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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/19/2016 4:07:48 AM
[i]"Well... Might as well use my newest toy while I have a chance... Cant keep it a secret forever..."[/i] [b]Damien's armor over his right arm slowly peels back, revealing the cloth wrapped limb... Then, he begins to process of peeling off the cloth, revealing a shining new augment... One with speaker like disks on the back, knuckles, fingertips, side of the wrist, and palm...[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [i]"Let's get a little super sonic..."[/i] [b]Damien's ability to control sound had just recently found an appropriate outlet... A powerful new arm that contorted the waves into accurate blasts or amplified the wave output.[/b]

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  • "That was so cheesy D." [i] Ian said with a laugh, raising his glowing green hands, the half dozen lumps of iron following. With a twist, they instantly contorted and twisted, morphing into six, five foot fully iron spears that Ian sent hurtling at Damien from a half dozen different angles. [/i]

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  • [b]Damien waited for the spears to get in range before punching the air, a soundwave condensing around his fist and destroying the spears like they were twigs.[/b] [i]"That... Is so rewarding..."[/i] [b]He grinned and launched a soundwave outwards towards Ian, the air warping around the blast.[/b]

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  • [i] Even though Damien had destroyed the iron spears, he hadn't disintegrated them. And thus, Ian was still able to use the metal. With a flick of his fingers, the millions of pieces of iron formed in front of him and stuck together into a flat iron wall. Ian had gotten a B- in Science, but last time He checked metal reflected sound. Especially flat metal.[/i]

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  • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/21/2016 1:39:14 AM
    [b]While the metal stopped the blast, it shattered like glass, noise surrounding Ian but not hurting him...[/b] [i]"Clever... Then let's step it up a notch..."[/i] [b]Damien quickly launched forward, throwing his arm behind him and creating a wave to propel him forward, barreling towards Ian.[/b]

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  • [i] Ian held out his right hand, blue energy bursting forth from his shoulder and swirling down his arm in a fancy twisting fashion. The iron that Damien had just shattered flew in thousands of pieces to Ian's hand, but instead of cutting him up..they somehow absorbed into his skin. Soon after the iron was done rearranging, Ian's arm was no longer there. It had been replaced by a massive blade that fused to his shoulder and grew downwards.[/i] "Yeah, let's do it." [i] Ian said with a grin, sprinting towards the rushing Damien and swinging his massive blade-arm upwards at him. [/i]

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  • [b]As Damien moved forward, his thrusters powered on and moved him into a red engagement zone, his concussive force doubling as he charged forward fist reeling back as he aimed it for Ian's arm. On top of it, he had collected sound waves around two of his knuckles to keep his momentum and maintain the speed, almost negating wind resistance.[/b] [i]"Ka-Boom..."[/i]

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  • [i] The next things that happened, everything occurred in a matter of moments. Looking back, Ian couldn't acquit it to anything except pure instinct. And a little bit of stupidity. His helmets visor came up in a flash, his emerald green eyes began to glow, the irises getting swarmed in a flurry of gold until they were like liquid gold, glowing. Ian extended his free arm, air gathering around it in a swirl as he initiated his eye seals, and copied Damien's sound ability. Thrusting his palm out to meet Damien's fist, he let loose the biggest blast of sound energy he could muster, and hoped it would be enough to negate his attack. [/i]

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  • [b]Ian's ears immediately went numb and a ringing sensation overtook them as Damien's arm did something... Incredible. It... Absorbed the waves and kept them in a tight ball in the palm, visible sound actually radiating.[/b] [i]"Nice try, kid... But I've got contingencies like they were candy."[/i] [b]Damien holds out his palm, as if daring Ian to make a move.[/b]

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  • "Bastard." [i] Ian mumbled as Damien negated his attack. Of course the guy had contingencies for everything.[/i] "Any chance that arm of yours has any metal in it?" [i] Ian said with a grin, attempting to telekinetically push Damien's arm to the side while he dove the opposite direction away from it. [/i]

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  • [i]"Depends... Biological metals?"[/i] [b]Damien hadn't made that mistake... He had used his two favorite chemical compounds to design his arm... Midnight Rain and Dusk Dew. There was steel there, and some fabrics... But Ian moved it centimeters away... Damien wouldn't fall that easily.[/b] [i]"C'mon, kid... Let's see some water."[/i] [b]Damien grinned under his helmet as he lifted his hand and launched the waves away. He wouldn't fire such things at Ian... That'd be rude...[/b] [b]In the meantime, he had popped his flamethrowers out, blue light coming from a barrel on his wrist. Kerosine fueled infernos...[/b]

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  • "With pleasure." [i] Ian landed the dive with a roll, rolling and facing Damien on one knee. Ian lifted up his free arm, a barrel sprouting from the gauntlet already wet with water droplets. With a flick of his thumb, a massive amount of water at the pressure of a firehouse launched out and blasted towards Damien.[/i]

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  • [b]With a wicked spark, the smell of kerosine filled the air as Damien's fuel tanks unleashed the wrath of his flamethrower upon the water stream, mist and steam immediately rising up as the two extinguished each other on contact. Visibility reached zero as the sound of flame and water colliding deafened everything else...[/b] [b]Then with a click, Damien used a new trick... A flameproof mini rocket ejected from the secondary barrel of his wrist gun, launching toward Ian before splitting into a few hundred tiny orbs that held a anti personal net together. Advanced bola warfare... For the most part...[/b]

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  • [i] Ian, keeping his water trained on Damien's fire onslaught, brought his massive sword arm up and slashed it down in an arc, hoping to be able to cut the bola's net. It was Damien probably not.[/i]

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  • [b]While Ian certainly cut through it... There was still the issue of Damien's overthinking. The instant the net broke, the tiny orbs blew up into an array of different colored smokes, tear gas filling the air immediately... But not just any tear gas... No... This was Damien's own specialty. Carolina Reaper powder mixed with a trace of sulfuric acid and some chlorine... It'd get through filters... And then leave a horrible feeling... He might as well have gone with lethals... Probably less painful...[/b]

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  • [i] The gas infiltrated Ian's filters, sending him into a crying and coughing fit, doubling over in pain, everything forgotten. Damn that shit burned.[/i] "Dammit D!" [i] He sputtered, hacking his lungs up as his orifices felt like they were on fire. [/i]

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  • [i]"It's non-lethal... The worst that'll happen is that you won't taste anything but fire for a few hours."[/i] [b]Damien shrugged and put his arm launchers away, seemingly satisfied with the results of his... Stupid shit. If it got too bad, he'd give Ian a STIM and call it a day.[/b] [i]"Tell me if your nose starts bleeding and you get a headache. Carolina Reaper is strong enough to cause partial brain damage in weak minds."[/i] [b]Damien wasn't joking... But the cases were rare... And the chlorine actually softened the chemical...[/b]

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  • "Great. Nice to know I could end up with Downs." [i] Ian sputters, removing the helmet and attempting to wipe his eyes but it only seemingly makes it worse. [/i] "What kind of bastard uses chili peppers for tear gas?!"

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  • [i]"Hey woah... Not just chili powder. I'm talking Carolina Reapers. Twice as hot as a ghost pepper. It was genetically made and you need gloves to handle it... Figured a non-lethal fight would be a good place to test it."[/i] [b]Sooo... Damien had no real clue how to fight fair, but it made sense. He was an asshole who had grown up succeeding by playing dirty... If it worked, he used it. Sure it wasn't always practical, but utility was a nice feature.[/b]

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  • [i] Ian's nozzle on his gauntlet springs up and sprays a gentle amount of water into his face, seemingly soothing the burning sensation as he drank and let it cool his eyes.[/i] "Certainly effective, that's for damn sure." [i] Ian mutters. To think he'd survived against sound waves being blasted at him, and lost to Carolina reaper tear gas. [/i]

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  • [i]"If it makes you feel any better, I've been working on my non-lethals more anyways..."[/i] [b]With a shrug and crack of his knuckles, Damien motioned for the tank to swoop by, which it did, sliding out the black ramp as Joker still sat inside, busy with something on a holo-pad...[/b] [i]"You two enjoying yourselves?"[/i] [i]"Possibly... Not sure how fun extreme pepper spray is..."[/i]

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  • [i] Ian flips both of them off while still spraying his face with water and blinking excessively. After a few more moments of this, he looks back up and blinks tears away but starts to head for the vehicle.[/i] "Makes me feel real inadequate." [i] He mumbles.[/i]

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  • [i]"Milk works better..."[/i] [b]Joker remarks, implying there was some kind of milk to be found... Even though there wasn't.[/b] [i]"Pfft. When we get back to camp, I'll help you get it taken care of..."[/i] [b]Joker chuckled and set down his holo-pad, Ubonae news flashing across the screen.[/b]

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  • "Yes Joker, because I have a milk gun." [i] Ian says annoyed, climbing aboard the tank and putting his head on his arms, looking at the floor. The burning was still bad, but it was getting bearable. The thing that pissed him off was how easily Damien had handled him. He knew he was strong, but Ian didn't even stand a chance. And it irked to his very core..he needed to be stronger. He never wanted to be helpless again. [/i]

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  • [i]"You should use it more..."[/i] [b]Joker says with a smug tone, making a hand motion that the driver picked up on, bringing the tank to a hurried start.[/b] [i]"If it makes you feel any better, Judge does this to everyone. The general population is his guinea pig."[/i] [b]The driver's soft and almost lyrical voice spoke up from the front, the voice of someone with plenty of common sense, but the same voice that carried a treacherous amount of sadism and underlying disdain.[/b] [i]"Except he likes to put the pigs in the microwave..."[/i] [b]Joker remarked, his humor clearly not... Normal.[/b]

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  • "Definitely doesn't make me feel any better." [i] He mutters to himself, tracing his hand over a spot on his chest absentmindedly. There was a seal there, one with a tremendous amount of power..he just had to unlock it. And so far he'd been unsuccessful.[/i]

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