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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/12/2016 6:50:58 PM

[i]Soft, gentle footsteps were heard walking through the carpet of leaves that decorated the mud ground as someone approached the woman. Lucas, who had been exploring, really, heard Keira's call came to, of course, investigate and hopefully give somewhat of a challenge. The man stopped thirteen feet before the woman, allowing her to get a good view at him. He stood at six feet precisely, and had a very lean build - meaning that he was muscular, but not too muscular. He was currently wearing just a pair of camoflauged shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt, along with black army boots. Simple, really. Both his arms and legs were.. forest green and metallic, non organic in every way. Cybernetics. Lucas grinned, his right hand brushing through his short brown hair, before returning to hanging limply at his right side, hovering above an SMG-like gun - though it was absolutely giant, the grip being larger than that of any other gun. It wasn't his only weapon, though. At his lower back was a compact, rifle-like weapon - though it was very small. Diagonally above that, with the butt sticking out from behind Lucas' right shoulder, was a heavy machine gun, the box magazine hiding one hundred twenty 5.56x45 rounds, all coated in plasma.[/i] "I'll be your opponent," [i]He said, voice gentle and suave to the ears.[/i]

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  • *She turns to the voice, chuckling a little bit. She seemed to be 5'10", with a grey shirt, kahakis, and boots. Her black ponytail billowed in the wind.* "I don't want to mess up a cute face like that...but okay." She says, activating a belt on her waist and sliding in a card. [i][Kamen Ride: Kuuga!][/i] *Her armor literally started to form, before they end up covering her head, as she charged at the guy.*

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    "Armour against an unarmoured opponent? I must look real damn threatening, pretty girl." [i]Came Lucas' teasing response, a chuckle following. He then got serious again, right hand wrapped around the grip of the oversized pistol at his side. He took aim at Keira's left knee, and pulled the trigger, firing a single .75, rocket propelled "bullet" that would explode once inside its target. The gun rocked back when the bullet was shot, though the arm remained still, allowing Lucas to very quickly aim at Keira's right knee, and pull the trigger again. [/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/13/2016 12:00:24 AM
    *She explodes, throwing her a few yards back.* "'re strong for such a handsome and...charming guy.." she responds, before snapping out of that state, and inserting another card. [i][Form Ride: Kuuga, Titan!][/i] Her armor looked the same, except it turned purple and silver, a sword forming in her hands, as she charges once more at him, this time jumping up above him, trying to slash Lucas.

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    [i]Lucas simply raised both of his arms in an X shape, blocking the sword - though it damaged the ceramic layer on both arms, and the impact forced him to bend his knees ever so slightly. [/i] "Well, Miss, I may be handsome but you're not so bad looking yourself," [i]Lucas replied, a grin playing around his lightly coloured lips. He then pushed out against the blade, straightened his legs simultaneously. [/i]

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  • *She gets dragged back a few feet, looking at Lucas with a bit of laughter and a smile, though he couldn't' look through the helmet.* "Knew you would come around. I never got a name, though." She answers, pulling out a third card. [i][Final Attack Ride: K-Kuuga!][/i] *Her sword lights up purple, as she moves into a stance, most likely to through that purple wave of energy at him.*

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    [i]Lucas warily starts backing up, twigs snapping under his feet and leafs crunching beneath his weight, light hazel brown eyes focused on the people glowing sword. [/i] "Ah, my name? I'm Lucas. Lucas Fandango.. What's your undoubtedly beautiful name, girlie?" [i]He replied, a soft, amused chuckle accompanying his gently and flirtatiously spoken words, the grin having turned into a smirk. [/i]

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  • "Call me Keira. Keira Venices." She responds, another light chuckle escaping her mouth, as she launched the sword's energy at Lucas, a purple wave going at him.

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    "Venices?" [i]Lucas asked as he took a speedy step to the right - though the energy blast still hit his left side, doing.. Well, I don't know, really. [/i] "Sounds like the city, Venice.. Beautiful place.. Guess the name really does fit you."

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  • [spoiler]*Chloanne hears that from a mile away and instantly appears beside Lucas, showing that hoe he is Chloannes*[/spoiler]

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  • *She chuckles once again, as she slid in another card to her belt.* [i][Kamen Ride: K-Kabuto!][/i] "You are quite charming, aren't you?" Keira replied, as hexagons formed around her previous armor, this time forming a beetle-like humanoid. [spoiler]The photo above is of what the Rider looks like.[/spoiler]

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    "Ah, I'm only charming to the ones that deserve it, Miss Venices.. Like you." [i]Luke responded, another joyous chuckle following his words. He then raised his oversized pistol, and shot another .75 explosive bolt (basically just giant bullets that explode inside a target) at Keira's chest.. Seemed that he still took the battle seriously despite the flirting.[/i]

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  • "Hm..." she responds pulling out another card. [i][Attack Ride: Clock Up!][/i] "You're gonna have to catch me first." Keira taunts towards Lucas, going at high speeds to get him.

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    "Oh, trust me when I tell you I'll do my best, Miss." [i]Was Lucky Luke's response, his own, cybernetic legs starting to quickly move him forwards as his right hand placed the Bolt Pistol at his right hip, magnets holding the gun in place. Lucas clenched his hands into fists - though they remained lowered, not going to swing just yet.. Though a hit would hurt a hell of a lot, considering his strength, and speed of twenty-five miles per hour. [/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/13/2016 11:09:28 AM
    *She sees Lucas charging at her, sliding in a card.* [i][Final Attack Ride: K-Kabuto!][/i] *Her legs became arced with electricity, as she launches a flying kick towards the charging Lucas.*

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    [i]Lucas kept charging at Keira with confidence, knowing that his ceramic covered prosthetics shouldn't be affected by the electricity, because it wasn't wet nor metal. The cyborg then aimed his right shoulder at Keira's feet, throwing all of his weight against them, combined with his speed. The impact made many cracks in Lucas' right arm, and it even sent him sliding back through the mud, his feet having carved straight through the dirt. [/i]

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  • *She was thrown multiple trees away, before skidding against the mud, her armor completely lost. She was back in her human form, panting very heavily, a sharp pain where Lucas had hit her at.* "Damn. I didn't realize that much power can be in a guy..." she says, having her other arm over her shoulder.

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    [i]Jason's left hand rubbed the cracked and battered right shoulder, his fingers trailing over one of the bigger cracks. He then looked up, and back at Keira, a smirk on his lightly coloured lips.[/i] "Lemme tell you a story, Keira.. I, at one point in my many travels, was in this one dimension. In a Daemon - yes, Daemon; not demon - infested ship of absolute death. Now, this ship.. it was a very dangerous place, to say the least. Traps, cultists, Heretics, Daemons.." [i]He took a quick, sharp breath, pausing for a little before continuing, [/i] "Basically, I needed to be strong to survive. Now, before that, back home.. There were bugs. Big bugs.. Arachnids I think they were called.. So, I've always lived a dangerous life. This lead to me being strong."

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  • "You'd probably had it worst then me. When I was in one world, me and my sister Kara were fighting Mexican wrestlers who were killing people. And then the Riders came in (there's was this giant one,) and we kicked the guy to death, and..." she starts actually breathing real quickly, before calming down. "Am I getting too ahead of myself?" She asks.

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    [i]Lucas was listening with great interest, left prosthetic fingers still absentmindedly trailing over the cracks caused by the earlier impact. [/i] "No," [i]He replied, actually quite enjoying Keira's enthusiasm, evident by his amused smile as he listened,[/i] "It's actually quite interesting to hear. Do my a favor and continue."

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  • [spoiler]Skip to around 13:30 for what I'm about to half-reference, half-fake here.[/spoiler] "So, there was this guy who was messing with Kuuga...he nearly killed all of us! Then, me, Kara and the other Riders got bhim back under control, and kicked him into the wall of his own fortress! Then, we all Rider kicked him to death! But...there's more.." Keira explains, before breathing and controlling herself...."Then, we transformed the original Decade into a belt, which got on a giant Rider that turned him into Decade, we all got turned to the cards, and then...KABOOM!" She yells, her face lighting up into a massive smile.

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    [i]Lucas was rather confused as he listened to the tale, though he nodded to tell Keira to go on, a small smile on his face. Once the lass got to the climax of her story, Lucas' smile widened. He enjoyed seeing people happy and excited, and, well, he was glad to be able to help. [/i] "That sounds pretty exciting," [i]Said the communist cyborg with a nod of his head,[/i] "But, what are 'Riders', exactly? And.. Decade? Kuuga?" [i]He felt like asking could never hurt - because, well, she seemed rather passionate about the subject. [/i]

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  • "These are Riders!" She says happily, pulling up two cards. One had a picture of Kamen Rider Kuuga, while the other had a picture of Decade. "They're heroes from the Earth, they protected people for 50 or so years, now, and they are over a hundred of them! At least, I think so..." Keira explained. [spoiler]I could send you pics of the cards, if you'd like.[/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]Yes, please. [/spoiler] [i]Luke inspected the two cards closely, taking a few steps closer with the smile remaining on his face. This all reminded him of.. something from back home. A certain.. TV show.. [/i] "Like the Power Rangers from back home? With the big Riders and the big enemies? Damn.. I'm casually talking with a real life Ranger." [i]He said, softly chuckling afterwards.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/14/2016 5:10:56 PM
    [spoiler] Kuuga Card[url][/url] Decade Card- [url] [/url][/spoiler] "Well...not exactly. Though I did get to work with them a lot of the time..." Keira replies, pulling out a third card that the original Decade got from the equivalent of Power Ranger Samurai. [spoiler]Rekka Daizantou Card (Firesmasher, basically.)-[url][/url][/spoiler]

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    [i]Lucky Luke inspected the third card with care, hazel brown eyes gliding over his two eyes darted back over to meet Keira's. [/i] "That's still cool, though, y'know. Getting to team up with what are basically Power Rangers.. Loved that show when I was a kid."

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