserves had gone from 90% to 25%, and most of the maximum possible energy being inside of the cannon slowly damaged it. "How about you and I fight on more equal levels?" Once JT had appeared, JJ quickly stepped into the open, and aimed at JT. He didn't care how many rounds his suit took, just that the shot hit its mark. His targeting systems said that the shot was good, and he fired. A bolt of lightning spewed from the cannon, and the sheer energy caused by it leaving the barrel of the cannon actually threw JJ backwards, causing him to fall. Usually, the bolt would be weaker and slightly slower than naturally occurring lightning; but because the bolt had so much energy packed into it, it moved as fast as a natural bolt of lightning, and had the strength to come up a little shy from natural levels. The only way to completely dodge something like this would to move at speeds that one could only move at if they could teleport at will. [spoiler]Pants, if you think this attack's OP, tell me, and I'll edit it. Just keep in mind the energy drain and cannon damage cripples a lot of the suit's capabilities.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]The lightning struck the Techno-Cowboy and forced him to stagger, but thankfully he had the sense to disengage the NanoSwarm cloak that surrounded him and fade it into the background, catching him like a net and sending him towards an asteroid. The shot though, it only served to activate JT's OverCharge augmentation early as the receptors in his rubber mesh skin absorbed much of the electric current, and the Marshal was sent flying through the net and into an asteroid. But, he stood tall on the face of it and gripped the rock, pulling it apart at two points and completely halving the set of space rocks that were the result. A strange, silvery coat adorned the rocky asteroids like a fresh coat of paint, and the hands of the cowboy soon joined them. Eventually he lifted the rocks in the air as a layer of metal conjoined hand and rock as they were completely coated in the strange substance, and JT slammed the left rock onto JJ, creating a crater where he would stand, regardless of whether JJ moved or not. "Flash before my eyes, Now it's time to die!" But hey, JJ knocked out the augs that required electricity or any tech, like TagSight.exe. [/i]

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  • "Shit!" JJ braces for impact as the asteroid hits, and it seems to crush him. When the asteroid is pulled away, however, JJ can be seen kneeling on the floor, his armor falling away. The error and warning notices could be heard even outside of the suit. "[i]WARNING, CATASTROPHIC POWER FAILURE. DISENGAGE BATTLE ARMOR BEFORE USER IS TRAPPED. WARNING.[/i]" And with that, the suit has begun to fall apart, showing the surprisingly small body of JJ outside of his armor. He was trembling inside of the crater, but not out of fear. No, the red aura could easily be seen forming around him. As Rage and Despair finished forming, JJ immediately cried out. "You... you tried to crush me with a giant rock. Who the hell tries to kill someone by TEARING APART AN ASTEROID? [b]COME HERE, SO I CAN TEAR YOU APART.[/b]" With that, and before the asteroid could attempt to crush him a second time, JJ threw his sword out from the crater, Despair formed around it. He then warped to it, reappearing with the sword in his right hand. Now that he was out of the crater, it was apparent that Rage was burning brighter than in any of his previous battles. The fact that his attack had mostly failed, along with losing his suit, made JJ quite upset. He threw his sword again, this time landing atop one of JT's rock hands. He threw the sword one last time, now directly at JT. He was within range, so he teleported in front of JT, and began to use JT as a stress-reliever. He immediately began attempting to stab JT's head, grabbing onto JT's right shoulder.

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  • [i]The stab... Connected. JJ's blade traveled through the cranium of the Marshal, with a deafening crunch of titanium from the skull that he once inhabited as the sword pierced JT's brain as well, killing him off. But the fight was not over. For when JT fell to the floor, a deep cackling was heard bursting forth from all directions around JJ. Laughing at him, like it was nothing he had just done. Then and only then did the fallen corpse of JT arise, the hole plugged by a strange black substance, before the expressionless and deformed face looked back at JJ. Soon, the blade of JT soared back to him from the armour as the tungsten, six foot long, plasma edged greatsword by the name of Hullpiercer sped towards JJ and JT, impaling either in complete silence and binding the two fighters stomachs together. "Did you miss me?" John Truman asked, the Techno-Cowboy was still living but... How? [/i] [spoiler]Yes I have explanation. And it's quite well known what's happening, if you know JT. [/spoiler]

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  • "Oh, fu[i]c[/i]k no. I am NOT dealing with another supernatural entity!" JJ then throws his sword backwards, teleporting away and off of the blade. When he lands on another asteroid, JJ holds his hand over the hole in his stomach. "All my life, I've had supernatural entities toying with me... and I am NOT gonna have one giving me hell in a tournament!" Rage and Despair both grow visibly in power, as Rage begins to slowly repair the hole, and immediately stops the bleeding. JJ then waits for JT to make a move, as he jumps from asteroid to asteroid.

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  • [spoiler]I know you mentioned the hole. But god damn man, you just got impaled! A more drastic reaction should be used rather then "I have a boo-boo."[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler] Rage sort of puts JJ into a mild berserker state, to negate some pain. Admittedly, I should've reacted more drastically, as I have to other impalings.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]It was funny, JT had metalmancy but no other types of magic, so the chance of magic being used to keep him alive was minimal at best. The Marshal raised his asteroid hands and slammed it into the side of JJ. [/i]

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  • JJ threw his sword at JT's hand, implanting it blade first. He then teleports, and rides the hand until the swing is done. He then teleports back to JT, and slashes at the hilt of the plasma greatsword, attempting to make it impossible to be wielded.

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