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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Ver: 11/25/2016 7:44:42 PM

[spoiler][url=]Here's a link to Luana's bio if anyone wants it.[/url][/spoiler] Luana trekked up the steep mountain trails that dotted Ku Rudo, legs aching from the long pilgrimage she had endured. It was months since she first arrived on the planet, and the pure air pressure of the atmosphere destroyed her ship's generator. She had to trek to the Dojo on foot since, scaling mountaintops and stepping lightly down cliff sides to avoid avalanches. But it was finally here... The Dojo. It's stone walls were harrowed and scratched, worn by great armies and conflicts... yet they stood, only ten feet tall. She had read up on the legends of the haven within the mountains, and it said that every Mage who came through would put a small enchantment on the walls to make a collective powerful defense. She smiled as she continued on to the Dojo's large wooden doors, banded with metal and iron. [spoiler]Open to testing and interaction! :)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Ver: 11/26/2016 5:52:13 PM
    She nodded again. "Of course." With that, she dizzily strode into the Dojo, her steps small skips as her smile gleamed and shone as brilliantly as the sun. [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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  • [i]as the gates open the was different type of people from all over the place from every race and planet imagemanable. A lot them were use to seeing new people all the time. But what this great place to train. Two people manage to spot her both are twin identical down to their fluffy black tails. But women walk up to her they both have lightly tanned skin, cat ears, bright blue catlike eyes and fluffy black tails. Both and both wearing identical black short with grey matching shirts that say seeing double.[/i] "Hi there im kimi and this my twin Keira"says kimi [i]the first one points to herself then to her sister[/i] "Hi"says Keira

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    She was astounded by the melting pot of the Dojo, conflicting cultures and powers, the chaos and beauty of the haven among snow. Despite this, the two twins stood out boldly for their unusual appearance, and they therefore must have seen Luana enter the place. She smiled at their approach, waiting through the greeting. "Hello! I'm Luana. Nice to meet you, Kiera and Kimi."

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 11/27/2016 2:55:25 AM
    "Well it nice to meet you luana"says Keira "Yes it is"says kimi [i]they both knew they were much strange things than them but they both knew they stood out though.[/i] "Welcome to the dojo"they both said together [i]as the two greeted her a friend of their's came walking up he was tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. The thing that instantly draws attention is his silver wings. [/i] "Hi kimi and kimi who's this?"he says

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    Her eyes diverted to the man with wings who approached Kimi and Kiera. The two were already strange, and she expected some strange creatures... but this was beyond her expectations. As soon as the winged creature asked who Luana was, she attempted to blurt out her introduction, but her tongue was stuck. A blush spread across her face like wildfire, trying to conceal bewilderment. "Luana Kalhye, Empress of Avaran. Pleased." She did a small curtsy, her blush redder than a rose still, smile accompanying her reaction.

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  • "Its nice to meet you miss my name is nanos jie wilthelm"he said [i]he was just those type of people that just had a very calm nature about same as his voice when spoke cause it was soft and quiet. He was slightly shy sometimes.[/i] "He can fly he wings are huge"says lola

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    She smiled again, blush finally subsiding. "Well, hello then Nanos?" She seemed to linger on his angelic and white wings, which cast shadows over her with their largeness.

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  • "Us three come from the same planet"says kimi "Yup we sure do "says Keira [i]nanos kinda already knew see was looking at his wings a lot of people always do. so it doesn't really bother him that much.[/i] "Yeah if you wanna touch my wings you can those two always do"says nanos "That's cause there soft and fluffy."says kimi

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    She nodded as she approached, running her hand softly against the wing of Nanos. It [i]was[/i] indeed quite fluffy and pleasing to the touch, the sensation she felt from it leaving a smile on her face as she parted with it. The smile remained prevalent as her hands balled together into a knot as she put it to her midsection, swaying back and forth. "Well, I really must go now. Many more things to attend to, as per most arrivals go. But I hope out paths cross again, Nanos, Lola, Kiera and Kimi, very nice to meet you all!" She turned, skipping away happily. [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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  • A twig could be heard snapping behind her.

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    Luana turned, her peripherals picking up the sound with relative ease. Despite the roaring blizzard that engrossed the mountain, it only made her sense of hearing more acute, and her torso and head snapped back. Months on Tatakai without the slightest of human had made her... paranoid, to say the very least.

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  • Snow was there. She smiled nervously before hiding behind a tree. (you know what Snow looks like, right?)

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    [spoiler]No, can you link me to her bio?[/spoiler] She saw Snow, and stared at her with a smile and small tittering. Luana could identify her with ease. The futility of Snow's hiding paired with meager infliction was cute to say the least. "You can come out. I see you!" She said with a giggle.

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  • She stayed behind the tree, but her tail swooshed to and fro from behind the tree, making it obvious she might need further coaxing.

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  • [spoiler]find Quincy's bio. Basically that but female. Well, Snow is Quincy... Still gotta add that in there...[/spoiler] She stayed behind the tree, but her tail swooshed to and fro from behind the tree, making it obvious she might need further coaxing.

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  • [i]Beyond the doors, she sees a man and a woman. The man was about 5'8", with black hair and blue eyes. The woman was... A bit different. She had blue skin and other features that made her unmistakable as an Asari. The Asari was only a couple inches taller than the man and seemed to have an obsession with leather, since her form-fitting pants and jacket were both made out of it. The two were in a seemingly heated debate about something, but she couldn't tell what about as they were too far away to be heard. Suddenly, the Asari's biotics started to flare. [/i]

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    She looked around in amazement as the Dojo opened up, unfolding around her. It was surely larger than what was presented on the exterior. Her eyes fixated on the two, and they were not the strangest things within peripheral vision. Yet, they were enough to elicit a reaction, one of shock. A fight had obviously began to transpire, and she ran up to watch with eagerness. To see how two residents of the Dojo, two warriors quarreled.

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  • Edited by Jörmungandr: 11/27/2016 5:57:05 AM
    [i]As she nears, she picks up part of the conversation.[/i] "-ou fućked it up. That was your fault." [i]Suddenly, her biotics start flaring even more and the man is blown through the wall behind. The sickening sound of broken bones can be heard.[/i]

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    She cringed at the sound of broken bones and her eyes opened only seconds later, reluctant to see the aftermath of the powerful Asari's blow. She then smiled again, eager to see the next advance in the fight.

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  • Edited by New Years HK: 11/29/2016 12:17:36 AM
    [i]The Asari starts to walk away as if nothing important had happened. She looks around and notices Luana. Between the look on her face, the look in her eyes, and the fact she hadn't seen her around before, she assumed the woman was a new arrival or something. She starts walking over.[/i] "Another newbie, huh?... Then allow me to be your unofficial welcoming party." [spoiler]Btw, this is Meta. Just an alt since my main hit wallbant[/spoiler]

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    "That was the quite the performance! Exhilarating!" She clapped frantically until her hands turned red, squealing happily and laughing. After a second to calm down, she outstretched her hand for a shake, fingers twitching in anticipation of embracing the powerful Asari. However, her chest deflated as she looked at the slumped-over body of the man. "Will that one be okay?"

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    Ugh... Upvote

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  • [spoiler]Just one detail, the dojo isn't in the Ko Rudo mountains[/spoiler] [b]The gates creak open, granting Luana passage to the inner dojo. The Legends were true. Several fights were going on as she entered, each one with different people and different gear. It was magnificent, the Legends falling short of what the dojo actually was.[/b] [b]A man approached, clad in Musketeer like armor with a large blond mustache obscuring most of his face[/b] "Hello there! Welcome to the Dojo."

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    She looked at the complex in awe, amazed by the sheer elegant chaos within. Regular people mixed with gods in marketplaces, fearsome fighters battled without a bat of an eye from anyone else, and her smile magnified when the man with large, blonde facial hair approached. "Hello!" She squealed, brimming excitedly and eagerly outstretching a hand to shake.

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  • [spoiler]I think you forgot about me ;-;[/spoiler] [b]The man took her Hand, shaking it firmly. As he pulled his hand away, a green flame danced across his fingertips. [/b] "I Am Kross. Lord of Cinder, Slayer of Aldrich and Pontiff. Who might you be?"

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