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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/3/2016 3:26:33 AM
"Chicken Noodle is fine. A simple but delicious soup." He said, slowly opening the door to the kitchen. Leone felt a bit..strange, like the self realization of being short finally hit him. But nonetheless he opened the door fully and held it open for Ry to enter.

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  • "Thank you." [b]She walked through the door, having to have to duck a little to not hit her head. She'd already cut herself a bit when setting up the Halloween decorations, didn't want to hurt herself even more. Inside, the kitchen was huge. It was more of a restaurant. Large oak tables lined the interior, and a Saiyan walked over to the door, he was wearing a green gi, and his hair spiked in all directions. Ry jumped and was shaking a little, so he turned to Leone instead.[/b] ???: "Hello. Wait, weren't you in here the other day? Yeah, you ordered that plain cake, didn't you?"

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  • Leone's eyes darted between the Saiyan and Ry, until they rested on the Saiyan. "Uh..Yes, yes we did." He said honestly while his Stand, Holy Diver formed behind him. It towered over practically everyone in the kitchen, though little to none saw it. Leone didn't intend of harming the Saiyan, it was more of a unconscious decision really as it stared down with a blank expression.

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  • "Heh. Thought so. Well, let's get you two seated." [b]He led them over to a table near the front of the Kitchen, right beside a window. Sunset seeped in through the glass, and he sat them down at their table. He got out a notepad.[/b] "What will you guys have?" [b]Ry spoke, her voice a little shaky.[/b] Ry: "I'll have chicken noodle soup, please."

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 11/3/2016 4:32:41 AM
    The Stand disappeared as Leone relaxed. It was just a natural thing for Leone whenever he finds someone or something threatening to him. "I'll also get chicken noodle soup." He said, somewhat quietly though. Leone did notice that Ry actually spoke to someone else rather clearly than she did when she first met Leone and thus slightly smiled.

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  • Saiyan: "Aight. I'll be out with it in about... Five minutes." [b]He walked off, into a door at the back of the kitchen. Ry looked at Leone, she was just as surprised as he was that she spoke to someone without stuttering besides him. It was very surreal to her.[/b] "Leone! I did it! I talked to someone!"

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  • "Yeah!" Leone said going up to hug her to congratulate her. He was..proud of her really. Proud of the fact she made a large step forward in getting over her fear. "I'm glad you did it Ry.."

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  • [b]She hugged him close. She was very proud of herself, she'd never really done that before, save with Leone. Even then, it took a little chipping to get her to talk normally.[/b] "I can't believe I did it! I'd never guessed I'd be able to! I'm so proud of myself!" [b]She hugs him a little tighter.[/b]

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  • Leone hugged back, smiling wide. "I'm very happy for you're one step further into getting over your fear of others!" He exclaimed, resting the side of his head of her uh..bosom so he could talk. Eventually he let go, Leone wasn't really embarrassed this time due to barely anyone being in there besides the two of them and the Saiyan in the kitchen.

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  • [b]She sat down, and looked around, but there wasn't much to see. She didn't know who she could say stuff to the Saiyan. He just seemed, unable to hurt people. Peaceful, if you will. Ry waited for Leone to sit downZ[/b]

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  • Leone took a seat next to Ry, resting his hands on the table. "You's nice, just the two of us. Being able to express ourselves to each other.." He said, now tapping the table in a small rhythm as he waited with Ry. "It's just that I..that I....l-love you...a lot. You're the only person that g-gets me." Leone said, somewhat quietly though. He took in a deep breath. "I don't know what I'm saying here.."

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  • "Oh Leone... Leone... I..." [b]It was as if Ry was struggling to find words. She was actually blushing now, bright yellow in her cheeks. She liked him too. She liked him a lot. She wasn't sure if it was love, but she would like to stay with him. It might just be hard to say it, really. It was a big thing for her to say... She decided she was going to say it. She reaches over, and tangles her hand in Leone's. She gave his hand a squeeze, and finally speaks.[/b] "Leone... I... I really, really like you..."

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  • Leone turned his head to look at Ry, he was trying to find the correct words to say to her. He swallowed and spoke, albeit nervously. "A-and I like you a lot....too. I-i don't know what I'd y'know?" Leone said, closing his eyes and sighing. " both a friend....and...partner." He wanted to say the word girlfriend but he couldn't find it, even if it was at the tip of his tongue.

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  • [b]Ry looked right at him. She couldn't find words. None. None would come, and she didn't think any would ever come. She just stared at him, a stupid smile plastered across her face. She was happy he had said this. She felt the same way. She just... Couldn't find words to describe her feelings. She went with a simple phrase.[/b] "I... I love you too, Leone..."

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  • Leone smiled widely as he opened his eyes again. He was in disbelief that he found someone he had.. Feelings for. That's not to say he was an emotionless robot, no. Ry was someone he had more feelings for than anyone else. You could say he got a feeling so complicated. [spoiler]Bad Duwang joke is bad.[/spoiler] "Thank you, a lot Ry. I guess...we're official now?"

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  • [b]Ry had never thought she'd develop feelings like this for someone. She'd been so introverted, so terrified... But now she was in a healthy relationship with someone... Who'd have thought, huh? She'd never thought in a million years that this would ever happen.[/b] "Yes, Leone. We are a thing."

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  • "That's great for the both of us!" The Stand user said, somewhat squeezing Ry's hand. It was both exciting and strange to Leone, seeing how didn't have much experience with dating and such. Truthfully, if he summoned his Stand right now it'd probably be grinning like a lil shit too. "But I think..we should probably take it a bit slow... To be safe. When I kissed you on the cheek back there that was kind of too fast of me to do."

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  • "Yeah... Maybe a little... Let's just stick to his and holding hands for now, okay? I don't wanna rush anything and ruin this for us... That'd be a tragedy to fit the likes of Shakespeare. Heh. Leone, what do you say that we go back him after this and just hang out? Just the two of us." [b]Ry was grinning and blushing, and she was looking straight in Leone's eyes. She wanted to stay with him forever... It really would end up like a Shakespearean tragedy if they ever broke up. Ry's frail feelings probably wouldn't even be able to take Leone leaving for a little but. And that's when the Saiyan burst through the door, and sat two bowls of chicken noodle soup down in front of them.[/b] Saiyan: "Hope you two lovebirds enjoy your meal. Just leave your bowls there when you're done." [b]He runs back into the actual kitchen part of the kitchen.[/b]

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  • "Um..thanks?" Leone said, slowly letting go of Ry's hand to grab his spoon. He was about the same with Ry, though if it was for a small while he wouldn't be extremely sad. "Y'know, I'd tell you to wait before eating your soup but you can handle it." He smiled, though he didn't necessarily blush as he did a small pattern. Scoop the soup with his spoon, blow on it to cool it down, eat and repeat. "I wouldn't mind heading back home either, it is kind of late."

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  • [b]She ate some of her soup, and as expected, she did just eat it without blowing on it. She liked the soup, it definitely tasted better than the normal rations.[/b] "Yeah, it really is. So, it's agreed? We go home after this?"

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  • "Yeah. You like your soup? Because I am." Leone said, still doing the same process. Truthfully he was figuring out what to talk about with Ry.

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  • "Yeah... Mine's pretty good." [b]She ate her soup, mostly in silence for the next little time. She didn't really have anything else to talk about. She waited for Leone to finish his.[/b]

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  • Eventually Leone's soup started to cool down to the point where he wouldn't burn his mouth as he ate. It was just an Edgy looking Vampire and an Alien dressed as a Devil. What an odd sight. He finished up his Soup and merely waited on Ry.

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  • [b]Ry stood up, and looked over at Leone. [/b] "Hey, since its Halloween and all, couldn't we watch a scary movie with a reason this time? That'd be nice." [b]Ry seemed very happy. She knew about what would happen. She would get scared, then cling on to Leone. It would be nice.[/b]

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  • "I would love that. But uh..when we get home, I'm going to change into something more comfortable. Because honestly this outfit is cold and uncomfortable." Leone said, grinning as he got up. "Shall we?" He offered his hand out to Ry.

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  • [b]She wrapped hers around his, a wide smile across her face.[/b] "We shall indeed." [b]She lead him out the door, happy that the events of tonight had transpired. She didn't have quite the Halloween bash she'd wanted, but this was a close second. They got back to the ship with no incident, save for a few stares and mumbled words. Ry broke from Leone's hand when they got in the ship, and headed towards her room.[/b] "I'll be back out soon. Just don't start the movie without me, okay?" [b]She walked into her room, shutting the door.[/b]

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