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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/13/2016 1:18:33 AM
A flare of blue flame rose up in front of the gates of the Dojo. A youthful man rose from the fire, looking to be around 20-25. However, atop his tanned Filipino skin sat hair slightly spiked near the front, plagued by grey strands. His eyes were hazel, but they seemed aged; full of experience. He wore a leather overcoat that didn't seem to be made from any regular animal, perhaps some sort of reptile? In one hand was a wooden [i]bokken[/i] katana, which heavily contrasted with the mechanical katana sheathe at his waist which bore a fuel barrel and gun trigger. In his other hand was a revolver - a Mateba of some kind, engraved with various flourishing designs. "Do you seek entrance, traveller?" His voice was calm and inviting, but sounded like it had not been used for centuries.

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  • [i]Jackson studied the man. He noted the armor, and the weapons that were visible. However, what he took specific note of was the eyes. The stranger's eyes held a sly intelligence, already, he was certain, studying the General and figuring how best to murder him.[/i] "[b]I am seeking shelter here. I have just encountered a rather nasty mercenary, and would like to rest for a time.[/b]"

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  • Contrary to what the man thought, there was no immediate hostility in this man's eyes. He may have had the experience of a fighter, but he carried himself with a more reserved tone. Like a diplomat of some kind. "A run-in with a mercenary, you say? I see. I'm no man to turn a wary traveler down, but there is one rule I'm afraid. To gain entrance to the Dojo, one must prove their mettle by combat." He flicked open the barrel to his revolver and placed five dummy rounds that held red paint. "My apologies, you must be tired after such an encounter. But allow this old bird a good fight, at least."

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  • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 11/13/2016 1:48:53 AM
    [spoiler]This is a nanite-enhanced, cracked up old war general from the 1800's tossed into the realm of sci-fi. Boy's got NO chill factor, just FYI.[/spoiler] "[b]I would be fine with that. However, I do not have on me any dummy rounds, and my blades are sharp. Could I have a round, I only need one, and can you be healed from any bladed wound?[/b]" [i]He said, his scowl deepening as he drew his Tomahawk and Flintlock. Strangely enough, outside of it's holster, the gun looked surprisingly modern.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Gotcha laddie.[/spoiler] "I can spare a few dummy rounds, but fret not of my well-being, traveler. I will be quite fine. I, however, am worried about yours. Do you have a means of healing from blunt trauma or bruises?" The man twirled his wooden katana, leaving a red line on the ground below him. More mock-fight paint.

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  • [i]For the first time since this strange encounter had begun, Jackson's permanent scowl had been broken. However, his face now bore a humorless grin, his eyes as those of a shark. He spoke, his voice having a flat tone to it as his face set quickly into its usual frown.[/i] "[b]I only need the one round, sir. And rest assured, I can recover from bruises and blunt force trauma.[/b]"

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  • "I would be happy to oblige you then," the man says as he tosses a single .454 paint round towards Jackson. "Another object of contention - do you have means of recovering from burns and slashes?" The man knew the look that overcame the general. The look of a killer, one he had looked at many times before. Yet his eyes and expression still stayed the same, calm and peaceful. As if he could just as easily talk things over with the ex-president.

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  • [i]He likely could have. Jackson was a killer, not an idiot, and new to be extra wary of this opponent because of his calm demeanor. He caught the bullet, then dropped it down the barrel of the pistol. The sound of gears working is heard, then silence. Jackson turns, extending his left arm and firing at a wall. To his satisfaction, red paint is left. He turns and nods at the man.[/i] "[b]I'm rather alligator-skinned. I should be fine, as long as its not fatal.[/b]" [i]He took a quick minute to glance around, noting the terrain, surrounding buildings, and other such important details. He nodded, as the chosen ground should be fine.[/i] [spoiler]Could you describe surroundings? You're more familiar than I am.[/spoiler]

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  • The General was in a nice dirt clearing outside of two great gates that were surrounded by massive walls. Trees stood tall behind the two, but most of them were far away. "It would be my pleasure then to oblige your true instinct I see in your eyes," the man said with a slight smile. He held out his wooden katana as it burnt away with cobalt flames, revealing a much more graceful weapon. A katana adorned with Oriental etchings, with Celtic knots decorating the grip. It was the katana that the empty scabbard by the man's side was missing. "It would be an insult to use a weapon such as a [i]bokken[/i] against a man with metal."

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  • [i]The Seminole's Wrath thrummed slightly, as though excited. It's vibration blade would cut through most metals. He reacted to the thrum, letting off a string of shots with his flintlock, aimed deadeye on the chest of the warrior. No attempts for a fancy headshot here, he could tell this would be a mistake. Instead, he focused center mass.[/i]

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  • The man turned around and allowed his coat to be bombarded by the rounds. Strangely enough, each of them either bounced off or got stuck in the thick material the coat was made out of. It wasn't a regular overcoat, that was for sure. He responded in kind and fired 3 dummy rounds at AJ before stepping forward, dragging his sword through the dirt, and finally slashing upwards to release a wave of cobalt flame and hot ash directly towards the president.

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  • [i]After he fired, Jackson sprinted forward, dodging the responding shots to the right before continuing. As the fire approached, he rolled under it, closing the gap swiftly. He caught the blade in the hook of his tomahawk, the angle formed between the head and hilt of the axe. With the man's aim obscured by his own shoulder, and his right handed weapon caught, Jackson took the opening, pistol whipping the man with the butt of his flintlock.[/i]

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  • The man brushed his head back with the direction of the pistol whip to lessen the impact of the blow. Knowing that he won't be making use of his sword anytime soon, the man tossed his pistol into the air and quickly slid his palm along the sharp side of his blade. A gout of blue flame spewed forth from the wound. It shot towards the General and at this distance would most likely scorch his eyes and any exposed skin. Not waiting to see the results the man grabs the barrel of AJ's flintlock and puts his thumb between the hammer of the pistol. Even though it was semi-automatic, this would test if the weapon still relied on its hammer mechanism.

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  • [i]The General's nanite enhanced skin held, though a black singe was left. 94% shields left, read his eyes. He refocused the nanites accordingly to protect vitals. While he does this mental practice, he thrusts up with all his might, lifting both pairs of arms and weapons well above their heads. He leaps, jump kicking the man in the chest with both legs fully extended. The impact dislodged them, dropping Jackson on his back and sending the other man flying as his body took the force of a fully grown silverback gorilla punching him in the chest.[/i]

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  • The man stumbled back from the blow, surprisingly not all-too damaged. While any normal man would have had shattered ribs, the man wore a Kevlar and ceramic vest underneath an overcoat made from a slain dragon's wings. He slid back as he touched his bruised chest and applied intense heat from his burning hand, wincing but knowing that the controlled heat of his own fire would rehabilitate his muscles. The man retrieved his sword and caught his pistol in one hand as it fell back down to the earth. "You're no amateur, that's for sure. You've done this before," he said with a genuine smile. He sheathes his sword while holstering his revolver in a flash. The man squeezes the gun trigger on his scabbard and draws his sword with a flare of blue embers. A wave of fire is sent towards AJ by the mere speed of the sword being drawn. He draws his revolver once more and stabs it into the ground, setting the area around himself alight with more cerulean flame. The burnt earth turned to ash and began to rise peculiarly...

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  • [i]Again, that humorless grin splits Jackson's face as he spun, loosing eight shots at the crouched figure, his aim sure. The paint erupted, catching fire on the man and acting as a mildly annoying explosive round substitute.[/i]

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  • Eight shots that all impacted with some grey avian with specks of blue. It appears that the man hadn't intended for the fire to hurt AJ, but to distract him. The ash from the fire that burnt the ground formed into sparrows made of glowing cinders, their eyes burning with fire. While eight of them detonated in a small flash of blue flame, about a dozen of them continued to fly towards Jackson. With a quick draw, the man fired 3 shots from his revolver before dashing towards Jackson and slashing from the ground upwards across his body as the sparrows rushed him, hopefully overwhelming him enough to allow him to strike without much interference.

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  • [i]Acting quickly, he tossed his pistol to his left hand, reverse gripping it, while he dropped the flintlock. His right hand dashed into his satchel, pulling out an impact grenade, which he tossed into the midst of the flock. The shots landed, heavily drawing the shields, 84% for the two landed shot. The resulting explosion was high up, but enough to knock the rushing man a little. Not enough to force him down. However, it was enough to add the second he needed, using his tomahawk to catch the blade in its swing. He smacked away the man's gun hand away before chopping him with the flat of his hand in the throat.[/i]

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  • His hand would've made contact as well, if not for the ashen sparrow that crashed into it and made his fingertips barely touch the man. Simultaneously he holstered his revolver and kicked AJ's flintlock backwards into the burning earth. He then used his free hand to half-sword his burning katana, wincing at the heat of the ceramic blade, and manipulating it so that it used the hooking part of the tomahawk as an axis. He then drove his left hand forward, pushing the upper part of the katana into Old Hickory and across his collarbone. The heated metal would indeed cut deep, but the wound would also be soaked in napalm, allowing for the fires from the sword to stay quite adherent to the sides of AJ's wound.

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  • [i]The man's sword cut him, but not as deep as it would have, as the right hand of Jackson hit the man's left elbow causing it to contract enough. The air escaped his lungs as the Old General jumped, driving his knee into the weakened spot from his drop kick. Even as he did this, Old Hickory shifted the tomahawk to regular grip, granting him greater strength and control over the two melee weapons struggling for dominance.[/i]

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  • The man was knocked back slightly due to the president's knee, but was mostly protected from the ceramic plate placed in his Kevlar vest. But judging from the nudging point of the ceramic budding into his body, the man knew it wouldn't last for another blow. The remaining sparrows gathered around the man's fist and flared with a bright blue flame, creating a Caestus of hardened cinder barbed with flaming spikes. He uppercutted Jackson in an attempt to knock him a few feet up in the air, or at least backwards. While doing this he let go of his sword and quickly drew his revolver, firing a volley of rounds at the president.

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  • [spoiler]I'll assume he used a full mag/six shots.[/spoiler] [i]As he was punched, his hand dropped the tomahawk. His exposed back was swiftly covered, tanking the five of the six shots, though at a severe cost of 34% to his shielding, and one shot made it through to graze his side. He landed on his back, reaching in to his satchel, pulling out a large particle cannon, which he transferred quickly to his left hand. His right hand deftly pulled out his General's saber as his left fired a shot to prevent a charge.[/i]

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  • He did not deviate from his position. In fact, he raised his sword and took a European Ochs stance with his katana, keeping the blade eye-level while pointing it towards AJ. The blast from the particle Cannon is somehow... Absorbed into the blade. For that moment an unnatural presence fills the air. Just for a moment, everything about the man seemed plain wrong. As if his mere existence was a heresy in itself. But that moment flickered out of existence as the fires on his katana grew in size and seemed most definitely greater. "Apologies, my good sir. I abhor the ability but it seemed most fitting to put myself on equal footing." He twirled his sword and raised it once more, pointing it to Jackson. Whatever he had done, it had empowered his weapon with the level of technology imbued in Jackson's weapons.

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  • [spoiler]So it is the guy I'm thinking of. Should have used Fenrir.[/spoiler] [i]Jackson rolled onto his back, the forward again, planting his feet and springing up from his toes onto his heels. He replaced the particle cannon in the satchel, and as he pulled his left arm back, he transferred the saber into it. His right hand reached in, rustled a bit, the returned empty. Jackson looked at his bag and frowned, before turning to look at the man.[/i] "[b]Hrrmph.[/b]" [i]went his singular response. In his mind, suspicion coiled like an old timber rattler. Something was f*cky with this character, and the snake could taste it on its tongue. The General leaned back into a pre pouncing crouch, then struck, his fangs out in the form of his sword slashing down across the man's torso from right shoulder to left hip. His other hand reached behind him.[/i]

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  • Edited by Chinkronomicon: 11/15/2016 3:35:33 AM
    He allowed the sabre to cut across the hard coat covering his chest as he smiled. A genuine happy smile, not out of cockiness or sarcasm; enjoyment of the fight. Halfway through Jackson's slash he turns his blade to himself and stabs through his own stomach, impaling himself. Waves of extremely hot flame radiated off of the man as AJ felt heat rising up by the nanosecond... With another flare, two great wings of pure blue flame erupted from his back. He then brought his sword forth quickly from his own stomach, pommel smashing Jackson in the solar plexus with his katana whilst grabbing his sabre hand with his free arm. He then formed an ashen dagger from the blood coming out of the wound Jackson caused and stabbed it into the elbow of the hand reaching behind. They were once again in a CQC deadlock, but it seemed that the stranger had the upper hand this time.

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  • [i]Jackson grinned, the thrill gripping himself as well, as he smashed his right hand into the man's face, a round object left there. At the same time, he used the slight disorientation to kick his opponent once more in the chest, sending him flying. He landed again in the dirt, coughing, and looked up to see the round object stuck to the man's head. An K0 grenade (cryogenic grenade that releases a few dozen grams of He at 0 degrees Kelvin, drawing in heat to replace the cold, freezing anything within a certain radius), taken by sleight of hand from the satchel earlier, detonated on the man, absorbing the flames to fill the vacuum of cold that had erupted. Jackson waited for it to settle before rushing, the General's Saber vibrating as the Seminole's Wrath had.[/i]

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