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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/13/2016 1:52:19 AM
[b]The knight of no achievement looked over at the trio. His armor was standard issue steel, with all the ups and downs would expect. It was the basest model of knightly metal, the only flair given by the various cuts, burns, and torn up section of the blue cape on back. His sword lay on his back, a great sword more specifically. A shield of sorts rested over it, with the sprawling design of a dragon upon the front. The last weapon was a bow over his shoulder, knives, arrows and for bombs around his waist. He sighed and with a laugh, commented on your appearance.[/b] Man, you guys look like the start of a bad joke! [b]An awkward silence ensued, causing the man, or more specifically, young man, to cough. His accent was that of a farm boy, one who spent his youth grinding the land, and feeding animals. Though it did not mean he was uneducated, it showed where he was from. [/b] So uh, how are ya fellows? [b]Another cough. [/b]

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  • [quote]Tauros: A bad joke... heh, the ending of which is the punch line; also the end of your sad joke of a life. Gemini: Grandpa! Don't be talking to the young'uns like that, y'hear? Scorpio: Accent Identified. Downloading... Gemini: Oh no Scorpio please don- Scorpio: Howdy y'all. I reckon we haven't met. Name's Scorpio. Scor. Pio. What ranch you own near this fine esta-belish-mant?[/quote] [i]The rifleman's voice was nearly monotone, making the accent eerie and quite hilarious. Gemini's eyes turned a joyous green, his body bent over in laughter. Holding a metal hand up, eyes still down, he tried to recover himself.[/i] [quote]Gemini: Oh god. Oh my god. You NEED to do that shit again. I swear that was the best thing I've ever heard.[/quote] [i]The giant war mech grunted, a mechanical noise quite harsh to the ears, and he stomped the ground causing it to rumble under his immense weight. The other two shook their heads, standing at attention quite quickly. Scorpio let out a few -beeps!- and -boops!-, looking around a little dazed. It amazed the knight how one so disoriented could shoot the huge rail-rifle on his back.[/i] [quote]Tauros: Enough. Anyways, we're quite good. Your name?[/quote] [i]The giant mech was quite blunt and stubborn, a short fuse at that. The ninja seemed to be comedic and goofy, yet light on his feet. And the rifleman was just... odd.[/i]

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  • [b]Folloring the event with a somewhat dreary stare, his helmet shook so the knight could clear his head. He made no move to the weapon, considering the giant's threat, but simply stated for a moment.[/b] We're instructed not to give names out to new arrivals. Evil demons and stuff you know? But I'm sure I could help ya with somethin' else? I haven't been here long myself but, well golly! It's certainly a challenge. [b]The knight kept relaxed, as taught. Even in obvious loss situations, act calm, brave. Pretend to have something you don't.[/b] But really, I'm no servant, but I'm sure I could answer a few!

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  • [quote]Tauros: Sure as hell'd be safer to call me demon. I'm much worse, anyways. Scorpio: He means nothing by his threat. He is just cranky. Tauros: The -blam!- did you just call me? Gemini: Oooooooook bad start here. Scorpio: Accent Identified. Downloading...[/quote] [i]Scorpio looked to you, his eyes flickering as he processed the young knights accent. Gemini just facepalmed, Tauros grunting with dissatisfaction. [/i] [quote]Scorpio: Howdy! We sure got some questions, if you're willing. Where could we find this magician guy? Cloak greener than a good harvest, golden sigils like wheat on a sunny day, all that good stuff. Metal arm, too; more machinery in that thing than my tractor. What you say? Gemini: This is not mockery dude, so sorry. He's figuring out his hardware still and it's... quite funny.[/quote] [i]Gemini laughed, Tauros looking away again. They didn't say much more, though; Scorpio made it clear they were searching for a green cloaked mage all right.[/i]

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