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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/29/2016 7:57:36 PM
[i]Remy sat calmly at the top of a tree in the Dojo forest area, the mountains stretching out behind him. His sky blue eyes looked at the brilliantly blue sky as the sun beamed down on the lad. Rem was currently wearing a simple attire, albeit.. strange attire. He was wearing an open, lengthy, black leather longcoat, with a white tuxedo thingy underneath it, an equally white.. shawl thingy around his neck, one of the ends drooping down his chest to the collarbone. Belts crossed his chest, for some unknown reason - perhaps it was part of the outfit. A brilliantly rose red.. rose sat in the pocket on the left of his chest, the flower looking like it was freshly picked. At his hands was a pair of lengthy, dark brown gloves, the ends disappearing in the sleeves of the longcoat. At Remy's legs was pair of dark brown pants, stripes of metal crossing the thighs, with two plates covering the knees - for protection purposes; he probably had more underneath his longcoat and top. At the man's feet was a pair of dark brown, leather boots, covering his legs up to the bottom of his knees. Diagonally across Remy's back was a black sheath made from hardened leather, the metal cruciform of a seven foot greatsword sticking out of it. He seemed lost in thought, really. Eyes slightly unfocused as they peered at the white, fluffy clouds in the sky, a peaceful grin across his face.. If only his dearest, Olivia, was here.. Remy shook those thoughts away as he heard rapid footsteps below him - or, well, diagonally to his right and a meter or fifteen away. The young man waited for a moment or two, the footsteps stopping about.. ten meters away, in an open area of the forest. Then, a panicked, feminine voice spoke up, making Remy narrow his eyes and listen intently.[/i] "Go, Emily! I'll hold him off!" [i]A second, much younger - but equally panicked and feminine - sounding voice spoke,[/i] "Hell no, Leif! I can't do that.. You're my best friend.. One of the few who doesn't judge me for my problem.." "Emily!" "No, Leif. I'm staying, and I'm helping.. He'd catch up to me anyways.." [i]Remy's mind started to race.. Just, what was happening? Two.. girls, both sounding fairly young, were running? From who? A man.. Rem knew that much.. But, again, who? He'd seen a few bounties.. One on this so-called "Jack".. Could he be who the two were fleeing from? Remy wanted to find out, and thus he slowly started making his way down the tree, miraculously not making a single noise - all thanks to a little ring he had. Once at the bottom, Rem hid in the shadows, watching from the dark, his attire making him practically invisible. And, what he saw.. Two people were standing side-by-side in the open area not too far. One of the two was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans with a white sweater, as well as a pair of black and white sneakers - though, the most eye-catching thing was her hair. Rainbow coloured, curly, and long enough to reach to the short girl's lower back. The second of the people, a woman with.. blue skin, was wearing a loose-fitting, maroon blue T-shirt, and a pair of beige cargo shorts - yes, cargo shorts - and a pair of black army boots. She stood at a very impressive height of seven feet, her pure white hair reaching to her lower back - much like with the first girl. The person the two were fleeing from came quick enough. A tall man came bursting through the bushes, his entire, muscular body covered by a suit of grey armour, black rims accentuating the grey. Jack's right forearm was.. very strange. It was fleshy, uncovered by the armour, and shaped like a jagged blade, the edge being a dark black and razor-sharp. The newcomer charged at the two girls, his heavy, metal boots thudding on the dirt, green grass covered floor. Emily was the first to react, her right arm yanking a three feet long rapier from a sheath at her left hip. The rapier then caught on fire, flames covering the entire blade. The girl was moving very, very fast - at least fifty miles per hour - within the first ten steps, after which she only kept on speeding up, the rapier extended out in front of her. Jack smirked behind his skull-shaped helmet, the crimson red Plexiglas that filled the two eye sockets shining evilly. He lunged forwards, the shielding that covered his armour tanking the hit of the impacting rapier, making the tip slide down as Emily.. well, she couldn't stop in time, nor could she dodge the blade that came from the right. Her head was gone in a split second, flying to the left with a waterfall of blood, staining the grass crimson. Emily's body turned into a fountain, blood pouring from her neck as her body went limp, crashing into Jack who continued his charge. Emily's body was shoved to the right, hitting the ground with a soft thud as more blood pm blood continued to flow. Remy found it weak how quick the girl was utterly annihilated. Leif.. well, Leif just turned around and started to sprint on out of there. She was unarmed and alone. She wouldn't be able to do much.. ..but, well, Jack wasn't having any of that shit. The German's blade-arm-thing started to shift and bubble, the blade molding back into a normal forearm - though the hand was just a spike, razor-sharp hooks of hardened biomass covering it. He threw his "hand" at the fleeing girl's back, the forearm extending very quickly, being like a tendril. The tip rammed through Leif's chest, just barely missing the spine, but shattering two ribs. Locust then yanked his arm back, making Leif keel over as her body was yanked back, the hooks tearing through her flesh, leaving a giant, messy hole. She stumbled to the floor, hitting the grass with a thud of her own, blood pouring from her wound. The Näzi came to a skidding stop, started to walk back to the open area of the forest, where he squatted down at Emily's side, a grim and muffled chuckle coming form the gunmetal grey helmet. It was at this moment that Remy left the shadows, his right hand grasping the cruciform of his sword, and sliding it out of the sheath with a slow, loud "shhhhiiiink" as metal slid past leather. Jack, immediately alarmed, turned his head and upper body to the cause of the noise, a sickening smile crossing his hidden face.[/i] "I challenge thee," [i]Remy said with a calm, loud voice once he was right feet away,[/i] "To a duel. A duel that shalt last until the very moment one of us two leaves this world. To the death." [i]This caught Jack's attention.. Oh yes, it certainly did. He was honourable, surprisingly enough, so he'd stick to just a sword-arm to fight this man. The German slowly got up, turning to Remy as his fight forearm transformed back into a four feet long, jagged blade. His armour then started to bubble and shift, forming a T-shirt and a pair of baggy pants, both grey and with black rims.[/i] "Fair is fair, ja? [i]Jack spoke calmly to Rem as the two men approached one another, the Chosen Undead giving a simple nod. Now I'm just gonna skip this because Jesus Christ writing the post is hard when you have to pause every two minutes to think of what to write. An hour later, Remy was sitting on the Dojo Wall - by the Gate, to be exact. His longcoat and pantaloons were splattered with crimson red blood, long since dried up, Jack's helmeted head at his left side.[/i] [spoiler]Open. Now, this post was hard to write for me because I'm both lazy and suffering from moderate writer's block, so pls no judgement. Pls.[/spoiler.]

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