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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/16/2016 6:49:33 AM
[i] Desmond moved then, with impossible speed. It most definitely had something to do with the black, glossy substance coating his body. He lunged towards the monk, slashing the knife in a criss cross pattern at the man's face. This time though, Desmond had coated its blade with the Ka'kari..[/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor followed with the speed, albeit more calmly, his hand moving once gain to meet the blade, this time, red lines shoot across his skin so that an explosion rang out once the knife connected, and Desmond was pushed back.[/b] [i]"How naive... To think I am unprepared because I am different. You may as well cower behind your gun once more."[/i] [b]The Inquisitor's arm lit up with the red pattern, a long red blade like formation forming around the bottom portion like a razor tonfa.[/b] [i]"Once more..."[/i] [b]He was not going on the offensive, rather, keeping his distance and learning about Desmond.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond sneered, and with that..he disappeared.[/i] "Fight something you can't see." [i] His voice rang out, resounding all around the courtyard but not in one specific location..[/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor scowled, his eyes staying focused forward as he made a slight motion with his hands, dark red lines snaking down his legs as they crawled across the ground in all directions...[/b] [i]"Even now, humans prevail in their weaknesses... Damn be the name of your mockery. Lowly race."[/i] [b]But... He had protection. Desmond would meet a body full of pain if he dared tread one of the lines... But rather than stand still, the Inquisitor began to move forward, the lines following him as he went.[/b]

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  • [i] As soon as the Inquisitor moved, a resounding "crack!" Erupted from near the top of the courtyard, on one of the bordering buildings. Desmond, not having his rifle; had used the Ka'kari to make one reminiscent of his .408 Chay-Tac. An entire rifle, made from the same oily black substance. And that .408 round was flying straight for the Inquisitor, speeding through the space at a ridiculous speed that would allow it to hit far harder than any other .408 round. After all, it was meeting no air resistance. The Ka'kari based round was devouring everything in it's path, air included. If it hit the Inquisitor, it would chew through him too. All the while Desmond was still invisible.[/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor didn't have time to react, but he didn't need it...[/b] [b]As the bullet closed in, the lines stretched up in a blink and caught the bullets, frying it into thousands of tiny red particles.[/b] [i]"No honor..."[/i] [b]The Inquisitor promptly turned in the direction of the noise and outstretched a hand so that a few of the strange line could slither across his fingers and launch out towards the spot.[/b]

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  • Edited by Will: 11/16/2016 7:25:25 AM
    "There's no honor in taking a life, and there's no honor in dying. Honor, is a pathetic concept that is used by idiots to rationalize why they kill, or how they fight in order to kill someone. Murder, is murder." [i] The lines hit nothing, striking the concrete. Another shot sounded off, on the complete opposite side of the courtyard, speeding towards the Inquisitor once again. But instead of black..this one was green.[/i] "There are no rules for murder, no boundaries you can't cross. At the end of the day, someone will die, and the other will live."

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  • [b]With a sweep of his hand, the bullet arced around him and collided into the nearby dirt.[/b] [i]"Then we shall play this game for eternity..."[/i] [b]The Inquisitor's arm slowly faded to normal, the ground around him slithering and moving as if agitated by the mere wind. The Commitments had long since taken shelter behind walls and windows to watch their Inquisitor, but they had faith...[/b] [i]"Because you seem to think there is no greater good. I fight for something beyond myself... You cannot say the same. The Empress will see the light... And I will be the one to reveal it to her."[/i]

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  • [i] The spot where the bullet hit the dirt exploded in a ball of flames and inferno, scorching everything in the immediate area. Meanwhile, Desmond's voice rang out once again.[/i] "A higher purpose?" [i] He laughed, a sneer in his voice.[/i] "There is no higher purpose. No arbiters of right and wrong, there is only the perfection we attain by becoming weapons. As strong and merciless as a sword." "Of course I fight only for myself, because there is nothing else to fight for. Life has no meaning. It's a place marker to show who's winning, and we are the winners. We're always the winners, even though winning has no meaning. We win because it's an insult to lose." [i] Desmond reappears a few feet in front of The Robed man, sneering with two black handguns, made of the substance of the Ka'kari.[/i] "The only thing that matters in the world, is yourself." [i] He raised the two pistols, leveled at the man's face.[/i] "You won't be revealing anything to her, because you are going to die here." [i] Desmond snarled, before letting loose a hail of bullets. [/i]

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  • [i]"Your contradictions are astounding. You say the only thing that matters is yourself, yet you are defending a girl who believes the complete opposite... But I suppose you really are just a guard. The Chloephina I know would never fall to your level."[/i] [b]Tired of Desmond's bullshit, the Inquisitor swipes his hand, the bullets suddenly sledding backwards as red lines slithered across the ground towards Desmond.[/b] [i]"You seem to think that life is meaningless... And perhaps you are right... But you won't convince me otherwise. For the sake of my people... I will be successful."[/i] [b]Then, the man launched upwards, only to drop down behind Desmond, two large holes now in the sky to mark gateways e had opened. Then... The lines, swimming around Desmond like a murderous trap.[/b] [i]"I will not have a venomous insect poisoning our flower."[/i]

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  • "This venomous insect isn't afraid to bite." [i]Desmond said, a rather..demented smile crossing his lips. The Ka'kari slithered down his body, covering him eventually head to toe in the black, oily substance. Where his eyes were, pools of green fire danced. He was the epitome of a walking shadow, except for the faint, defined outline of his body and muscles. [/i] "I, am the face of Retribution. I, am Kàge." [i] He whispered, more to himself then the Inquisitor. With that, he launched himself towards him, strangely disregarding the lines..[/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor pulled upwards once more, the swirling [url=]mass[/url] in the sky a mixture of black cubed energy and the red lines. He was faster as long as he had the portals...[/b] [b]He slowly fell back down farther off, arms folded, as the red lines continued to circle Desmond crawling across the surface of his 'armor'.[/b] [i]"I suppose... I suppose I simply had faith that the Empress had not fallen so far from grace... To end up with someone so vile... It is... Frightening..."[/i] [b]The Inquisitor sighed with a somber frown, dragging the heels of his metal shoes along the ground as he backed up, waiting for the right time to explode the now covered Desmond.[/b]

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  • "If that's frightening, than I'm your worst nightmare." [i] Desmond swung a fist through the air at the Inquisitor, but as he did..a [url=]sword[/url]materialized in his hand. One with a long, slim blade, pitch black metal. Symbols were etched down its length, and the handle was wrapped in leather bindings. Instead of a fist, the Inquisitor had a sword coming at that didn't seem all that normal in essence. Desmond didn't seem the least bit concerned with the lines around his body, the Ka'kari protecting his skin. That object was certainly strange..who knew how many other applications it had.[/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor clenched his fist until the lines began to combust, bright red flames climbing around Desmond. But they weren't natural, only growing as they pushed against him.[/b] [i]"Don't think you are scary... The only terrifying thing about you is your personality..."[/i] [b]The Inquisitor was beginning to see the fruitlessness in his task. Desmond was advancing and his tricks were running short... Loss seemed inevitable... But there was one last thing... The failsafe.[/b] [i]"Be a shame if I learned you have a hard time flying..."[/i]

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  • [i] Desmond didn't necessarily like the sound of that, but The Inquisitor's flames weren't harming him. They swarmed Desmond, but clad in the skin of his Ka'kari, they were sucked in..Desmond's outline glowing faintly orange. The Black Ka'kari, the original of the six, was the Devourer. And that's what it devoured. [/i] "Sometimes that's all it takes." [i] Desmond said with a sneer, finally ending up in front of the Inquisitor and lashing out with the sword at the man's throat. [/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor merely moved his hands upwards, luminescent blood spilling out from the new cut as the hand blocks the swipe.[/b] [i]"Together then... We will determine our wills."[/i] [b]Suddenly, the Inquisitor reached out and grabbed Desmond by the shoulder, as he fills a quick pulling sensation as he is flung upwards into the gateway, only to suddenly be pushed out another... Except... In space... Below, the planet of Tatakai.[/b] [b]The Inquisitor let go as a grin passed his lips, floating backwards slowly as the low gravity moved him gently... Well... This was certainly a new way to handle the situation...[/b]

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  • [i] "Did he just-"[/i] [quote]Yes. We're in space. [/quote] [i] Desmond, not one to be caught off guard was well..caught off guard. Given the Ka'kari was around him in a shell, he had an air supply, albeit a limited one. Considering using his Talent had it's own energy pulses..[/i] [i] He thrust a leg and let loose an energy extension of his leg, pushing him forwards. Ok..he'd just have to use his Talent to move around. [/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor raised an eyebrow as he closed his eyes... He had brought them into space, but not far enough... That was the point. Oxygen was only a part of the problem... The real struggle came next.[/b] [b]The Inquisitor didn't try to resist the gravitational pull as he slowly sank back towards the surface, sweeping past Desmond... He'd follow soon, now it was up to him to survive... Besides, if either survived... They'd certainly have won the fight.[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond almost laughed. He was trying to turn them into meteors..human meteors. Well if that was the case, Desmond had no plans to let the Inquisitor get that far. With pulses of energy blasting from his legs and arms, he flew towards Aurox and slashed the sword viciously at his back; the blade coated in Ka'kari. It didn't matter how tough his skin was, Retribution would eat it alive. [/i]

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  • [b]The Inquisitor kept his eyes clamped shut as he plummeted, the swords sinking into the first layers of his flesh, the bright red blood seeping out.[/b] [b]But he didn't try to retaliate, his steely expression unchanging.[/b] [b]Slowly, the atmosphere began to catch the two, flames catching both as the Inquisitor is slowly burned, Desmond likewise... Then they began to pick up speed... Lost of speed.[/b]

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  • [i] The flames were taken in by the Ka'kari, but Desmond could feel his skin being scorched in places. The artifact could only do so much. It'd keep the flesh on his bones..but barely. [/i] [quote]This is one way to go out huh? Plummeting from space. [/quote] [i] "Shut up." Desmond snarled at the Ka'kari in his head.[/i] [quote]You won't die.[/quote] [i]"That's the issue."[/i]

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  • [b]The tall man swiveled slightly before turning feet downwards towards the surface... He was... Preparing to land.[/b] [b]His body was scorched and his skin turned black, blood still seeping from the openings... But the moment his eyes opened he gave Desmond an amused look...[/b] [b]He mouthed something unseen before holding out a hand, a small, yet bright rose forming in the palm.[/b] [b]A gesture Chloe had made, signifying a promise... But it seemed the Inquisitor's promise had just burned up.[/b] [b]Then, the clouds... As they moved they sloshed through the cloud cover, getting drenched only to burn up again the next moment... Only moments now.[/b]

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  • [i]Oh no you don't.. Desmond thought to himself, screaming inside at the second and third degree burns on his body. The Ka'kari was doing its'd have to do some more in a moment. Desmond lashed out with his hands, massive hands made of Talent energy, a translucent white bounded off of Desmond's as attachments, grabbing the Inquisitor by the torso and legs, holding him in a vice grip and squeezing the life out of him. If they were both going to hit the earth..Desmond didn't leave anything to chance. [/i]

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  • [b]Despite being near death, the Inquisitor was not going to submit... Red lines dancing across him before connecting with Desmond, tearing away at his covering...[/b] [b]Seconds now, and the tall man had passed out, but his abilities remained functional and protective... Cascading across Desmond and creating immolative effects... At least until...[/b] [b]Nothingness as a pulling sensation caught Desmond, and he quickly found himself in an isolated place... Except for the Inquisitor's body... Like they were being pulled through a gateway once more...[/b]

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  • [i] Desmond screamed as his flesh seared and was flayed from his body, but the energy held onto the Inquisitor's body. He wasn't letting him go, no matter where the hell they were, or where the hell they ended up[/i]

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  • [b]Then... They were on the ground, back at the court, a small group surrounding them.[/b] [i]Let go now, Desmond...[/i] [b]Chloe's soothing voice crept into his mind even though she spoke no words...[/b] [i]It's over...[/i] [b]His pain began to subside as the Inquisitor's power disappeared, only to be replaced with Chloe's own abilities, the healing process like warm water over his entire being... It would hurt, but he wouldn't die...[/b]

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