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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Inflatablepants: 10/17/2016 4:08:00 PM
[b][u]Triple T's Fantastic emporium![/u][/b] [i]Two massive semi trucks with even larger trailers pulled up in front of the dojo steps. Eight small robots hopped out of the back of each trailer, suddenly grabbing massive boxes and rushing up the steps. Tesuto, the red samurai, questioned what is happening. So he walked down the steps to the road, meeting the two men and one woman who have gathered in front of them. The woman seemed rather small in size. Her eyes small and her skin a light yellow. She has long black hair and brown eyes which don't necessarily match her tanned baggy shirt which is tightened under her belt and baggy pants. One of the men is incredibly large, towering at 6'6. His dark skin matte in in the cold fall day. He's completely bald, the only hair on his face being a long black stringy goatee off his chin. His muscles large from what looks like the works of years of working out and what is likely his profession. The third is a rather skinny and short man. His round spectacles being the attention. Grabber. His pale skin matches the thin frost on the ground while his dark red hair is gelled up and no where near his face. Forming a funny looking slick puff on his head. He wears a blue jacket over a red shirt, followed by his blue jeans. He uses his index finger to push up his spectacles as he talks to his peers. [/i] [i]The red Samurai approaches the three diverse figures.[/i] Tesuto: "Ummmm. What is the meaning of this?" [i]The three figures turned from their relaxed discussion towards Tesuto. The Red haired man pushes up his glasses again, observing the warrior.[/i] "An ancient samurai warrior has come to welcome us? How fitting for such a place." [i]The woman soon replied.[/i] "Well, it DOES have very!" "Indeed. I would suppose that's why it is called a 'dojo,' Tina." [i]Tesuto looked at the strange group. Trying to get a word in.[/i] "Errr. What brings you to the dojo?" [i]The black haired woman focused on Tesuto again.[/i] "Ah, sorry about that! The smart one here, and also the biggest asshole, is Tiekel." [i]Tiekel performs a small bow to Tesuto.[/i] "Pleasure." "And the tall brooding one is Tyrese...." [i]The tall man simply looked at the samurai, frowning a bit.[/i] "Ya, he doesn't talk much. And their most attractive and gun-savy leader, Tina!" [i]Tina raised her hands in the air, like a performance.[/i] [i]Tesuto wasn't quite sure how to respond to the three figures. So he simply responded with a question.[/i] "So...what brings you here you three?" Tiekal: "Business, Gatekeeper." Tina: "Oh come on Teek! Stop being so... Well YOU. We are Triple T's fantastic emporium! Here to provide our services to the greatest warriors in the land!" [b]Tyrese clenched his fist in front of him, like it was also a performance.[/b] Tesuto: "And...." [b]The samurai looked at the robots who passed him by.[/b] "What services WOULD that be....?" Tina: "Glad you asked! Teek here is good with anything that has a wire! Or spark of electricity! He thinks he's so smart because he got his PPD." Teek: "PHD, Tina." "Blah blah blah. See what I have to deal with everyday? Anyways. Teek can make anything that has to do with electricity or power. So Exo-skeletons, shields, some guns every now and then, and light bulbs!" [i]She bent her body forward to look at the large man.[/i] "Tyrese, then, can make any type of armour! Light, heavy, chain, leather, super cool techno stuff! He's more with modern armours! So he's uh...a really big fan of Kevlar!" [i]Tyrese raises his thumb for his own self approval.[/i] "Otherwise, if you need protection? He's got you covered!" [i]Tina stands up at attention.[/i] "And I'm A master gunsmith! Need ammo? Need...GUNS?! I can make em any way you want! Semis? Autos? EXPLOSIVES?! I gotcha covered!" [i]Tesuto looks at the three in approval.[/i] "Well...courtyard A3 is fairly empty... We would be happy to have you three here at the Dojo!" Tina: "Faaaaaantabulous! Good thing you said that! We've already started moving in! Let's go guys!" [i]The three T's walked past Tesuto, Tina smiling, Tyrese silent, and Teek already buried in one of his books.[/i] Tesuto: "What a strange group...." [spoiler]Open if ya wanna talk to them![/spoiler]

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