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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/23/2016 2:05:47 AM
As Wilson approached the battlefield he saw somebody already engaging Atlas' forces. A man clad in a long leather coat riddled with holes, weaving through the soldiers like a demon leaving lines of violet-cobalt through the air as the figure dashed and dismembered with a superheated blade. In his other hand was a Thumper grenade launcher. He used this in tandem with his blade, allowing for its explosive wounds to take hold before firing the weapon at his opponents and sending them flying back. Two massive wings made up of soot-ridden feathers and burning flesh stretched from his back, set alight with the same fire burning on the man's sword. A set of equally colossal arms expanded from his lower middle back, amalgamations of various limbs melded together with taloned claws of bone. The hands attached to the many arms held various firearms - most notable a modernized PTRS-41, a massive 2-gauge shotgun and twin .50 Desert Eagles. All were being fired by the extra appendages as the figure waded through the carnage. With a burning sword in one hand, a grenade launcher in the other and the flaming wings and extra arms he looked like some demented Angel of Eden. With every winged beat, a gale of thermite-equivalent flame spread in a radius around the figure. The False Prophet has risen. ~~~ When Wolfe landed from his leap, another figure landed beside him. "No more. No more death, and I'll be damned if any more war ravages this place." It was a man around 25 years old. Filipino with light hazel eyes and black hair accompanied by grey strands. A large overcoat made of a dragon's wings rested on his body, seemingly too big for the young man. The apparel was a memento of a dragon he had slain alongside Marauder Felix and others. He took the beast's wings as spoils. He stood bare without any armour or weaponry until Jackson felt a sudden heat overcome the area, alongside an unnatural presence that would make any normal man squirm with discomfort. When one burned a piece of paper, the sheet would merely burn away and almost fade out of existence with its ash. What happened next could only be explained as the opposite of that effect - armour burnt [i]into existence[/i] around the young man. An exosuit thick with armoured plating formed beneath the large coat, appearing as pure blue flames rushed over the man in waves. His arm became engulfed in heavy gauntlets; his shoulders were adorned with pauldrons with one having a shoulder-mounted M134 minigun on it. One shoulder guard had a red cobra on it with a thick gash running across its head, as if somebody superheated a blade and ran it across the metal. In his hand appeared a superheated katana, with thermite burning in a self-contained magnetic field around the sword. It burnt with the bright intensity of a Holy Ghost of some kind, eager to purify. Around the man's face formed a helmet. A single blue optical stared into the soldiers' souls as his features were covered by the armoured helmet. His open overcoat revealed a single plate of armour that stood out on his covered chest - the icon of a painted cobalt Phoenix.

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